Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Windows 7 - Pinnacle Pctv 150e/55e Drivers
touched up early today less than in other times, but hey had to be early, to avoid the inevitable queues of people to collect chips and ridges.
The day started with an ideal temperature (15 º), but with a light rain that bothered very little. The three pros
(Diego, Mike and Eli) came as Foguet, not to suffer deductions from the beginning, 300 bikers imagine anything more out, one by one, when I went through, they (the pros) and were climbing the Xalo jejejeje .
ballooners group (Pako, Cheo, and I welcome you to Berto Pre), we rather more relaxed, and before the rise of Xalo already had our setbacks. Pako puncture, uncontrolled flown Pre Berto (I'm looking forward to seeing the video) etc. etc.Alfredo, in pace, as the Guadiana, come on, overtook him and so on until the finish line. Javi
Neira & Company, not very complicated life, had to finish and finish well.
As regards the tour included the new rise to Xalo, very nice and even technical sections. The descent of Xalo, the best, very fast, had to tweak a lot, to not take fright. From there, the previous years small ups and downs to the finish.
marathon should be noted that marked the pros, Mike 6th, Eli 10, and Diego had to retire for mechanical failure, if noooooooooooooo. Congratulations to the three and the club.
remain things to say in the pipeline, but will be live and direct.
Bao. Video
http://www.cccambre.es/fotografias/cicloturistas/2010/roteiro-terra-marinas/04_monte-xalo-baixada/ photos imagepages/image123.html
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What Happens In Phukett
Now that they have discovered new ways of animality and have appeared modern things like gender violence teenager, that teachers are at odds by parents Bakala, now that the kids they can not take pictures because pedophilia is in the air, and nobody can get to none, give him a vital lesson in the form of two good hosts ... the link between children and adventure has gone. But there was a time when the incident, the investigation and risk their physical integrity, were the order of the day. Pitot continues. Meet the pubertal and infants more risky and bullies of the world of movies, comics, literature and narrative and, in general. From 20 to 12 .
Manuel Summers, another great film recoverable, ended up making movies with the group your son David ("Suffer Mammon" and "Let your hair") because his last works they were not quite there in terms box office . However, it is quite true that Summers and the success of the public knew too well. It gives a good account of their small series of two deliveries that "Goodbye Stork, Goodbye" and "El Niño is our" going over the problems of motherhood in Menorca old and their consequences.
The resounding success of the first, overwhelming from the first week and the first frames filled Machin, made him do the second, "The Child is Our" , where the problems of bureaucracy and legal impediments that both appeal to the sentimentality of the audience made the gang protagonist lost the baby among all take care in "Farewell Stork, Goodbye." As the title dictates, the child was his and the kids were back. The result was far from loose sensitivity alluded to earlier and priori be expected. "The Child is Ours" is about to be, although somewhat less than its predecessor, a subtle denunciation of the lack of sexual information of Spain at the time, in this sequel, even plagued sequence voltage thriller, almost film genre. Where young boys (some with nicknames so as quinqui "The Dracula ) left out of combat nuns wardens with cloth soaked in ether and where crossing galleries, halls and bars to take the kid in dangerous plan of prisoners of war. As for me, impressive.
Another band that makes movies = another gang of adventurous children grotesque and weird. Licorice was, grosso way, the children's musical group that supposed to be the main competitor Pa rchís (see previous post for details). And its two audiovisual magna, those who find it beyond being a musical set to be an adventurous gang are "The Revolt of the Birds" and the well-known "Good Night, Mr. Monster" .
What counts "The Revolt of the Birds" (Comerón Josep Lluís, 1982) is wonderful at the same time inconceivable: suddenly, because of the little ecological we are and how badly we care for the planet, all the birds disappear. The boy main character (because, as usual, the proto-prota is another, as in the films of The Marx Brothers), Jorge Sanz , does not support the idea of \u200b\u200b a Spain without sparrows and decides to do everything possible to return. To do this, is leveraged in the treetops, with a promise not to come back down to the birds. A colleague greatly concerned adult, Assumpta Serna , swarming around the film doing what goodly can, gathering for Licorice devote from tele concerts martyr and moving masses of children, facing the way the boy's parents (Montserrat Carulla and Alfred Lucchetti, who reviewed and when the film of Zipi and Zape-). Musical moments, pop sentimentality, a dog very majete, accident hospitalization (with cameo footballer Quini ) ... in the end, no one knows how , forests refilled with birds and all so happy. In this is in that play that of "I want to laugh, I play / above all be happy ..." with high-pitched voices of the kids.
