Children and adrenaline
For Falconry.
"For children everything is dangerous, because all the leads, step by step to maturity, full or beheaded."
(Quim Monzo) Being a child is something rare . On the one hand, one is full of frustrations, taboos, prohibitions, constraints, impositions ... but on the other, not like the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing and called Peter Pan syndrome is in the air.
And is that literature, film, television, comics and the rest of the world of fiction always has been in charge of feeding the light taste for danger. That's the great adventure
risk but fatally lacking, and very low in violence, death and serious bodily damage. A world of action and trepidancia, suitable for minors. The adult hero full of power and superhuman powers, sometimes gives way to the buck, of similar age than its consumer and what used to be solved with acrobatic stunts, furious blows and accurate shots, the show resolves childxploitation (making word I just invented) in solutions expertise, and a lot of childish cunning escape. Yes, is still living situations danger (with the only dose of tragedy overturned only in animals), intense love stories (nothing spicy, of course) and even abracadabrescos events.
And with them, me I get out of the manga one of my rankings groovy. Do not expect to see Huckleberry Finn , or Son Goku, because it's going to gangs, groups of kids who make up squads for adventure. This will consist of three deliveries, to complete a twenty-five elite clubs, the best (according to me, that's why I'm wasting hours and hours on the Word), sorted in reverse order, that is, the less groovy to Kings mambo. And so we begin with:
Parchís But it was not a band? Indeed. And the adventures then? In his films, and (worse still) in his comics.
Cacosmiada per se since its inception, Parcheesi emerged after arduous casting of hundreds of thousands of children in Barcelona at the very last seventies. In the end, Discos Belter (the label of yore) came up with Tino
, Yolanda, Gemma, David and Oscar (who was then replaced by Frank). In 83, Tino and David also leave the group, replaced by brother Chus and Michel (how much extra information is not it, is what has The fact is that after a version of the already scary "In The Navy" Village People of , shadowed as "In The Navy", the group had an immeasurable growing success, with winners even in foreign countries as Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil ... there came a time when any citizen of any country speaking out the Parcheesi him by the ears. There were magazines, comics, posters and other fraud for fans. Of course, the cinema was soon to take advantage of the boom.
In just four years, Ludo starred in a total of seven films . Four made in Spain, and three other production in Argentina. The English, all perpetrated by Javier Aguirre (the "Meat SALW" , yes that cool), would become the saga of called "The Children's War" : first of all is "The War
Children "(1980), the second is (of course)" The War of Children "(just one year later, they all have one year), the third was given a headline" Parcheesi Follies "(the" third children's war "came as a subtitle on the poster) and, as the song (a favorite of a server, by the way), Ludo comes into action (aka, depending on country of release, The Fourth War Children) . Arguments me the savings because, apart from that I have not seen (I was more of Licorice, which will play in the ranking), I do not worthwhile, although they can imagine: putean bad very bad that children, the Parcheesi appear and, among endless musical sequences, beat the bastards. Interpreters of dignity among the side and little else. Mario Sabato
was guilty of Argentine films: "Parcheesi against Inventor The Invisible" , released in Spain as "Parcheesi against the Invisible Man" (1981, there it is), "The Magic of Parcheesi" (1982) and "The Adventure of the Parcheesi " (also 1982). Well, needless to point out that among the low and almost constant substitutions and foreign competition (from groups like Menudo, which also brought them), and the amortizable nothing musical versioneo formula (disrupted topics ranging from "Don Diablo to "Video Kills The Radio Star" ), the group broke up near the end of the eighties, never to return.
Chris Columbus ("this man is actually called" Christopher Columbus "?), The friend of children, debuted in 1987, this adventure film filled
youth of the things I always have these movies: a girl pretty with curly hair (in this case, was the monumental Elizabeth Sue ) musicote pop with good percussion, naughty (in plan and some profanity-bit-of greenery), gang funky leather clothing and switchblade knives, and some action. The poster slogan I made it clear: "From the creators of The Gremlins and The Goonies. " If grupoprisero Fernando Morales critic found it "fair and little else" is not bad. And I do not.
children in question are here led by a semi-adult kangaroo, which, the film cheats in this ranking, but still adventurous (in the big city as well). The film tells the story of
Chris Parker, a young woman on the night of events, noviete desqueda with very bad feeling and then agrees to take care of two siblings (boy and girl). Her friend Brenda (Penelope Ann Miller's beautiful nerd making), the desperate phone calls, and said that she just escaped home and has lost the glasses in the subway and is afraid, and blah, blah ... come on, you have to go look. A buddy salidorro (Chris is obsessed with the girl of the month do not know what porn magazine) Big Brother accompanies them.
Summary: Adventures thousand. Gang members will face the music video "Beat It", traveling in the van of a one-armed gunman, sing in a jazz club ("" Baby Blue sings?, songs should not be folded, never ), uncover a network of car thieves, they scaled the facade of a skyscraper, Chris's boyfriend get caught in adultery, meet Thor (which incurs a garage, chúpese that mandarin) ...
Escenazas: Brenda confusing to a huge rat (real) with a cat and, of course, the emergence of Vincent D'Onofrio (as Vincent Phillip D'Onofrio) cited above, in the role of Thor , son of Odin, well, okay, do not make clear, but not close any possibility when the girl Maia Brewton (the recall making Lewis Parker's sister) gives his helmet with wings and he says: "No, I have one at home." Well, you do see her and see it, if possible, before rolling a remake that threaten to do, with Raven (the series "Raven") playing the role of Sue.
23. ZIPI And ZAPE.
Well, over to the laggard: Zipi and Zape , sons of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Slipper Slipper Llobregat, twins, one blonde and one brunette. They go to school, play pranks ever come to abjection, play football and
