Friday, October 10, 2008

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Rise of the

bad week for the glitch. Still continues to celebrate the student population Andrés Gómez Emilsson and Marco Virgilio Jiménez having defined what is Felipe Calderón, a usurper and an illegitimate policy, when once again the cries of the report we reiterate to all the illegitimacy of the occupant of Los Pinos. The star of the latest cry is popular daughter of sportscaster Angel Fernandez, late , whom no doubt many readers will remember fondly. She is a journalist, like his father, and is called Andrea Fernandez, namesake is therefore Gómez Emilsson and legitimate president. His achievement was in full Senate, during the presentation of the Medal Belisario Dominguez Miguel Angel Granados Chapa. Then note as it appears on the blog and newspaper El Sendero del Peje .

Calderon rebuke delivered Belisario Domínguez medal
Yuriria Rodríguez Castro
October 8, 2008

is an honor to be with Obrador! shouted a journalist.

Felipe Calderón like stepping into a lion's den, now his presence in the delivery of the Medal of Honor Belisario Domínguez 2008, was no exception. The medal was awarded to journalist and writer, Miguel Angel Granados Chapa in the midst of an intellectual, little known to him and surrounded by members of the Senate, journalists and social activists, Calderon again heard the words of pursuing it as rejection a constant in every official act which appears a citizen: "It's an honor to be with Obrador!" shouted Adriana Fernandez, a reporter for Radio Educación and Radio UNAM, at once, she raised voice again, "Lopez Obrador Up!", while the PRD senators were silent.

Again, Calderon, the protocol cost him dearly: Granados Chapa referred to the authoritarian temptation, the levantotes and disappearances by the federal and state authorities, spoke of journalism committed to democracy, called for adopting a amnesty law to release political prisoners. Finally, also referred to the energy issue, the relevance that had an open debate, coupled with the mobilization of citizens and the exercise of freedoms. Similarly, emphasized the strength gained by the Legislature in this matter, there in the place which brought together representatives of the Senate and a witness of honor disgraced, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. Both

speech Granados Chapa, as the slogans that were heard in the room is not entitled to Calderón, rejected, cries clearly the rhetorical discourse. Nothing was missing again. And this is just the beginning of these signs of illegitimacy. Now you are nothing but the PRD, who can afford to be silent, while a class of citizens and journalists detached to the system, disapprove.

Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, with its worship of images, pasted a picture of the legitimate president in his seat, but did not speak. He listened first Mexican national anthem, and immediately the cry of Adriana Fernandez, daughter of sportscaster, columnist of the poet, Ángel Fernández.

The following is the version of events offered by the newspaper Millennium.

"It's an honor to be with Obrador!"
Elba Mónica Bravo
October 8, 2008

The daughter Ángel Fernández sportscaster spoke in favor of the PRD for the delivery of the Belisario Domínguez medal.

is an honor to be with Obrador, the female voice was heard in solitary left side of the seats of the PAN in the Senate floor.

had spent the first five minutes of the arrival of President Felipe Calderon, who attended the formal session for the delivery of the medal Belisario Domínguez, who gave the journalist Miguel Angel Granados Chapa. Calderón

heard the tone of popular cry, as defined by the broadcaster Andrea Fernandez, daughter of the late sportscaster Angel Fernandez, who occupied a place in the first row on the guests of honor, just as it concluded the National Anthem.

silence and surprise seized Senators PAN, PRI, PRD and the Green Ecologist, because the cry went out the side on which lies the albiazul, and because it was committed to the PRD leader Carlos Navarrete driving his bed with civility at the ceremony.

But came the confusion, and for a few minutes there were those who said that Senator Rosario Ibarra PT was the author of the cry, who held the left fist raised while the anthem was sung.

Unlike the student award Andrés Gómez Emilsson, who was taken to the agency 33 of the MP, Andrea two elements of the Presidential badge withdrew their invitation.

Andrea stayed on the premises until the meeting concluded, was the only incident of the ceremony that lasted 46 minutes. In the PRD bloc senators were not present closer to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, including the deputy coordinator of the caucus and Senator Ricardo Monreal Rosalinda Lopez.

Wearing a royal blue blouse, Andrea participated in the fellowship offered by the Senate in the courtyard of the old house and left the room Xicoténcatl with the winner Miguel Angel Granados Chapa. Before retiring
convinced that expressed "a public cry in a public place," which was "a popular cry that flag in many places and I expressed here."

cry After the ceremony continued as if nothing had happened, but he felt the tension. At that point, Calderón was standing to the left of Granados Chapa, to the right of Senate President Gustavo Madero.

In the plenary hall, accompanying the president, Andrea located in close proximity did not seem to give importance to the second mess of the last four days. Calderon came

accompanied by his wife Margarita Zavala, Secretary of the Interior, Juan Camilo Mouriño, and his private secretary, Cesar Nava.

