Very good to all:
Unfortunately we will open a new section and we will try and help out with these issues, which are the dark side to all those who practice a sport, THEFT SPORTS EQUIPMENT and our specialty in addition to the aggravating circumstance that is not a cheap material: STOLEN BIKE
Yesterday, October 6 at 7 pm my bike was stolen from my garage in Ares while I was in my yard and my wife in home. I think the thief knew what he was doing and the type of bike that was taken. I would ask you to be a little careful for if you could have some kind of information that can be used to locate me. Thank you very much in advance and I hope this never happens to you. ! Be alert!
Anyone who can provide information on the whereabouts of it will be rewarded. BONUS: 100 Euros Telephone: 646306203 or 619259883
A Mack saludoChristian
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