Indigenous people and socialism: five centuries of "Discovery"
Sergio de Castro Sanchez
Kaos on the net
October 12, 2008
is our intention to invite us to reflect that, based on the ideological foundations of genocide, this allows us to think that Latin America history.

So familiar, ideological domes on both sides of Ocean held on October 12 as the beginning of a "meeting" fruitful "two ways of seeing life and the world will." This "meeting" broadly divided into two stages. The first start, of course, with the arrival of Columbus to "English" and ending with the attainment of independence by the American countries. The excuse: the truth of God. The bottom line: money and colonial expansion (power). The second would arise with the creation of nation-states in Abya-Yala and the consecration of their project to Creole and mestizo. The excuse: progress and modernity. The bottom line: the perpetuation of economic and political power. Neoliberalism would be the ultimate expression of this phase.
The third of these steps (if such a thing) should be described with greater caution and more detailed analysis, but this is not the purpose of this paper. With that caution it deserves a project unfinished and is defined as a liberating and revolutionary, we might say that the new period begins with the government coming to power more or less close to call XXI century socialism. If you become a new project mask mestizo-creole (And hence continuity with ethnocentric logic, developmental and predatory of Modernity) or be able, as demanded by many who emerged from socialism itself, to include in it the native peoples, is what remains to be seen. Latter position that still has dangers and experienced in the past when it comes to "mainstream" and not take as protagonists, the true inheritors of the continent of Abya Yala.
arise, therefore, some questions. The "Revolution": A new excuse or release and multinational project? The bottom line: oligarchies renovated building or real structural change?
In this context, some of the logical repeated for centuries should be reviewed based on historical facts and background ideological foundations. And by that I mean not so much "content" obviously very different, but the "manner" in which these contents are presented to the 'other' (indigenous peoples). Reflection proposed aims reconsider whether the way in which the proposed changes are presented to the "other" from above "as an absolute, one true, or if on the contrary, even beyond mere "integration", which are horizontally or something unfinished and open.
Bridging the gap we hope to have explained clearly enough, we believe that in this respect one of the key documents clarifying and overwhelming that one can see is the requirement.
When in 1511 the Dominican Antonio de Montesinos denounced from the beginning of the English atrocities that later become a continent-wide genocide, Ferdinand convenes a meeting of jurists and theologians who seek to give substance to the Conquest. Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios be in charge of writing in this regard and request that the Notice has been given to the inhabitants of the islands in the sea shore ocean are not yet subject to our Lord: the requirement.
The theological foundation of the principle of ownership of "The New World" and the divine right rather moral obligation "to proceed to the evangelization of its residents serve as an excuse for action shows the ideological and human atavism who pushed the Conquest . A throwback anchored in the most recalcitrant Eurocentrism and, subsequently, the mask has changed over the years. If the socialist project is becoming a new mask is what we believe is necessary to study the historical moment for Latin America.
The requirement was used first in the current Panama in 1513. The "Conqueror" was honored Pedrarias first to make known to the Indians what the ultimate truth underlying the genocide. Thus, as would his successors, when the time of his encounter with the "Indians", read aloud the solemn document. Let them know that the Pope was the true owner of the land. The representative of God on earth that was given to the Catholic Monarchs with the explicit task of evangelization and guided by the path of truth to their residents. In perfect Old Castilian, and real presence of a notary, they made known that any resistance to this divine effort would, under the supreme principle emanating from the Highest, the right of the conquerors to wipe out everyone who showed reluctance to perform minimally divine mandate. Adding, finally, that they would be guilty of such action of the strong Christians for ignoring the will of God.
While at first the text was read in the presence of indigenous people themselves, it would later, as explained by Eduardo Galeano, at night and from the vicinity of the villages at dawn, were destroyed by envoys of God.
