Monday, November 8, 2010

Company Voice Message Opening Hours Examples

MARCH Sierra Outes 07/11/2010

In marches that we have done this year, today at Serra de Outes for me one of the hardest and most beautiful. On behalf of CC Arteixo - MB3 were Cheo, Diego and I (Bao).

The day started out amazing, perfect temperature and only at the end of the march was when a little rain fell ,!!!! How lucky we ¡¡¡¡.

True to its name with continuous progress endless running up and down, so that already at kilometer 13 was felt in the legs and back, and still had the upper 29.En spectacular views, with the majority of Noia walls and the bottom, and trails in the lowlands along the river course.
undoubtedly the repeat.

more next year.

Our Editor in Chief;)

OUTES UP SERRA DE 07/11/2010
07/11 / 109435372996957538902
2010 of


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