are punished in the fourth of the mice. Uauh, what adventure is all! Well, I know that a priori does not look like (although a quarter of the mice is quite epic and the roll sadomaso that were brought to the neighboring Fakirín ...) and it is because the only true adventure stories of the couple are in an album outside the usual circuit of short stories, which is "The Cask of Time , arriving at 48 pages. In this and in nonsense like a piano entitled "The Adventures of Zipi and Zape" movie, come on. Always put the word "adventure" in the title when adapting a comic book to movies suitable for children, why?
lisergia The first work was pure. In "The Cask of Time, Zape Zipi and play equipment for fantasizing time travel with a barrel that is thrown in your garden. Fantasy becomes reality when the twins come from one end of the barrel in 1988 and out the other extremo en la Edad de Piedra. A partir de ahí, se monta un fumada de proporciones inimaginables: los hermanos viajan a distintas épocas, ayudan a los troyanos con lo del caballo, le joden los dientes a la Mona Lisa y Leonardo la tiene que pintar con la boca cerrada, usan una piedra filosofal, viajan a un futuro donde se aprenden las lecciones del cole tomándose una pastilla… Y con un final precipitadamente, de lo disparatado, enfermizo casi (no desvelaré nada, tranquilos, aunque total…)
Y ya la peli es la polla (con perdón, métanle a este link y alucinen).
El experto en Cine S English, Enrique Guevara , author of titles like "A crazy sexy extravaganza," "Orgasm Hot" or "Raiders of the lost dust" (and all three are serious), carried out a movie in 1981 that allegedly adapted the adventures of twins. Siblings Valtuille , one dark and one blond in real life, which formed a children's musical duo called precisely "Zipi and Zape" are chosen to embody the couple. Without knowing the fine if the movie was a comic book or movie musical duo, the movie is filmed, is mounted and premieres.
In the film there are great players, the likes of Mary Santpere, Marta Angelat or Alfred Lucchetti, however / despite everything is ridiculous, grotesque, deformed (not distorted, no, twisting). The bad (because there are bad, and one of them Velate Carles) are very dodgy, the two kids are all day singing, characters are removed from the sleeve, giving some of them of utmost importance, everything has an air of shabby porno-Light as alluded to earlier. And best of all: the end, stick to Zipi Zape and a mess so big that to leave it, (really) called the Hulk (who is a bartender of terraces, not science) and "the parrot- to Charlie's Devils! As they read. Abysmal.
Bom Bom Chip
band is another child who is in this ranking for making a movie. specifically talk about "The Invisible Child" (Rafael Moleón, 1995), which was once the most expensive production in history
of English cinema.
Children who formed the group were Sergio (which then we could still develop in things like "And say something stupid, for example, I love you" or a kind of micro serial Disney Area), Rebecca (the small, which has also followed the intricacies of interpretation angst), Cristina (the blonde), Estela (the brown), and José Luis (black). They were hit with a couple of songs, whose lyrics uttered pearls as "multiply by zero / I'm telling you please / divídete multiply by zero and two" and disappeared without explanation in the mid-90 (I think there was some jari with royalties and unpaid).
"The Invisible Child" told the story of a group of kids (they) who during a trip to the school, found a strange stone. The evil Aerobindo want it back, and snatches the kids, carrying the XII century (sic). The stone turns out to be philosophical and able to turn base metals Gold and hosts do not know what else happens, everyone is going to end soon and Bom Bom Chip can only save the future (there is).
saw the film very kid (I know that's no excuse) and do not recall seeing any children invisible.
In the film, apart from the Bom Bom Chip had real actors such as Pedro Mari Sánchez, Carlos Kaniowsky, Lidia (Dina Hala) San José and Pilar ("The Wright Stuff") López de Ayala. Wolfgang Burmann, Professor of Art Direction for a server on one occasion, was full of praise with the (frankly amazing) on \u200b\u200bglass painted backgrounds that were used in many of the sequences of the film. Its large budget (about 600 million pesetas at the time) was left to see (not as in "Alatriste"), with computer-generated visual effects that were not unusual in those days (and even less in this country). The trouble is that all that generous bill is wasted in creating a film where the actors watched the children wait quietly for their turn to speak, where the (already inconceivable) history was interrupted every so often to make way for nondescript scenes musical line ye-ye more outdated, there surged an Chete Lera Aerobindo -character-mutated Jim Henson and where everything was, in short, a film and Bom Bom Chip.
Louis Pergaud published in 1912 and Yves Robert film released in 1962. "War of the Buttons" account (my) roughly the story of two gangs of kids (each of a people, both homes) in France in early last century, which are engaged in battles
pitched (a stick and stones almost) with the sole purpose of removing many more buttons to garments of the opposing army. Truncated all this wonderful feat with the gag subjecting the child victim in the pants (they fall, deprived of your button) while crying and get the angry mother of rigor. Indispensable
the "Special Holidays" from the Tve1 of 60, the film enjoyed tremendous success in our country. The skirmishes of the kids in Longeverne of against Velrans molaban the girl from here and the more (imagine his father cheering along with hundreds of other children from a guy who wanders around shouting "pipaaaaas!" "caaaaaaramelos!") A delight for the eyes. Because, "La Guerre des Boutons" is not a maudlin soft "dangerous children" is cinema for children, epic and violent as their heroes. They are children whose adventure set in the real world, becoming real itself. Are feats that can live as any (though do not really live anyone), with adult heroes. I think I'm too busy to simply say that gangs are really living adventures.
little more to say. Alone, lamenting the existence of another remake , 1994, co-production between France, Britain and Japan (yes, Japan).
Well that's it, is over what it was, have you seen tantarantán Pepe, tantarantán you've seen Juan, peace here and then glory. Next time we will continue with Top 25 gang of boys who are dedicated to adventure and risk. Because just being a kid, every little bit surprised to learn from what has been received, living in short, is an adventure.
And is that literature, film, television, comics and the rest of the world of fiction always has been in charge of feeding the light taste for danger. That's the great adventure