The other, "Good Night, Mr. Monster, almost needs no introduction. Bitch is the only song that Parchís everyone always remembered. The movie was filmed the same year as the other (82 ), and this time was Antonio Mercer (do not make me stop and explain who you are) who ran the show. The result was a top movie for the mind collective generations. A title to turn to when they want to make a Graciet of those now called "geeks" when you whip up nostalgia for the less mythomaniacs or to impress a girl bit intellectual pretensions. "Good Night ..." is a film which brings together a thousand and one items cacósmicos; appears The Piranha vampire child, about kids who face a sing Paul Naschy in sauce (with facial hair), Guillermo Montesinos honors Marty Feldman and Luis Escobar makes Count Dracula.
The story also know: some children are lost in the woods hiking, rain, and get into a mysterious mansion to see if the shelter. The rest, as is de rigueur, are invited to a dinner at a long table and each is assigned a gloomy room with a bed with curtains. In the mansion, shouting, are cast racing, singing, long dumb and monsters (the Universal classics: the monster of Frankenstein , Count Dracula The Werewolf ...) No longer trip and take communion wafers. Absolutely terrifying for both children and adults.
18. SPY KIDS. Great
exponents of these films (there are many already) that no one knows why Robert Rodriguez ago, are, without doubt, the saga of "Spy Kids." Some movies where protagonists two kids (she and he, brothers) are a family of superspies tacky e childish. 007 roll but filtering things that (supposedly) you are cool to the chavalería: pop music, constant use of technology in the plots , computer-generated creatures, humor naive, people tonteriítas pretty and all ... develop a transcendental dump the laude family and family values \u200b\u200b (it is even sometimes the explicit discourse , interpolations with viewer) Amen to the integration of Latino groups in the U.S. (although it would be talking about the Americanization of the Hispanic is, what is if the movies are, without going any further, filmed in English .) The move itself, whatever the delivery of the series, it can very well imagine: arguments jets, chipping children all the time with each other and using appliances impossible while risking their lives (but without giving the situation the slightest sense of danger), co-Rodríguez swarming around (essential, Danny Trejo and Cheech Marin), fostiable bad as, let Martian, navecita, ray and cool clothes.
First of all, "Spy Kids" to dry, came out in 2001, the other two only have one year each. "Spy Kids 2 The Island of Lost Dreams" is the second movie of the (so far) trilogy, and "Spy Kids 3-D Game Over" the third. Antonio Banderas (with Latin lover mustache, it's cool older) and Carla Gugino are always the children's father, Ricardo Montalban and Holland Taylor (second), the grandfather. In each issue there are more bugs and computer facts and bad side gallery is changing from Robert Patrick Sylvester Stallone (which makes several roles in the third, almost chameleon-like Yuste Josema) through Steve Buscemi and a host of fellow stars of Rodriguez. Thus, as curiosities, leaving Mike "Beavis & Butt-Head" Judge goofing on two of the movies and there is a game entitled "Spy Kids Learning Adventures: Mission - The Man in the Moon" (sic). There is always the justification for what Gloria Fuertes: "It p'a children!".
A Fred Savage amortized as well. Began as early as four years old to continue, somewhat later, with a run of three and four films per year, same time Curran "The Wonder Years" . In 1989, just after filming this strange thing called "Monster Kids" (and Antena 3 occurred in renaming "The Adventures of the Pequemonster friends", this issue deserves its own article-), made " The King of the Game ", where he was gang with two other lads to perform most Bizarre Road Movie the late eighties.
film Tod "Krippendorf's Tribe" Holland the adventures of three kids who make an eternal journey to compete in a tournament organized by Nintendo. On the tape, the king of the game in question is Jimmy Woods, a child suffering from autism that consoles and recreation are given in fear. His brother immediately increased, Corey (Savage) will help you escape from home to start the trip , while both are pursued by the older brother ( Christian Slater) and his father both ( Beau Bridges, yes, the brother of the Note). Along the way will find Haley, a girl something feral and a little tomboy who will assist in their travel.
The rest of the synopsis is shot: there is a bad terrible, a kid who happens to have a mega glove that no one has and serving pad to give the game to be much older than Jimmy, spunky, looking bastard and a lot of money. At the end facing the "Super Mario Bros 3" (the film served as a campaign to launch the third series of games for the NES plumber), and Jimmy wins. There is much cachondeíto, romance simpleton, and some cake and crying (I have an image etched in the minds of crying scene in a park museum with dinosaurs , something very rare.) Well, a lot of road movie and all that entails, ie, scenes with Hell Angels scene traveling in a van load Wetback plan, sand, long roads, sites like cacósmicos Reno, American coffee ... a luxurious, come, you put it after eating and digesting paella great.