The Requirement suffered minor modifications over the years. The following is the version Francisco Pizarro made to reach for his heroic expeditions by land of the Inca Empire. Emphatically recommend full reading.
provision that instructs the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro that he might continue the conquest of the provinces of Peru
The form and order that has to be a requirement that part of his Majesty has to the Carib Indians, rebels in the province of Peru, is as follows:
On behalf of the Emperor and King Don Carlos and Dona Juana, his mother, Queen of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies , Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, de Galicia, de Mallorca, Seville, Sardinia, Cordoba, Corsica, Murcia, Jaén, the Algarve, Algeciras, Gibraltar, Canary Islands, the Indies, islands and the sea shore Ocean, Condes de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLords of Vizcaya and Molina, Duke of Athens and Neopatria, Counts of Ruysellón and Sardinia, Oristano and Marquis of Gociano, Archduke of Austria, Dukes of Burgundy and Brabant, Counts of Flanders and Tyrol , etc. Wranglers barbaric people.
His servants and we notify you know, as best we can, God our Lord, one and eternal, created heaven and earth, and a man and a woman, whom we and you and every man in the world were and are descendants and procreated, and all who come after us. But by the crowd of the generation of these has come from [it] to over five thousand years since the world was created, it was necessary that some men were on one side and some another, and divided by many kingdoms and provinces, which one could not be sustained and preserved.
Of all these nations God our Lord gave a charge, which was called S. Peter, that all men of the world was superior lord to whom all obey, and was head of the entire human race, wherever men should come in any law, sect or belief, and gave him all world for his kingdom and jurisdiction, and inasmuch as he sent to his chair in Rome as rigged in place to govern the world, and to judge and rule all people, Christians, Moors, Jews, Gentiles or any other sect or belief may be. Pope called this because it means admirable, greatest father and governor of all men.
this San Pedro obeyed and took as their lord, King and top of the universe at that time lived, and likewise have had all the others after he was elected to the papacy, and this has continued until now, and continue until the world ends.
One of the Popes past that instead of this happened in that dignity and chair I said, lord of the world as he donated the islands and mainland of the Ocean to the said King and Queen and her successors in these realms, with everything in it, as contained in certain writings which passed over it, as stated, that you can see if they wanted. So their Highnesses are kings and lords of these islands and the mainland by virtue of the said donation, and as such Messrs. Reyes and some islands and almost all of whom it has been notified, have received their Majesties, and have obeyed and served and are serving as subjects should do, and with good will and without any resistance and then without delay, as they were informed of the above, obeyed and received the religious men that their Highnesses sent them to preach and teach them our Holy Faith and all of their free, pleasant will not award or qualification, became Christians and they are! and their Majesties were cheerful and kindly, and so sent them treated like the other subjects and vassals, and you are taken and forced to do the same.
Thus, as best we can, we ask and require you to understand good things which I have said, and toméis to understand and discuss it as long as whatever is right, and know them the Church Lady Superior of the universe and world and the Supreme Pontiff Pope called on his behalf, and the Emperor and Queen Doña Juana our lords, instead, as a senior and kings of these islands and the mainland, by virtue of the donation and consintáis and give place that these religious fathers I declare and preach the above.
If ye should do so, will do well, and that they are held and bound, and their Highnesses and we on their behalf, I welcome you with all love and charity, and you leave your wives and children and property free and bonded to from them and you should do freely what they wanted and how well you had been, and not be compelled to Christians tornéis you, unless you informed of the truth I wanted to turn our Santa Fe Catholic, as they have done almost all the inhabitants of other islands, and beyond this their Majesties will grant privileges and exemptions, and will make you many favors.
And if ye should not or ye might delay it maliciously, I certify that with God's help, we will enter powerfully against you, and we will war by all parties and ways we could, and bring the yoke and obedience of the Church and their Majesties, and take your people and your wives and children and slaves do, and as such sell and dispose of them as their Majesties command, and you take your goods, and we will all evils and damage could, as to vassals who do not obey or want to receive their lord and resist and contradict him, and protest the deaths and damage that it will continue to be your fault and not their Majesties, not ours, neither of these gentlemen with us come, and how what we say and this scribe require that we take it for testimony marked, and please present this witness. Identified
del Conde, Dr. Beltran. Bachelor Carabajal. Bernal Bachelor, Graduate Market Peñalosa.
This was sent to the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro on March 8 of 1500 and thirty-three, when you could send supplies to continue the conquest and population of the provinces of Peru.
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