The session began at about noon with only 79 of the 128 senators, by the head of the Culture Committee, the PRD Maria Rojo, was cautious in his speech, which did not refer explicitly to Calderon, but "The gentlemen holding the powers of the Union."

Andrea said that like his namesake is convinced that the triumph of Lopez Obrador is not a "political issue, but math." Only

to keep in mind that the media called "communication" the population must always read with suspicion reproduce a note of The Reporter, Journal of Guadalajara, where he says falsely that Andrea "nobody bothered remained there." From the title, the note reveals the desire of the newspaper to ingratiate himself with the right of the oligarchs and the left of the traitors. Spelling mistakes, of course, appear in the original. A great example of anti-journalism.

together, Calderón and PRD, but no scandal
The Informant
October 8, 2008

"It's an honor to be with Obrador!" Shouted a woman as the Chief Executive of the Senate entered the enclosure
There were
solemnity and emotion. For the first time in six years, were in the same hall the President of the Republic and the PRD senators

MEXICO .- There were the solemnity and emotion. For the first time in six years, were in the same hall the President of the Republic and the PRD senators. But the scandal and protest barely peeked.

"It's an honor to be with Obrador!" Shouted a woman as the Chief Executive of the Senate entered the hall. His name is Andrea Fernandez works in Radio Education, but he likes to say "Dorotea Arango." No one bothered, there remained. Soon after, when he sang the National Anthem, Rosario Ibarra raised his left fist. Instead put a picture of Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the caption: "legitimate president."
Miguel Angel Granados Chapa
Medal Belisario Domínguez. Moved received applause upon arrival and after your message. While he spoke at the podium, President Calderón wrote for several minutes with his right hand, then stored in leaves. Meanwhile, Juan Camilo Mouriño, Secretary of the Interior, passed the time in sending and receiving messages on your iPhone.

were apparent, unconcealed, nervousness, tension in the seat of the Senate that was closely monitored. Before the session began, PRD lawmakers met behind closed doors, they discussed what would be your attitude to Felipe Calderón. Ricardo Monreal insisted that something must be done, to say, to shout. Lost the vote, decided with two other members of his party not to go.

And they were all in place. Military Academy cadets were fence. The senators talked. Carlos Navarrete joked with Manlio Fabio Beltrones and Angel Aguirre, told them that I forgive the defeat handed him his party in Guerrero if finally organized the meeting with Joan Sebastian bohemia, friend of Aguirre.

Soon after came the winner. He walked slowly. He smiled at finding faces and eyes of friends, disciples. Shake hands of Felipe Calderon as he held it out to greet him. Excited to hear the good speech of an elegant Maria Rojo.

Then he spoke. Called, "Citizen President" Calderon Hinojosa. He said that although part of his job is to weave words, which was not accurately reveal their feelings on receiving the Medal Belisario Domínguez. Continued. He took his convictions. Concluded with an appeal: Let us prevent the society is dissolved, rebuild the house that we shelter them all.

He and his emotion. Strong applause from everyone. The formal session ended, the scandal finally broke no, just stuck his face.

Finally, the most objective coverage gave Day. He was the only national newspaper reported on the atmosphere of repression that was present in the Senate.

Severe EMP monitoring in the Senate
Andrea Becerril and Victor Ballinas
October 8, 2008

arrested at Fernandez PRD Noronha

A heavy security, by elements of the Estado Mayor Presidencial (EMP), the Federal Preventive Police (PFP) and riot police yesterday applied around the Senate, hours before that President Felipe Calderón attended the exhibition to witness the delivery of the Belisario Domínguez Medal journalist Miguel Ángel Granados Chapa.

from one day before fences were placed in the streets of Donceles, Tacuba, Allende and Filomeno Mata. Yesterday, the Senate seat was guarded by police elements who were guarding access to the site of Xicotencatl and had arrested Gerardo Fernandez PRD Noronha.

Senators Ricardo Monreal, Rosario Ibarra Yeidckol Polevnski and had to rescue the former speaker of the Aztec sun, which riot police and members of the Presidential had against the wall in the corner of Donceles and Alley 57.

Lawmakers discussed at length with the police officers and managed to release Fernandez Noronha, who was concentrated with a group of protesters installed on the Central Axis and Donceles, who, despite being at all times surrounded by military and police, no stopped shouting slogans against Calderon. Within

Xicoténcatl enclosure, meanwhile, members of the parliamentary guard and kept under surveillance staff to journalist Andrea Fernandez during the 55 minutes it took the solemn session in which the medal Belisario Domínguez.

The journalist, daughter of the late sports columnist Angel Fernandez arrived special guest and close Calderón launched the slogan "an honor to be with López Obrador." Immediately flanked two guards, removed his badge and escorted to the exit.


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