" Stand By Me" (yes, like the theme of Ben E. King) is "the movie is the children who make a trip to see a dead man." Also known as "the movie where several people vomit each other," the movie of the children who bitten by the leeches cock "or" the movie where Corey comes Feldman with River Phoenix. " It is a classic nostalgic movies children (along with other major that will appear in this ranking, I can not overtake). Everyone knows , everyone has seen, put (put, rather) a lot and everyone likes.
All critics and other people that you know a lot of movies, persist in saying that "Count Me" talks about the loss of adolescence and children who play at being heroes . Server that has neither fox. I do not see anything heroic in some kids, each with their insecurity and fear Specifically, they decide to take a trip just to see live on corpse of a young man who, rumor, go missing somewhere on the mountain in a small town in Oregon . Thus, Gordie, Chris (River Phoenix), Teddy (Corey Feldman) and Vern (Jerry O'Connell ) campaigns for a Latin bucolic and postal years of Doo-Doo Wah , no longer a nest of repression that ensures the perpetuation of childhood innocence and stale values. A decorated adapted from a novel of churrero Stephen King, and tissue by that same man who succeeds and results in memorable films, that shit cocking us tremendously and everyone with brains of mush the worst (that of "please soup, cover with blanket and cry"), which is the film director Rob Reiner .
John Cusack is the main character's dead brother; Richard Dreyfuss, a writer who makes off to tell the story (actually Gordie more) and Kiefer Sutherland , the villain, that the same fucks big swings the mailbox of an entire development, which the kids brutally assaulted. The cool movie in what would be expected, not bored and sometimes surprising (as in the scenes mentioned above, the leeches and massive vomiting), has also known age very well and people are already considered "a clasicazo" (I would say this or that Bakala) as a "Short", "Willow" or "The Gremlins". Children living real adventures.
Almost all visitors (not Senior) who have been discover perhaps, that at 11:00 am, a day that were low in "The film of tomorrow" , or perhaps, at about 17:00 pm, a day that they were bored in "Cine de Barrio" the known as "that which is like The Goonies, but English" . Other highlights of the film only the presence of a very young Amparo Baró, that the above replacement time television was crackling in popularity with its role in refritisísima "Seven Lives" and Quique San Francisco playing "The granny glasses," one of the many children who made small (the guy is up to the amazing movie of Charlie Rivel ), although the film, as has become customary in that, our cinema, sixties, the campus is inexhaustible: the impeccable Luis Prendes , Jorge Ramirez (Captain, no less), Juan Ramón Torremocha (now dubbing the Castilian imprescindeble was a normal child, a Mackaulay English Culkin), and a host of actors fry shaped boy and girl.
The truth is that the original semen of this gang who drank the nectar of the writers and Francisco Mateu Jesus Pascual (who is also the director of the film) is a novel eponymous Marina Fernandez. The novel (and film, 1965) tells the story of a group of kids who spend the summer in a colony of the Costa Brava. At one point, the boys decide to establish a kind of secret club dedicated to treasure hunting (adventures premeditated, it is said) and begins to move away from the inhabited areas of the site, to entangle and make asshole, which is what they did before the patriotic children (they are now, then you yell at them to eat the chicken or shit on your dead). Course, a sinister band of jewel thieves prowls around children and interfere in their plans. The rest, as to imagine and pull compilation: the criminals, who are very ill but did not reach the abject status, try to catch these kids and disrupt their treacherous plans. Healthy correction, for everyone, some ji-ji-ja ja little, a lot of ye-ye ... is rather a cross between The Goonies and Summer Blue, with rather Amparo Baró Josh Brolin or Antonio Ferrandis .
mid-eighties (you have to see how much you repeat this decade), Susaeta edited the collection "Pakt Secret", consisting of a novel written by Stefan Wolf, who played the gang theme and the theme Adventures in each delivery.
PAKT the word produced by coupling the initials of the five kids protagonists Patitas , Meatball, Karl , Tarzan and Oscar (except Karl, are all nicknames, and Oscar is a dog ). They spend their summer vacation in a German boarding school (have eggs) and is dedicated to solving mysteries in plan Scooby Doo (ghosts then, finally, is that they are not so) that are involved almost by accident. No need to do a thorough literature study to see that the original idea was directly debtor in the series "Secret" Enid Blyton (and appear in this ranking). In subplots, Meatball suffer much because of its fat, Oscar is hilarious and Tarzan petar ducklings will want (and then at the end, nothing, as ghosts). To read a child.
