Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Beautiful Bottomless Women Blog
De repronto ... I found Pocoyo promoting a new season "Reflections of Repronto" . Thankfully, these kinds of education and life-streaming video formats had not come to an end. Thank God, "Minchia" and his henchmen (that handsome watch them go all the photo) have decided to close the bar. Thank God, there is a new, fourth and, season of Repronto Reflections. "
As Ramon said Yarrow, in a scene

Now, as I say, a semi-literate bumpkin like me can pretend to be a professor in any neighborhood, you need needy does a new season with Dr. Repronto and introduction to education, from humor and popular culture in every delivery with surprising curiosities that make waking consciousness and see how blind live. At the moment, are posted and two installments (if you ever notice those things later, eh), explains what an evil that gives us even be patriots, and the other ... Well, the other can see it HERE , and I prefer not to tell anything, which is now current. If someday I have a child until she is old enough to enlist in the GOES , rather than enroll in any school, every morning he encasquetaré a video of Dr. Repronto. Sometimes made me mourn, often reflect a closed bathroom door, always laughing, sometimes I have acquired knowledge, even useful, are boring because you have cane, and artists who have claimed. I just do not understand is how he used the Internet before it existed. News programs should end now, and converted therein, a newscast of Pop dramatizes not, nor fazed.
Because it is necessary in these times: Reflections Repronto.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Belly Punching With Vomit
This is young, yes sir, but brave young of pubertal action, these are stories children who suffer, who played the guy. This is not worth setting the ceiling of danger with a story where Pancho just scraped knee in a cave just dubbed "The eyes of Beatrice." That is, this is real adventure, marked by fire and blood. Friend, the ranking continues here and you judged endless. With all of you, the penultimate installment of "Gangs Adventurers" (I decided to do the last two shorter deliveries to work less and maintain tension):
Have you ever thought about those big viejunos driving children to commit outrages and adventurers risking their lives? Whether Isabelita Garcés (Maria's grandmother), whitebait or Paco Martínez Soria, Oscar Aibar as noted in an article on the latter, come to be for the kids, a sort of Disney character superentrañable. What could no one would ever have in mind is that Mr. Director Alfred Hitchcock came to fulfill this role. But let's start from the beginning ...
For anyone absolutely and grapes, "The Three Investigators" is a collection of detective books for boys. The Adventures of Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw and Bob Andrews, who so called garden cress, take place in California, there investigating mysteries, correct injustices and live adventures whose evidence piratical dance between memories such as "The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot" some stained overtones of fantasy, like "The Mystery of the Talking Skull" or other sound directly to the Indiana Jones movie, like "The Mystery of the Silver Spider" (all titles, yes, starting with "The Mystery of .. .. ") Robert Arthur is its creator, and author of the first novels, after his death, William Arden, MV Carey and Marc Brandel (look, look, that has not yet been called his mother to eat) continued the saga. The number rises to 43 volumes and was published in Spain, making milestone in the 70's, by the Editorial Molino (costing 500 pelas) .
Jupiter Jones , groovy name for sure, also known as "Jupe" was the smartass of Pandi. Something like the strategist, the leader, the brain the group. Orphans, almost every chapter extolling his great memory and qualities inferential. Pete Crenshaw was the athlete, the man of action, hard. Of this, did not stop hating highlight the danger, but then he always gets into all the mess (of course). And Robert Andrews was that nobody wanted to ask when I played the three investigators. He was the youngest of the three, the cake of the file, the typical nerd, cabbage, weak and sickly meticulous (like the glasses and beret in "The Untouchables"), that yes, the kid was a calculín and a little machine of the host, eh.
" Okay, okay, yes," you think. Let us therefore to the important thing: Alfred Hitchcock. Why is the full title was always "Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Three Investigators in: Mystery of ..."?, and worse, why out the fronted of this opulent English filmmaker at the top Cover with the face of mystery? Well the explanation is as simple as ugly: the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" enjoyed enormous popularity among the public youth since its inception in 1955. Almost coeval with this program, the library books just wanted to take the reef and thus Hitchcock signed (by at least signed) a brief introduction to each volume. In the books, Crenshaw's father works in the film industry (remember we are in California ) and so must shoehorn, justified the presence of the director himself as a character in the plot at one time or another in the children went to see his queli Hitchcock , aver what counted. Exquisite. Do not forget also that its creator Robert Arthur, worked for several years writing on "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour."
