After a detachment that has kept me in all social ostracism, return to my den with this question. Eh ... Why?

guess many of you die-hard movie fans, have felt a kind of insulting reaction, a reflex response that translated into words would be "What do you mean what is it?!". Most will have on the tip of the tongue to answer (or several) that they themselves find it crushingly obvious, others are incapable of arguing but nothing concrete, believe to have that answer (and I believe because they have never wanted to in the position to ask the question), and even who will use arguments justifying other means of expression (such as radio serial, literature or the circus) and they seem like enough. But worst of the latter argument is that the art of cinema, you can not keep being an art. It is not like painting, or how to write, even as a record. It's fucking expensive and, if not industry, is not. Architecture is also expensive, but will be having a really handy utility (live protected from the weather.) Continued explaining.
If anything we should thank those speeches Alex de la Iglesia gave as president in the past Goyas (in the last , and the previous ) is that the argument abandoned forever. While it is true that there were no longer filled with pride, at last in a gala Goya anyone uttering the usual excuses. Before, everyone will remember the unsustainable Rollet, repeated year after year, the "social commitment" . One argument that is wielded without pudibundeces, both on the "guild" as in that of "criticism" . Social commitment, of course, the public, which is living in reality, not only shared on rare occasions, if not also he served

is valid, because it's true. The film moves a lot of money and many salaries. But ... things as they are. Also move money aesthetic clinics, consultations, the polytones, divination television, fashion textiles and countless other businesses, move money and create jobs, but (we all know) is not really anything. We can all agree that if tomorrow is over, for example El Corte Ingles, Spain to not going to happen. And yes that will happen, because in the current economic stall, and in this conglomerate of nonsense that has been exposed by this crisis, we have discovered that all it takes to keep the story is to move the bills. So yes, all the money to move serves.
But let's be honest even more, if the film disappeared in Spain, at the "pantomime capitalist", this our country and it was noticed. In this regard, it is far more important than the English Court Cinema, of course. For example, all first world countries such as Portugal is just film, but it is in other countries still primemundistas Portugal and our own, such as Belgium, is not too much (just ten or twenty films a year). Why then do cientoypico films a year in Spain? TACH, TACH ... this gets hot ... "It seems I have The Big Answer? (If you do not want to read to the end, and they advance that not so smart if I was going to be here ...).
I am a short film d'those. A "director fry." I have also worked directing television programs and series. I've spent my entire youth in search for movies, watch movies, read about movies and collecting movies. Beyond being a movie buff, I think (as many of you) a "cinéfago." English Cinema precisely, by avatars that are irrelevant and personal preferences, I've wasted enough time, without exaggeration, as long as I'm the yankee (which is the most commonly seen, but not like, because I rode the whole stall them.) Just so I can not consider myself as significant, even minimum requirement of this entity called "the public". My opinion is influenced by my passion and do not come to represent the people who fill the rooms to support the market.
should be put on the skin of the populace . The masses that are necessary to cover the high costs of any production (speaking of the price). And, understand it or not its position, there is no other. The average English still see in English Cinema a formula, if not a gender mentioned. To this gentleman, and I'm speaking in English means, uh, do not have to be a man, may well be a career girl, a man Señecta field. Choni or a toil that brings a little advice. For this man, say, the film is that of cuchipandeo homeland, as crappy as boring, which must always be messing of even when not intended

For the record, before we continue, I'll simply releasing, at-a silly fool, I'm a humanist, hey, if not, would simply be a tocapelotas. This is a post for reflection . Oh, no.
Aún recuerdo la proyección en un multisalas de centro comercial. La película era "El Mundo no es Suficiente" del Bond de Pierce Brosnan. En esta entrega, Bond está en Bilbao, la policía llama a su puerta, la derriba y resulta ser la Ertzaintza. Aquel centro comercial no estaba en Euskadi, sino en Collado Villalba (en la sierra de Madrid), pero las carcajadas restallaron al segundo al reconocer un elemento familiar y costumbrista, propio. Quitarnos ese complejo nos a costar mucho, porque está ahí. De todas maneras, yo creo que a esos señores, a la gente, la masa, el ente o como se le quiera llamar, en el fondo, no le gusta el cine (más adelante, me extenderé a explain this phenomenon), and the record, I do not want to refer to any example of the saga "Torrente", which is cinema as the most and I'm serious. English Cinema course is "English Cinema" with designation of origin label for almost everyone told. Even in the fnac is a shelf with only "English Cinema", where the same is "Where is my child?" that "La Soledad" . If you ask me, and speaking with bitterness, it could be said that the average English ... not deserve to have movies. Someone who pays to have on your mobile phone bastard rabbit cuddle and then complains that the film is too expensive (although more cheaper than a cup Brummel those of Coca-Cola downgraded to any den Madrid) does not deserve to Manolo Escobar and Jaime Rosales.
I still I can put tocacojones: to you, your father or a neighbor, they may hold