Cloak and Dagger, Manthing, Caballero Luna, Marta Silver ... during the period between the late 70's to mid 90 (although you could say that almost throughout its existence) Marvel has continued to give birth and spectral characters bland, almost unbelievable in their approach. Proof of this wild beasts are the children of Power Pack, "The Power Gang" in Castilian.
The Doctor James Power (what is said an example of cool name), sought a new system to get huge amounts of cheap energy useful for progress of mankind. He discovered a system to convert matter into antimatter (useful too), and so designed a machine that could open a small door into another universe with different physical laws to which there is in ours. Found government funding and called his machine Power Converter Matter / Antimatter (touch your ...). But worst comes when Aelfyre Whitey, a member of kymelianos , a non-humanoid alien race discovers apparatus, and that is not used ever on earth. Children of Power, entangling, travel to another dimension and are immersed in an intergalactic war between kymelianos and Z'nrx . Feeling all as hopelessly lost and mortally wounded, Whitey sees in children the last hope for the earth and endowed with special powers. I think, well, right? All rigorous, well thought out, credible and full of discourse.
dramatic With this premise, Alex, Julie, Jack and Katie, that this is called predatory Professor Power, become G , Iris Ray , Master of Mass and Energizer, respectively. Each of the powers supposed to take a puff and back. All rare disorders consisted of laws of physics and biology (altered mass accumulation and projection of energy, gravity control ...), which gave rise to rare fight sequences of balls, or directly (as so much has been done in the comic book superhero) to sequences where the battle was only represented with three or four poses with not getting anything. The highlight of this gang adventure is his friendship with Article 4 ½ Fantastic Four , Franklin Richards (who, in fact, came to belong to the group, with the alias of Storytelling ), and Katie's participation with Wolverine on a special Barry Windsor Smith , a number full of beautiful and that you all have more than seen, which appears Mortal first lady. And the climax, an addition that was not in the posting original of this article, and add just now (mostly because I just discovered): a pilot who arrived to crack for a television series .
12. The Monster Squad
" The Monster Squad" was one of those movies summer from which all the kids repeated phrases (especially the one piece of "Give him a kick in the balls" and " The Wolf Man has balls! "). Let this presence in our ranking of "Good Night, Lord Monster to influence the idea that everyone has had to compare it with it. "A Cool Gang" (indeed, horrible translation "The Monster Squad that cool more) becomes a mixture between the film of licorice and " The Goonies " .
What is certainly true is that the film of the kids in Richard Donner is key in understanding why they did it. The success of the Goonies was such that this tape was created to leverage the exact same flip . See kids say something about swearing, with a fat friend the gang and an older brother tocapelotas something that made the monster coleguillas good (there Slot, here Frankenstein monster -interpreted, by the way, Tom Noonan -) and fighting scary things in places gloomy, caves and so on. The director is Fred Dekker , author of scripts for movies like "Ricochet" and director of "Robocop 3" and "Terror comes to your door" , and the story, adapted from an eponymous TV series in the mid-seventies (just over comic truth), written in tandem by Dekker himself and ... (drum roll) Shane Black, which I guess I will have spoken at some other article of this sacred site, and if not, time, because Shane is very important .
Your synopsis invites palomiteo and colegueo porreril , if not directly to the flight: "Every hundred years Evil tries to return to Earth to impose order and stay forever. Well many wrestlers have fallen by the wayside, as is the case of Van Helsing , but in a way they have served their purpose, which is to drive out evil for another hundred years. It is now about to be completed within one hundred years, and in this age of disbelief just a few children can save the Earth from so dark plan "... That is, nothing of kids that are lost in the woods and begin to dance with adults makeup. "The Monster Squad" is full of action, danger and macarrería (from Shane Black, of course).
The Mummy da fucking mess, full of scab and the bare skull, the transformations of the Werewolf are violent and painful; Dracula is a bastard and has her hottie of concubines always ... Although Dekker himself acknowledged that was a decisive influence "Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein" (you can imagine it), "The Monster Squad" is no longer panda freaks Universal making bows to the sound of Bobby "Boris" Pickett in funny Halloween plan. There are bullet holes, blood, injury, ill health, fronted by none other prosthetic created Stan Winston ... there are characters such as macaroni and Van Helsing himself in person and Rudy, a kid something greater than the proto aesthetic to American Rocker of 50, who smokes, combs and shoot with bow and arrows.
