Thursday, November 20, 2008
Breast Feeding Ladies
The city rooted in Tijuana gringo Daniel Charles Thomas sent me this movie than just three minutes long, and with a very sharp sense of humor develops an ironic fantasy that puts the U.S. behind mirror other of that other we Mexicans to them ("the others all that we are," said Octavio Paz, and sorry for the reference culture).
It seems very appropriate to share the video with the readers of the blog in this sad anniversary of our revolution (ah, because we a). The film is titled in English The job, which translates to good Mexican The pull . Is a realization of Screaming Frog Productions written and directed by Jonathan Browning . He has received several awards. Enjoy it.
The job
Related Links:
Tijuana Gringo
Screaming Frog Productions
Website of the short
Website of Jonathan Browning
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bushnell Elite 3200 10x40 Riflescope
The battle for PEMEX
energy reform as seen by a Mexican oil worker Kristin Bricker
Narco News
November 14, 2008
Original: November 4, 2008
Translation: Hermann Leyens

light The Mexican Congress approved reforms to the state-owned oil monopoly Pemex in late October 2008. Although details of the reforms have not yet been published in the Official Journal of the Federation of Government, there are details that have leaked to the media.
The biggest reform of the talk so far assigned specific blocks in the Gulf of Mexico to private companies to drill and explore. It has allowed private companies to explore and drill for years in the Gulf of Mexico, but the first time that exclusive rights are granted to specific block. It was a most controversial parts new laws, and opposition leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for using language that specifically prohibits the government allocated to private companies exclusive blocks. See this practice as an initial step toward greater privatization of Mexico's oil industry. However, Energy Secretary Georgina Kessel, argued : contractors will be given specific areas so they can devote to work and perform the required tasks, " because otherwise it would not be possible if is drilling a well in one place in particular, and another company comes exactly drilling in the same place, then it is impossible to have a drilling contractor in a given area with the situation " .
Other important reforms include the addition of 4 independent members to the board of directors of the company and subsidies for companies that complete projects sooner than stipulated in the plan or give PEMEX technology.
The reforms led to lukewarm reactions from the private international oil industry, which hoped to sweeping changes in Mexico's energy sector.
The new laws represent a minor setback for President Felipe Calderon and his National Action Party (PAN), which called for the privatization of PEMEX in April. Calderón wanted to let private companies build and possess and transport oil refineries. The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) supported the efforts of the PAN but refused to be called "privatization" reform proposal during an election season.
Despite the setback, lawmakers vowed to continue with the campaign to privatize PEMEX, which would require constitutional changes. Sen. Carlos Lozano of the PRI, told Reuters: "The constitutional changes are not part of our agenda now. It is a three-year agenda. "
The business community seems to agree that while the new laws do not change much, the fight to privatize PEMEX has not ended. "What we have adopted is just an affirmation of the status quo," said energy analyst George Baker . "It's a placeholder for true market-oriented reforms."
One thing all agree on is that country urgently needs reform PEMEX, the problem is what kind of reform. PEMEX infrastructure has on average 25 years. The PEMEX refining capacity is seriously inadequate. The overall production has fallen by at least 10% over last year.
Laura Carlsen, Americas Program Center for International Policy , argues that government officials have sabotaged PEMEX to pave the road to privatization:
Ironically, the same politicians proposed delivery of the refining and other operations of PEMEX to foreign companies, are responsible, at least in part, the current inability of the parastatal. What none of the reports mention is that much of the deterioration of Pemex was given under the same regime political party that now claims that the only way to save the hiring company is given in private sector operations. Calderon served as energy secretary in the administration of Vicente Fox from 2003 to 2004. PAN governments have held power for nearly eight years, during which PEMEX brand sales exceeded due to high international oil prices. Why the money was not reinvested in the oil company in order to prevent the current crisis?PEMEX
The bleeding of PEMEX was a conscious decision taken by political and administrative two reasons. First, the funds siphoned giant oil masked the true state of the Mexican economy. The Ministry of Finance used PEMEX's income, especially windfall in recent years for which no target was set in the budget approved by Congress, as a small box. Much of this money went to repay foreign debt. One part disappeared in corruption as in the case Pemexgate, which diverted funds to finance the PRI's presidential nomination. And the rest is finished in pet projects for the presidency. Successive regimes were stripping PEMEX for political purposes with little or no accountability to Congress or the Mexican people.
Second, neoliberal administrators intentionally sought to create a bleak picture of the parastatal in order to grow their already arduous defense of privatization. Only by presenting a doomsday scenario could be expected to approve key legislative reforms regarding the oil industry that finally satisfy the objectives for structural reform designed by the World Bank, the U.S. government and Mexico's neoliberal leaders.
The battle is far from over. Energy is a central component of the Alliance for Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America [SPP-SPP], which is directed by a group of thirty corporations - including Chevron Texaco, Sunoco, and ExxonMobil. The SPP calls for American energy integration. Other corporations behind the SPP includes a number of transport companies to which they are undoubtedly salivating at the prospect of opening the oil transport to the private sector in Mexico by Calderon's energy reform.
