have to see it. For well over a year I said we had to upload this video to your blog, by neglect or forgetfulness or lack of time I did not, but these files that must be time because they have expiration dates. It is well known, and very likely to have met him before my notice.
John the Revelator
I would call this a work of art. The video is entirely fan-made , which for me is not immediately obvious: the creator, whose alias is Violator of the Regime (Rape of the regime), denies in "space" be in any way associated with Depeche Mode, the group that re-interpreted for our times this old gospel, the images, however, illustrates so beautifully the song you'd think the video was produced before or at the same time the letter was born. Once seen, one can not believe that Depeche Mode has not re-writing the song thinking on the shadowy Emperor George Bush II.
And the letter is another wonder. The original gospel, which dates back at least to the twenties of last century (and who knows whether we should go back to XIX), celebrates with Christian fear, "that he writes," John, called "the Developer" shall mean having revelations and communications. Current science considers it likely that the apostle John, the Gospel of John (the writer of the Fourth Gospel) and developer John (the writer of Revelation) have been in history three different people, for the Christian tradition, however, it is in each case the same man, the disciple whom Jesus loved.
The earliest recording of John The Revelator was made 'Blind' Willie Johnson in 1930. Appeared in the anthology music American popular and looks at some point in the global network for you to listen.
Blind Willie Johnson
John The Revelator follows a classic pattern of call and response , like many popular pieces of inspiration, religious as well as profane. You can locate this pattern in the West and East, and very characteristic, in Africa. The "type" musical call and response is just a manifestation of communication made and even human-animal, which is based on the interrogation, an individual of a certain zoological species cries out to the air, waiting for another individual of the same species interpreting their tears in the right way, to understand their lack and desire may even better than himself. Johnson-recording a guitar, a voice husky man asking a woman's sweet voice answering machine has a rural flavor, is a gospel blues still not far from that part of folk that produced the country . I imagine with similar intonations encouraged other slaves to harvest cotton fifty years before the singing of Willie blind.
There are hundreds of versions of John and not one of which I know I dislike. One of the most prominent is that of Mississippi bluesman Eddie James 'Son' House. I think if Son House's interpretation became canonical (in it, rather than that of Willie Johnson, are based almost all others) is that House, who as a teenager tried to become a Baptist pastor before killing a guy during a binge and spend 15 years in prison, gives the piece its spiritual definition. Her voice channels are tight, tough, fair, his internalization of the meaning of words, deep and religious.
Son House on TV (years 60)
Depeche Mode What he did was Mephistopheles. It took a song from church and turned it into a critique of Christianity.
versions of blues, although very different, they stick to orthodoxy in their dating of biblical passages. The Johnson Blind eg
Oh, why me, cried Thousands holy,
Bound for some, Son of Our God,
Daughter of Zion, Judah the Lion,
I Bought redeemeth and us with His blood.
Bound for some, Son of Our God,
Daughter of Zion, Judah the Lion,
I Bought redeemeth and us with His blood.
The Son House:
You know God Walk Down in the cool of the day,
Called Adam by His Name,
But I Refuse to answer
Because he's naked and ashamed.
Called Adam by His Name,
But I Refuse to answer
Because he's naked and ashamed.
John , in the narrative "depechiana" album Playing the Angel (2005), is a fraud that rises through a "lift" does not have "book of the seven seals " but a book of seven lies "multiplied by seven, they stole his God to the Jews and the Muslims and now claims God as its object the exclusive use.
John the Revelator,
put him in an elevator,
take him up to the Highest High.
Take him up to the top
Where the mountains stop:
let him tell historical book of lies.
John the Revelator,
he's a smooth operator,
it's time to cut him down the size.
Take him by the hand,
put him on the stand:
let us hear his alibis.
By claiming a God
as his holy right,
he's stealing a God
from the israelites,
he's stealing a God
from the muslims too:
there is only one God
through and through.
Seven lies
multiplied by seven
multiplied by seven again.
Seven angels
with seven trumpets:
send them home on the morning train.
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator!
All I ever Gives us is pain.
Well, Who's that shouting?
John the Revelator! Should I
historical bow head in shame.
By and by ...
put him in an elevator,
take him up to the Highest High.
Take him up to the top
Where the mountains stop:
let him tell historical book of lies.
John the Revelator,
he's a smooth operator,
it's time to cut him down the size.
Take him by the hand,
put him on the stand:
let us hear his alibis.
By claiming a God
as his holy right,
he's stealing a God
from the israelites,
he's stealing a God
from the muslims too:
there is only one God
through and through.
Seven lies
multiplied by seven
multiplied by seven again.
Seven angels
with seven trumpets:
send them home on the morning train.
Well, who's that shouting?
John the Revelator!
All I ever Gives us is pain.
Well, Who's that shouting?
John the Revelator! Should I
historical bow head in shame.
By and by ...
is so different from Johnson Blind devotee regret that the membership should be credited only Depeche Mode. Inspired by a religious blues from the 20 but it is a new and aggressive, expelled from the birth of the third millennium ruined. Such
, Violator of the Regime (nice name that perhaps has something to do with the Mode dial 1990, which came Personal Jesus), very sharp, incorporating the letter of the English group to hodiernal context of the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan at the hands (claws) of the imperial troops. The video is serious about Bush's threats to Iran and Venezuela; referred to the attacks of September 11, 2001, with which it justified its barbaric war against Islam (attacks, with almost complete security, were part of a project designed by the U.S. State); and in a reverse of sublimation St. John in the video, it becomes Little George Jr. Who rose for our times, the worst of the history of Christianity. Remember "the world's favorite Texan" -recycling the stupid expression of León Krauze - perceives himself as a new Crusader, a defender of Western values \u200b\u200band Christian, a guardian of civilization . Silly, but silly defended, at the time, a high percentage of the U.S. population, and although it is the most ignorant and stupid president in U.S. history-plagued clumsy and ignorant presidents - , Bush II merely move to the dirty politics the academic arena, sleek and cultivated, by other Judeo-Christian and Western " wise" in size by Bernard Lewis. The role of military vanguard of Western culture has been coveted by the Americans since the founding of the country, mostly by the financial elites who control the only two political parties contending for a century, in fact, in the presidential election. Therefore, the misery will not end for the planet to the reign of George Developer . John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, regardless of their desires or how they look at themselves, they are prey to the same web that his subjects have fallen. That is the legacy of César ending George Bush II.
It's time to cut down the size him. But the heinous murderer who led the bloody period of American life is just a minimum amount of evil. The roots of evil are economic and ideological, far more difficult to start in Bush's head.
As a curious note, irrelevant, Blind Johnson mentions in his interpretation a "bush" a bush or shrub, in English:
Well, Moses to Moses, watchin 'the flock,
Saw the bush Where They Had to stop.
God Told Moses, " p ull off your shoes
Out of the flock, well you I choose " .
Saw the bush Where They Had to stop.
God Told Moses, " p ull off your shoes
Out of the flock, well you I choose " .
The " acting credits" "I have not said - the work of Violator include, besides George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and the role of "Barney " to Tony Blair. "Behind the scenes " is credited to Dick Cheney. The video is available for download at http://www.filefactory.com/file/9d8b6e . More information http://www.youtube.com/user/violatoroftheregime .
Go to the site that promotes the impeachment of George W. Bush: http://www.impeachbush.org .
H o and tomorrow in Mexico are dark dates celebrations of the dead.

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