The kids are what the vulgar call now "geeks" . Love horror films and not exactly what it says very popular in class. They face all the monsters as they talk about them and all mythology around them: how they are killed, where they come from, whether they have balls ... And each and every one of the myths are recreated from a kind of metafiction (how cool me that word), where the werewolf is good when human work stakes, silver bullets, and shotgun shells (at least on the Creature Swamp.)
As curiosities, saying that Liam Neeson was hired for a small paper that scene was not even shooting, noting that there (in case the shit with the E-Mule) a version of film at 4:3 and with a worse grading of the original and ... well, nothing comes out, playing a role of young asquerosito (something like "bad idiot" from the kids), Jason Hervey, the older brother of Fred Savage in "The Wonder Years" (erre que erre). And I'll stop now, it will seem that I like and everything.
And in the next installment older, who are you some goloson, if I leave some time for the child to take him to the park, so I'm sure I lost or something and I trauma by one of these adventures real life (you know, a syringe without end, a car that goes fast, a professor in the environment of the priesthood ...) In Gangs Adventurers # 3 ", will again leave a child of fiction that these are not spent, and continue our journey to the top ranking.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My Three Year Old Daughter Has Discharge
For Falconry.
And is that literature, film, television, comics and the rest of the world of fiction always has been in charge of feeding the light taste for danger. That's the great adventure

And with them, me I get out of the manga one of my rankings groovy. Do not expect to see Huckleberry Finn , or Son Goku, because it's going to gangs, groups of kids who make up squads for adventure. This will consist of three deliveries, to complete a twenty-five elite clubs, the best (according to me, that's why I'm wasting hours and hours on the Word), sorted in reverse order, that is, the less groovy to Kings mambo. And so we begin with:
Parchís But it was not a band? Indeed. And the adventures then? In his films, and (worse still) in his comics.
Cacosmiada per se since its inception, Parcheesi emerged after arduous casting of hundreds of thousands of children in Barcelona at the very last seventies. In the end, Discos Belter (the label of yore) came up with Tino

In just four years, Ludo starred in a total of seven films . Four made in Spain, and three other production in Argentina. The English, all perpetrated by Javier Aguirre (the "Meat SALW" , yes that cool), would become the saga of called "The Children's War" : first of all is "The War

was guilty of Argentine films: "Parcheesi against Inventor The Invisible" , released in Spain as "Parcheesi against the Invisible Man" (1981, there it is), "The Magic of Parcheesi" (1982) and "The Adventure of the Parcheesi " (also 1982). Well, needless to point out that among the low and almost constant substitutions and foreign competition (from groups like Menudo, which also brought them), and the amortizable nothing musical versioneo formula (disrupted topics ranging from "Don Diablo to "Video Kills The Radio Star" ), the group broke up near the end of the eighties, never to return.
Chris Columbus ("this man is actually called" Christopher Columbus "?), The friend of children, debuted in 1987, this adventure film filled

children in question are here led by a semi-adult kangaroo, which, the film cheats in this ranking, but still adventurous (in the big city as well). The film tells the story of

Summary: Adventures thousand. Gang members will face the music video "Beat It", traveling in the van of a one-armed gunman, sing in a jazz club ("" Baby Blue sings?, songs should not be folded, never ), uncover a network of car thieves, they scaled the facade of a skyscraper, Chris's boyfriend get caught in adultery, meet Thor (which incurs a garage, chúpese that mandarin) ...
Escenazas: Brenda confusing to a huge rat (real) with a cat and, of course, the emergence of Vincent D'Onofrio (as Vincent Phillip D'Onofrio) cited above, in the role of Thor , son of Odin, well, okay, do not make clear, but not close any possibility when the girl Maia Brewton (the recall making Lewis Parker's sister) gives his helmet with wings and he says: "No, I have one at home." Well, you do see her and see it, if possible, before rolling a remake that threaten to do, with Raven (the series "Raven") playing the role of Sue.