, being practical, rational and functional demagoguery. We can only pull the other way and not the public have so far referred. If you want ... now time to get deep. And this is what I really like the movie buff. TCM say things like "where feelings are expressed in black and white, and dreams in Technicolor!", Talking about "emotions" of things that "removed by within "by The Cinema as Art Maximum ... appeal, ultimately a matter of nuances that inexplicable, but certainly not social commitment, and that each one ignites a different viscera.
Again I return not to include myself in this sort. A summit of fry film director (whose names I will not quote for decorum), drawn from the ranks of notodofilmfest, which took place several weeks ago at a karaoke bar in the center of Madrid, came to the conclusion that "those who do this, we do out of pure selfishness." That is, any film can do skinning too explicit an exceedingly pajillero referentiality, or crush the other trying to be deep when in our opinion, it is unnecessary, but then, everyone is finishing his rare film, budget € 20,000, without paying anyone and made cum back cover and bark (and sorry for the graphic). We're out.
And here are the wonderful film buffs. The true romance of the thing parishioners. Those who know by heart the Rutger Hauer's monologue Blade Runner and cry a lot with Amélie . Those who truly love this so much that to see what Godard lovingly recorded in XL1. Not to get into arguments about the multipurpose (which serve the same p'a justify a range of crafts, which for poetry), by which aim is that a film serves the same purpose as a book, a play or a painting. So why not paint, write or act on stage, it will always be cheaper? Beyond
and without moviegoers ... So what happens with all "that other" movie, on the other hand, is much larger? That is, if the work of Mariano Ozores avez no intellectual curiosity or the films of Russ Meyer raises the human soul, nor the work of Pan Cosmatos ennobles the individual ... If neither Carpenter nor Mark L. Lester,

ceases to exist because no one who believes in the film "blindly." A server has arrived, "several times" to the ears stories about psychologists, exercise and finished the race and all, they recommend movies (and several I know, seriously, who have had to swallow "Hell" Chabrol of medical prescription) to treat mental defect, leading to a new branch of hitherto unknown medicine. One colleague told me that there is nothing better than the film to explain the relationships (oh, those French ...), when the truth is that, in this regard and for the masses, has only served to generate topics create and implement misconceptions impossible hopes. How many times have we heard the elderly in Spain to sample some danger seen on screen as a means of care for life? "Lower the blind, child, once saw in a movie that one was shot from another window of the building opposite" .
Following the last ditch thought a few months ago, coincided with the issuance of program "Network" that made me look less skeptical of cinephiles psychologists. How Networks, about the Punset? Yes, there.
In the chapter on that day, our hero, Eduard, reveals that he had completed his studies at a university in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, you know where I say, right?. In an interview with a local lord, Michael Gazzaniga, could be heard the following thought (and bear in mind that this man knows more than you and me): "Why do we like both the fiction, What attracts us to the fictional? In part, if it happens this is because we prepared for the unexpected, we can have mentally practiced how to confront a new situation through fiction (...) I'm not surprised at all that we have a tremendous cognitive machinery, the social machinery, but also the desire to approach things which are really a fiction ... yes, a fiction that helps us not only the future but also to address our current cognitive life. " Who wants to suck the entire program, you can see by clicking " Aquino ", official website of the program.
But then ... what's the difference what this man says, the usual explanations of those justify the existence of multifunctional films by the arguments above? I mean ... Could not they fulfill that role comics or pictures or street performances? Yes, but these "life lessons" would not reach the masses. From here it is, the popular character, which until yesterday was the film unique from any other form of fictional narrative. Iberian any laborer could in the not so remote, Steve McQueen distinguish between a multitude of artists and even remote mumbling his name in English.
completing the snake biting its tail, we again need to refer to film as mass. I know I sound a nostalgic viejuno when I talk about that film before, it was important, but it is so. I will not go into details but I will repeat once again (you have heard thousand) that "cardigan", this wool jacket that you and your cousin are worn more than once, is named in this country because of the impact of "Rebecca," Hitchcock's film where the main character kept covered with the garment. Or if you prefer, which in Euskadi hot peppers are called "Gilda" by pungent, as Rita Hayward. And the truth is that the film served its role as the indispensable element of fiction referred Gazzaniga. The film showed that no one could visit places

now, in the era of information ultraempacho. West where the story is precisely that, to generate information / culture ... where for the most redneck, the most noble (meaning "noble" as you like) in Europe Canada or the Estates can, and get into the inner but caneando video recorded to a colleague or screwed as in "The Lawnmower Man" but with less colorful videos and a little ugly ... today, he said (which I do not stop rolling), film, or film, if you prefer, you may not useless. And here I return to an earlier open thread where people explained that, what is film, no longer cool. It's just a hunger for fiction, that new generations of citizens and start beginning to discover in other ways, which leads people to want to "see" a movie. But the phenomenon Barraca, if ever there seems to be extinct for the sake of a screener and a mortal unbearable PAL upscaling in a TV on top of which there is no room for bull dolls and Seville. Above the staff is very proud to insists "that noooo, that looks good" and boast giving the zoom to view cached anamorfización Ana Rosa and pixelated to madness.
But come on, as I say, that may be all an apocalyptic vision of my completely unfounded, eh. Like this invention that it be entertaining as theater, or Zaragozano Calendar, and never ends. What if you just ...? So try not to worry, my friends cinéfagos, nor is going to end tomorrow. Would only be the beginning of the end.
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