And with them, me I get out of the manga one of my rankings groovy. Do not expect to see Huckleberry Finn , or Son Goku, because it's going to gangs, groups of kids who make up squads for adventure. This will consist of three deliveries, to complete a twenty-five elite clubs, the best (according to me, that's why I'm wasting hours and hours on the Word), sorted in reverse order, that is, the less groovy to Kings mambo. And so we begin with:
Parchís But it was not a band? Indeed. And the adventures then? In his films, and (worse still) in his comics.
Cacosmiada per se since its inception, Parcheesi emerged after arduous casting of hundreds of thousands of children in Barcelona at the very last seventies. In the end, Discos Belter (the label of yore) came up with Tino

In just four years, Ludo starred in a total of seven films . Four made in Spain, and three other production in Argentina. The English, all perpetrated by Javier Aguirre (the "Meat SALW" , yes that cool), would become the saga of called "The Children's War" : first of all is "The War

was guilty of Argentine films: "Parcheesi against Inventor The Invisible" , released in Spain as "Parcheesi against the Invisible Man" (1981, there it is), "The Magic of Parcheesi" (1982) and "The Adventure of the Parcheesi " (also 1982). Well, needless to point out that among the low and almost constant substitutions and foreign competition (from groups like Menudo, which also brought them), and the amortizable nothing musical versioneo formula (disrupted topics ranging from "Don Diablo to "Video Kills The Radio Star" ), the group broke up near the end of the eighties, never to return.
Chris Columbus ("this man is actually called" Christopher Columbus "?), The friend of children, debuted in 1987, this adventure film filled

children in question are here led by a semi-adult kangaroo, which, the film cheats in this ranking, but still adventurous (in the big city as well). The film tells the story of

Summary: Adventures thousand. Gang members will face the music video "Beat It", traveling in the van of a one-armed gunman, sing in a jazz club ("" Baby Blue sings?, songs should not be folded, never ), uncover a network of car thieves, they scaled the facade of a skyscraper, Chris's boyfriend get caught in adultery, meet Thor (which incurs a garage, chúpese that mandarin) ...
Escenazas: Brenda confusing to a huge rat (real) with a cat and, of course, the emergence of Vincent D'Onofrio (as Vincent Phillip D'Onofrio) cited above, in the role of Thor , son of Odin, well, okay, do not make clear, but not close any possibility when the girl Maia Brewton (the recall making Lewis Parker's sister) gives his helmet with wings and he says: "No, I have one at home." Well, you do see her and see it, if possible, before rolling a remake that threaten to do, with Raven (the series "Raven") playing the role of Sue.
23. ZIPI And ZAPE.
Well, over to the laggard: Zipi and Zape , sons of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Slipper Slipper Llobregat, twins, one blonde and one brunette. They go to school, play pranks ever come to abjection, play football and