23. ZIPI And ZAPE.
Well, over to the laggard: Zipi and Zape , sons of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Slipper Slipper Llobregat, twins, one blonde and one brunette. They go to school, play pranks ever come to abjection, play football and

lisergia The first work was pure. In "The Cask of Time, Zape Zipi and play equipment for fantasizing time travel with a barrel that is thrown in your garden. Fantasy becomes reality when the twins come from one end of the barrel in 1988 and out the other extremo en la Edad de Piedra. A partir de ahí, se monta un fumada de proporciones inimaginables: los hermanos viajan a distintas épocas, ayudan a los troyanos con lo del caballo, le joden los dientes a la Mona Lisa y Leonardo la tiene que pintar con la boca cerrada, usan una piedra filosofal, viajan a un futuro donde se aprenden las lecciones del cole tomándose una pastilla… Y con un final precipitadamente, de lo disparatado, enfermizo casi (no desvelaré nada, tranquilos, aunque total…)
Y ya la peli es la polla (con perdón, métanle a este link y alucinen).

In the film there are great players, the likes of Mary Santpere, Marta Angelat or Alfred Lucchetti, however / despite everything is ridiculous, grotesque, deformed (not distorted, no, twisting). The bad (because there are bad, and one of them Velate Carles) are very dodgy, the two kids are all day singing, characters are removed from the sleeve, giving some of them of utmost importance, everything has an air of shabby porno-Light as alluded to earlier. And best of all: the end, stick to Zipi Zape and a mess so big that to leave it, (really) called the Hulk (who is a bartender of terraces, not science) and "the parrot- to Charlie's Devils! As they read. Abysmal.
Bom Bom Chip
band is another child who is in this ranking for making a movie. specifically talk about "The Invisible Child" (Rafael Moleón, 1995), which was once the most expensive production in history

Children who formed the group were Sergio (which then we could still develop in things like "And say something stupid, for example, I love you" or a kind of micro serial Disney Area), Rebecca (the small, which has also followed the intricacies of interpretation angst), Cristina (the blonde), Estela (the brown), and José Luis (black). They were hit with a couple of songs, whose lyrics uttered pearls as "multiply by zero / I'm telling you please / divídete multiply by zero and two" and disappeared without explanation in the mid-90 (I think there was some jari with royalties and unpaid).
"The Invisible Child" told the story of a group of kids (they) who during a trip to the school, found a strange stone. The evil Aerobindo want it back, and snatches the kids, carrying the XII century (sic). The stone turns out to be philosophical and able to turn base metals Gold and hosts do not know what else happens, everyone is going to end soon and Bom Bom Chip can only save the future (there is).

In the film, apart from the Bom Bom Chip had real actors such as Pedro Mari Sánchez, Carlos Kaniowsky, Lidia (Dina Hala) San José and Pilar ("The Wright Stuff") López de Ayala. Wolfgang Burmann, Professor of Art Direction for a server on one occasion, was full of praise with the (frankly amazing) on \u200b\u200bglass painted backgrounds that were used in many of the sequences of the film. Its large budget (about 600 million pesetas at the time) was left to see (not as in "Alatriste"), with computer-generated visual effects that were not unusual in those days (and even less in this country). The trouble is that all that generous bill is wasted in creating a film where the actors watched the children wait quietly for their turn to speak, where the (already inconceivable) history was interrupted every so often to make way for nondescript scenes musical line ye-ye more outdated, there surged an Chete Lera Aerobindo -character-mutated Jim Henson and where everything was, in short, a film and Bom Bom Chip.
Louis Pergaud published in 1912 and Yves Robert film released in 1962. "War of the Buttons" account (my) roughly the story of two gangs of kids (each of a people, both homes) in France in early last century, which are engaged in battles

the "Special Holidays" from the Tve1 of 60, the film enjoyed tremendous success in our country. The skirmishes of the kids in Longeverne of against Velrans molaban the girl from here and the more (imagine his father cheering along with hundreds of other children from a guy who wanders around shouting "pipaaaaas!" "caaaaaaramelos!") A delight for the eyes. Because, "La Guerre des Boutons" is not a maudlin soft "dangerous children" is cinema for children, epic and violent as their heroes. They are children whose adventure set in the real world, becoming real itself. Are feats that can live as any (though do not really live anyone), with adult heroes. I think I'm too busy to simply say that gangs are really living adventures.
little more to say. Alone, lamenting the existence of another remake , 1994, co-production between France, Britain and Japan (yes, Japan).
Well that's it, is over what it was, have you seen tantarantán Pepe, tantarantán you've seen Juan, peace here and then glory. Next time we will continue with Top 25 gang of boys who are dedicated to adventure and risk. Because just being a kid, every little bit surprised to learn from what has been received, living in short, is an adventure.