These neoliberal corporate actors will not decrease the pressure to privatize Mexico's oil, nor will the conservative forces in Mexico. The rhetoric of political parties on the energy reform has been intentionally unclear because different participants call for financial and political benefits. Just before the Mexican Congress considers further reforms, Narco News Gomezcaña met with Eduardo Morales, a former PEMEX worker and now an economist for the National Union of Workers Confidence Petroleum Industry, AC (UNTCIP AC), a PEMEX workers' union, to understand what is really at stake in the current debate on the future of Mexico's oil reserves.
Narco News: Can you explain the current situation of PEMEX? What parts of Mexico's oil industry have already been privatized and what are being in the public domain?
Gomezcaña: the concern arises about the meaning of "privatization." For that would have to refer to a dictionary. Privatization is to make private what has been monopolized by the state, so called public. Given the circumstances in PEMEX since 1973, have been privatizing some substantive parts of the oil industry. Why do we mark 1973 as the initial stage? Because Mexico has become oil exporter before that date, prior to 1974 specifically. Mexico generated oil for its domestic benefit for domestic consumption. Following the U.S. no received oil that sold the Arabs, and the peak in U.S. that occurred in 1970, USA was the need to hit the small countries to developing countries, countries of the South, in order to attract oil and production are of the same product. Then, in 1974, begins the overproduction in Mexico to sell to U.S. And strategic purposes but not for commercial purposes. This started the privatization process.
came in subsequent years the privatization process of substantive activities such as petrochemicals. The petrochemical industry was the spearhead of privatization.
neoliberal governments, from Carlos Salinas de Gotari, broke the petrochemical classification of primary and secondary products, which is an aberration in the world because there is no such classification. So with the new classification, in 1985 sixteen petrochemicals were classified as secondary to the purpose of evading the Mexican Constitution. The Constitution said that will power the state regulation of oil commodities. So make them side to begin to develop private initiatives. As it does not work, the following year 32 more classified, and as it does not work, make some petrochemical SA abnormally, creating a resistance movement in the eighties and both half of the decade. This stops the resistance movement and return to PEMEX activities without restructuring. We buy some plants that are now obsolete and even some plants that have not been used so far. Remained intact after they were installed. No maintenance was given, not given up and use. What caused it was neoliberal government that Mexico become an importer of petrochemicals.
After this comes the privatization process natural gas. In a first stage, basic petrochemicals, according to the company ranks, is the gas. The pipeline transport it to private dealers. The pipeline, as we know the oil anywhere in the world, require rigorous protection. For example, maintenance free, requiring 'pigging' [specialized inspection and removal of debris from inside the pipeline], activities that are not making private companies who received concessions. So these companies charge for delivering the product, but do not give maintenance to the tubes. This is for the gas. For the other products that will accompany the pipeline we must maintain them Mexicans. It really is a gift that we are making to private. Then comes the granting of domestic gas meter to the home to French firms, English companies, first in Mexico City and subsequently in other cities such as Guadalajara and Monterey, and move forward gradually.
With this, they amended Article 27 of the Constitution to the effect that the private sector could market the products of the gas. But governments like Fox and more cynical, or even, as we say in Mexico, we ' the eye of the male plug ' , they begin to generate cynically activities that will go into the hands of transnational companies, not only for domestic private enterprise, but at the hands of international. Fox is launching a public tender in 2000 to the effect of exploring, exploiting and marketing the natural gas of our country, specifically in the Burgos Basin, which is a new site was found. We have complained to Repsol, in this case, derivative contracts are also defendants. This is a clear process of privatization. Mexico and want to deceive the whole world saying that this is not a farm when they take the underground, and call it a development. They are marketing. There is a contract now publicly denounce whereby Repsol wants to sell gas to Peru, and is the gas in our Cuenca de Burgos.
Then, obviously, the privatization process has been within the oil industry and now Calderon fits the same pattern. Calderón is pushing a privatization to justify all the anomalies that previous governments have done to legalize the whole process to clear the error. But it's done and the damage we have done to the Mexicans. Then, Calderón also aim to this, the labor side, lay off 30,000 workers in the industry oil with a project that is launching right now called Project SUM [1]. Right now we have a workforce of 140,000, and want to fire 30,000.
Narco News: Can you explain the role of the Democratic Revolution Party's center in the debate?
Gomezcaña: The problem of our country is that the PAN and the PRI (which was the previous government before PAN) currently has the majority in the House and we are depending on the PRI may be the trigger that is accepted or not accepted the proposed privatization Felipe Calderón.
The PRD proposal brings nationalist. There is a strong partisan issue there with them. The PRD brings a very strong division because on one hand as it wants to co-opt the government feared that they might vote in favor of privatization, the Members who are of the PRD, which are part of them.