In 2007 and 2009 (n'a ago), there were two films, co-productions between Germany and South Africa (n'a less), about the characters. "The Three Investigators and the Secret of Skeleton Island" and "Three ... and the Secret of Terror Castle " (in film, are no longer mysteries, are secret.) I've been lucky enough to see any , but I would guess as a sort of "Spy Kids" to Europe.
A very popular rarity.
TV series. Some of you will remember it perfectly, because they are of those who hold easily, others who remembered half, took care to find the header in youtube to memory, and there will be less than directly and thus, the title, like that of "The Professor Poopsnagle "(read" pupsnaguel ") do not sound at all. In this latter group, if I speak of Don José María Caffarell , the actor portraying the Doctor Garcia, or I talk about "The Secret Valley" the predecessor on the grill and crossover television, perhaps the thing I still not ringing. But it brings up the red bus flying, and coo a bit As the kids sang at the top (that of "boomboom, Chaca-Chaca, boomboom, Chaca-Chaca, boomboom, Chaca-Chaca-cha ... Bumbuna") and nostalgia persistence alter retinal images taken recently eighties.

Without thinking too much, the kids decide to help the Doctor to find the salamanders six gold . Peter, one of the lads, is the grandson of Professor Poopsnagle, and has secret plans, instructions and annotations that allow them to tune a red bus to make it fly. And so, as crazy kids go to the Doctor s García on a bus that flies without parental permission or anything. In the endless pursuit of the salamanders of yore, live thousand crazy adventures, bordering on fantasy, mythology, science fiction and God knows what else ... From Black to African animism ultratecnología Celtiberian, what I say.
"Professor Poopsnagle's Steam Zeppelin was a co-production 1986 between Australia, Spain and France, but shot in English. Back when the series were shot on film (and film series) and wages were fat, were many "scats" of these, one could count and foreign capital for production (with more) does not depend on the ICAA stables (although there were times when the blast of TVE was like toilet paper: endless). In Spain, entitled "Professor Poopsnagle and The Secret of the Salamanders of Gold" and was released in 1989, after being mined in Australia, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom (incredibly, France did not arrive until 1993)
full of literature, right? (Two of three.) "The Lord of the Flies" is a novel, the first and most celebrated of its author, classic post-war English literature and required reading in British schools. Written in 1954 by Nobel William Golding, a rarity slightly based on Jules Verne entitled "Two Years of Holidays" , tells the story of children who are the only survivors on a desert island after being shot down during the war the plane carrying.
If you remember "The Last Recreo" (see in office no. 10), verify that the novel before us had already been named as a comic book reference. And that is the premise dramatic of both works is more or less similar , with the main difference that if in comic Trillo Altuna and children do not needed nothing more than to sexually mature die here interstices drink wars meanness both mortally own child animal behavior as an allegory after another of what has come to be our society, the World War II and Western civilization in general. Here chavalería form gangs, tribes, families ... rather armies. Manufactured weapons to hunt food, but also to implement violence. It will happen the leadership struggles, abuse of authority by the elderly, the force imposed on the right, the animal and superstition against the intellect and peace. Everything will revolve around an alleged beast. An unknown creature that roams the place that nobody has ever seen but that scares everyone while serving as a cult and plot basis. "The Lord of the Flies" itself, is the name given to the kind of totem built by the kids as an offering to that beast. The symbol is a puppet consisting of a pig's head , who gave chase and intake, skewered on a stick (which of course, be filled immediately fly). All the injustice and lack of maturity the kids will, eventually, even attack each other in tribal wars and killing himself and interstices between them. Memorable is the passage in which the boys (which, incidentally, are all male, there are no girls) killed by lynching one of their own, which then appears on the verge of giddiness, on all fours and covered mud, something like Hommer Simpson when he was mistaken for the Yeti. Or the time when a parachutist confused (the war off the island does not stop throughout the novel) with the monster in question. It is a story of children and, indeed, adventurous butt, but not for children, since "The Lord of the Flies" turns out to be the reflection that, from their point of view, becomes an adult, for adults.
Are there movie? There are two movies and the title track, Iron Maiden ("Lord of the Flies", the hard X-Factor) . The first feature is 1963, written and adapted by Peter Brook, the second Harry Hook, 1990 is . The two English, Brook and Hook., Which also can differentiate the brutalized the well: the former is that which is "color" and the oldest is "black and white." The Brook is enough shit, not that of Hook I've seen.
And in the next installment, my friend, the top three, the head of the ranking, the more adventurous among the adventurers.