Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pierced Kate Playground

Requirement Cold War, reheated

My article this month for the newspaper kiosk .

Cold War, reheated
Gerardo Monroy

Only two Russian leaders of recent times are estimated without fuss by the Western media: the well behaved Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin social drinker. They were honored with flowers, songs, tributes, laudatory articles in magazines, honorary degrees ... Even a Nobel prize! Both were responsible for dismantling the Soviet Union, how would not worship in Europe and America? On the contrary, references to Vladimir Putin, Yeltsin's successor as president of Russia and now prime minister, outlines an individual airtight, surprising and therefore unreliable, disappointing because it is the Democrat with whom the world civilized long for making deals, but another absolute autocrat in the line of Oriental despots ranging from Ivan IV to Iosif Vissarianovich Vassilievich Djugashvili.

As early as 1992, the population of South Ossetia said in his mind a referendum for independence from Georgia but this, of which South Ossetia formally remains part, refuses to recognize it as a separate entity. Over 16 ½ years, Georgia-Ossetia armed conflicts have occurred, reconciliations forced attempts at dialogue, the tension between the two republics has been permanently lightened. After the summit in April this year, NATO agreed to the eventual admission of Ukraine and Georgia within his coalition, to join the two former Soviet republics into NATO, Russia's national security would be at risk, As Putin began to approach the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. On the night of August 7, army Georgian ground and air enter Tskhinvali Ossetian capital. Ossetia and Russia responded to the attack. At day 15 were estimated dozens of Russians dead, hundreds of Georgians and more than a thousand Ossetians.

Tskhinvali was devastated, and yet Ossetian people have been the worst affected in this intensive ten-day war, the West, through its radio, through its press and television, aims to deceive himself into believing the huge Goliath, the Russian bear, undertook an immoral and unconscionable attack on the helpless David Georgian. The names of Russia and Georgia overshadow the battered figure of Ossetia. Maybe that's why you, too, despite hypocritical reader yourself, think and say and repeat the old anti-Russian stereotypes: the giant country that never stopped sending the czars, that Stalin was a czar, that Stalin gives the world the same as giving Hitler. From such irrational premises, the subsequent step is irrational to say that today's Russian leaders, Putin and President Dmitri Medvedev, are czars, are Stalin and Hitler are.

important details not

This step has been taken by Robert Kagan, a former international affairs analyst for former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Kagan published on Monday 11 August in his column in the Washington Post article ("Putin Makes His Move") that begins with this amazing statement: "The details of who caused it to advance the Russian war against Georgia are not very important. Do you remember the precise details of the Sudeten Crisis, before the Second World War, which caused the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany? Of course not, because these moral dilemmas remember as a small tragedy in a larger drama. " I am quoting the Castilian version of the article ("Putin makes his move") appeared on 13 of the same month in the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.

for Kagan, a thinker whose influence has recognized John McCain, Republican presidential candidate American-Caucasian background of the conflict are not relevant. Equated to today's Russia with Germany yesterday, if readers of Excelsior and the Washington Post did not experience any shock, is that countless journalists and historians have been preparing us for the past decades to assimilate without resistance comparisons between socialism Russian and German fascism.

"The Russian 'federal' Putin has been tsarist and Soviet, that is totally contrary to the appearance independent of the ex-Soviet republics," he writes in El Universal on Tuesday 12 ("Georgia, a new volcano to Putin" ) teacher Juan María de la UNAM Alponte. To Alponte, the policy of George Bush II in the Caucasus is "containment" ("Sarkozy and UN seek peace in Georgia", El Universal, 15 August), "all of Putin's foreign policy has been to submit separate ex-republics of Moscow centralism "(" Russia: the explosion of the ex-'repúblicas' ", 1 August) and again:" Moscow imposed the doctrine of the czars and the former USSR "(" Georgia, a new volcano ..."). In issue 387 (August 17) of the weekly Vertigo ("Georgia: another time before the empires"), repeated Alponte "Stalin, Lenin and Putin will never accept the amendment of the Tsarist Empire's historical borders as borders of the nation."

Although ostensibly historian Alponte not explain that in the nineteenth century, Ossetians and Georgians were submitted to the Russian empire seeking to protect the Turkish Empire. In addition, the repeated comparison between Putin and the Bolsheviks is bizarre, as the borders Alponte defending his criticism of Putin were drawn by Stalin! A Alponte not interested neither Lenin nor Stalin of reality for him Lenin and Stalin are not people, but fetishes which serves to endorse the Bush II policy against Russia, "containment" yes, of course. We must speak ill of Russia until the issue is not Russia, consult "The hard cost to the November vote" (Vertigo 390, September 7), where the invariable Alponte Putin lashes out in an article intended primarily to analyze the U.S. presidential race.

blind to this as the last Alponte not say that the Georgia faced the Goliath Russian davidiana has behind it one more Goliath is your bra. Underpin U.S. weapons to Georgia. The media ignore or minimize U.S. involvement in the conflict, treated as "humanitarian aid" Bush vows to send the Caucasus and even come to support America as "a stabilizing force." Georgian military commanders have been instructed by U.S. troops, but this "detail" (Kagan dixit) "is not very important." Georgia allocated 70% of its budget to buy arms and, after the United States and Britain is a nation that has sent more troops to Iraq: another "not very important detail." Nor does it seem "important" Mikhail Saajashvili-the Georgian president has violated the truce, which traditionally is the celebration of the Olympic Games, with Medvedev and Putin in Beijing, ordered the attack on Tskhinvali.

August 14, Ralph Peters, Lt. Col. U.S. Army, published in the New York Post column of text ("A Czar is born") where, after insulting the Russian people with puns (" Are the Russians barians alcohol-sodden bar ") returns to the rigged comparison between the current Russian leadership and the past:" Not a single leader of the free world that will play today in the office can be measured with the Czar Vladimir the Great " "Sarko believed to exercise a great reputation as a statesman, but Putin did not see more than a" useful idiot "(in Leninist parlance)." Sarko is the nickname that despises Peters Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president and mediator in the conflict. Tsar Vladimir is obviously Putin: a Leninist Czar, at last, after all, how much better the historical consistency? In public, according to a report by Daniel Luban, Peters Putin has compared not only with Stalin but with Hitler: "We are facing a resurgence of a great power with imperialist ambitions megalomaniac, led by the more effective leader in today's world. Find a terrible reminiscence with the 30 "(" U.S. Neocons compare Putin to Hitler, electronic portal Inter Press Service, August 14).

An increasingly embarrassing Carlos Fuentes written to the Argentine daily La Nacion (September 6th): "Putin arrived with the clear intention of restoring the power of the Great Muscovy. He is heir to Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and terrible, but not great Stalin. " It is bleak indeed a great novelist who was unimaginative repeat falsehoods, but this death Carlos Fuentes decided to lead his old age.

Ossetia on TV gringa

Shepard Smith, host of Fox News news in the United States, interviewed on 13 August two Ossetian ancestry U.S.: Kokoeva Amanda, 12, and her aunt Laura Tedeeva-Korewiski, who were visiting relatives in South Ossetia when the bombing began. The interview runs until the girl politely thanked them Russian soldiers who rescued her and remember that attacks on civilians came from Georgia. The aunt mentioned the name of the blame for the war: Mikhail Saajashvili. Smith stopped the woman and announced a commercial break. Laura sighs: "I do not want to hear this ..." By cutting back, Laura tries to develop his view, not the people of Georgia, but President Saajashvili is the culprit. "He must resign," he says. Smith's last stop, "that's what the Russians wanted." The interview ends. Lasted only three minutes.


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