lisergia The first work was pure. In "The Cask of Time, Zape Zipi and play equipment for fantasizing time travel with a barrel that is thrown in your garden. Fantasy becomes reality when the twins come from one end of the barrel in 1988 and out the other extremo en la Edad de Piedra. A partir de ahí, se monta un fumada de proporciones inimaginables: los hermanos viajan a distintas épocas, ayudan a los troyanos con lo del caballo, le joden los dientes a la Mona Lisa y Leonardo la tiene que pintar con la boca cerrada, usan una piedra filosofal, viajan a un futuro donde se aprenden las lecciones del cole tomándose una pastilla… Y con un final precipitadamente, de lo disparatado, enfermizo casi (no desvelaré nada, tranquilos, aunque total…)
Y ya la peli es la polla (con perdón, métanle a este link y alucinen).

In the film there are great players, the likes of Mary Santpere, Marta Angelat or Alfred Lucchetti, however / despite everything is ridiculous, grotesque, deformed (not distorted, no, twisting). The bad (because there are bad, and one of them Velate Carles) are very dodgy, the two kids are all day singing, characters are removed from the sleeve, giving some of them of utmost importance, everything has an air of shabby porno-Light as alluded to earlier. And best of all: the end, stick to Zipi Zape and a mess so big that to leave it, (really) called the Hulk (who is a bartender of terraces, not science) and "the parrot- to Charlie's Devils! As they read. Abysmal.
Bom Bom Chip
band is another child who is in this ranking for making a movie. specifically talk about "The Invisible Child" (Rafael Moleón, 1995), which was once the most expensive production in history

Children who formed the group were Sergio (which then we could still develop in things like "And say something stupid, for example, I love you" or a kind of micro serial Disney Area), Rebecca (the small, which has also followed the intricacies of interpretation angst), Cristina (the blonde), Estela (the brown), and José Luis (black). They were hit with a couple of songs, whose lyrics uttered pearls as "multiply by zero / I'm telling you please / divídete multiply by zero and two" and disappeared without explanation in the mid-90 (I think there was some jari with royalties and unpaid).
"The Invisible Child" told the story of a group of kids (they) who during a trip to the school, found a strange stone. The evil Aerobindo want it back, and snatches the kids, carrying the XII century (sic). The stone turns out to be philosophical and able to turn base metals Gold and hosts do not know what else happens, everyone is going to end soon and Bom Bom Chip can only save the future (there is).

In the film, apart from the Bom Bom Chip had real actors such as Pedro Mari Sánchez, Carlos Kaniowsky, Lidia (Dina Hala) San José and Pilar ("The Wright Stuff") López de Ayala. Wolfgang Burmann, Professor of Art Direction for a server on one occasion, was full of praise with the (frankly amazing) on \u200b\u200bglass painted backgrounds that were used in many of the sequences of the film. Its large budget (about 600 million pesetas at the time) was left to see (not as in "Alatriste"), with computer-generated visual effects that were not unusual in those days (and even less in this country). The trouble is that all that generous bill is wasted in creating a film where the actors watched the children wait quietly for their turn to speak, where the (already inconceivable) history was interrupted every so often to make way for nondescript scenes musical line ye-ye more outdated, there surged an Chete Lera Aerobindo -character-mutated Jim Henson and where everything was, in short, a film and Bom Bom Chip.
Louis Pergaud published in 1912 and Yves Robert film released in 1962. "War of the Buttons" account (my) roughly the story of two gangs of kids (each of a people, both homes) in France in early last century, which are engaged in battles

the "Special Holidays" from the Tve1 of 60, the film enjoyed tremendous success in our country. The skirmishes of the kids in Longeverne of against Velrans molaban the girl from here and the more (imagine his father cheering along with hundreds of other children from a guy who wanders around shouting "pipaaaaas!" "caaaaaaramelos!") A delight for the eyes. Because, "La Guerre des Boutons" is not a maudlin soft "dangerous children" is cinema for children, epic and violent as their heroes. They are children whose adventure set in the real world, becoming real itself. Are feats that can live as any (though do not really live anyone), with adult heroes. I think I'm too busy to simply say that gangs are really living adventures.
little more to say. Alone, lamenting the existence of another remake , 1994, co-production between France, Britain and Japan (yes, Japan).
Well that's it, is over what it was, have you seen tantarantán Pepe, tantarantán you've seen Juan, peace here and then glory. Next time we will continue with Top 25 gang of boys who are dedicated to adventure and risk. Because just being a kid, every little bit surprised to learn from what has been received, living in short, is an adventure.
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