However, it is very difficult to give this. The PRD is on a block nationalist process. Andrés Manuel López Obrador is now leading the movement in defense of oil, regardless of their follies and their rantings or political bubble that exists around it is the only one who has had the good sense to make a social movement mobilization is stronger there in our country in defense of oil nationalization. This is being done outside the PRD. The PRD is supposed to have a project with the FAP (Broad Progressive Front, a coalition of center-left parties), but Lopez Obrador is walking on his own and with the followers he has. But it is the only form of resistance that exists in our country, the only form of resistance that exists today, which is raising Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
oil Around the proposal is good, but Lopez Obrador's proposal, rather than the PRD. If the proposal of the PRD in short, along with the other two games of the FAP - Party Convergence and the Labor Party - is a proposal that even surpasses that of Andres Manuel, and if we add together is the only way forward. The people of Mexico has been added to this proposal and is hopeful he can stop the privatization.
We work with part of the proposal to make them, whether we be nonpartisan give some suggestions to them, is that everything is part of the state. It's part of our proposal and participate in such forums as the Plan Puebla-Panama, to defend against the Puebla-Panama Plan, is precisely that strategic areas that are not service areas, areas that are not marketable. Energy must be the guarantor of the country's development. The power must be part of a national strategic goal. We do not have to use it as an asset to be sold, is a resource for growing our own nation. In that sense they all proposals that have been made technically. Ranging from primary production, from exploration to marketing. There should be no foreign ownership. The whole proposal is that sense global. The petrochemical industry recovers, the scan have the resources, the maintenance of the facilities have enough budget to get ahead, that refining grow.
There is a deception in our country. The electronic media, television, the government is attacking very strongly saying we want to refineries. If we also want. Are already using our same strategy, since a specific date. The day began with a campaign using the same words to us. We also want refineries, but we want Mexico refineries. Telmex do not want another [2], we do not want loot to Mexico again.
strikes me that if we look at the gas stations that exist in Guatemala, which exist in El Salvador, which exist in Honduras, they have the minimum conditions of safety and which we currently have in Mexico. Is that why? Mexico is because the resource is under state control.
For example, there are signs on the floor. In Mexico there is a gas recovery in each shot of gasoline, then a car comes, they remove the cap, is inserted into the valve, there is a cap that prevents gases from escaping and contaminating the environment. In none of these Central American countries there is a gas recovery. The distance between the water tank which stores the product and pump, for example, in Guatemala is lejísimo, causing pollution. Signaling, height must have gasoline clinics that if a car crashes, does not cause any spillage of gasoline, does not exist. No product at all stations pulled, which in Mexico is called. There are no security measures are being taken. Why? Because Texaco does not permit, because Shell does not allow it because Exxon does not allow it, because all these companies are outside the law across the country. These companies have the power of the transnationals, the U.S. power, the power of the great powers. In these circumstances we will not do to be subject to the rules.
Narco News: How is bound privatization PEMEX Puebla-Panama Plan, now known as the Mesoamerica Project, and U.S. hegemony?
Gomezcaña: Look, I think that Mexico is a laboratory. It is a neoliberal strategy that goes beyond the Plan Puebla-Panama, alias Mesoamerica Project. Puebla Mexico is not just and what is south of that State. In all states there is privatization and what you want to use as an example for application in all other countries. If they get anywhere in the petrochemical industry will be able to scrub to Costa Rica [3], if they manage to privatize the refineries in Mexico, they will be able to insert the refinery had in Costa Rica. Obviously they're doing experiments.
In the U.S., there is Deer Park, a PEMEX refinery where he allegedly has a stake of 50%. To date, in memory of PEMEX results work there have a cent, not a single dollar, not a single penny Mexican nor gringo us where we benefit from that investment. I imagine nothing more that comes to building a Shell refinery in Mexico, that Mexico delivered in the same country as our product, and they delivered us the finished product to international market price.
That experiment is that they want to apply in all Central American countries. So Fox insisted both that now invest in a refinery in Costa Rica, it is part of Plan Puebla-Panama. That can be replicated by other similar experiments everywhere.
Narco News: How do you respond to political statements in the media that Mexico was running out of oil, so we have to privatize PEMEX before it happens?
Gomezcaña: Peak oil is a reality. Peak oil is a drop of oil. The global peak is coming later this year. In Mexico, we're living in 2009. Mexico stop producing oil. There are more sites.
The problem is that there are alternative projects. The few alternative projects that may exist for energy alternatives are giving them to foreigners. And in the case of Mexico, this is registered in the Puebla-Panama Plan, here in La Ventosa, rather it is the company [4] that under his command a strategic resource for electricity, which is responsible for invest in wind energy in La Ventosa, our wind - although it sounds abstract - is given to aliens such as Repsol to install windmills in this area. Obviously earnings will not be for Mexico, the benefits are for them, because they are going to take the very thieves. Repsol even lacks the infrastructure for these projects, Repsol contracts with other global companies, like Halliburton and we are giving Repsol and Halliburton projects because they are the darlings of the neoliberal governments of Mexico specifically.
happens in Mexico is very important. In no country would accept the conflict of interest that exists with the Secretary of the Interior of Mexico. Little boy is the son of Felipe Calderón, Juan Camilo Mouriño has key interests in energy issues of our country [5]. Is English. It is encouraging that in our country to invest the English. They have stuck interests, have the Nose stuck here in Mexico. So that's the big problem [ N. T.: interview before the plane crash that killed Mouriño].
And the bottom line is that there are two completely different projects: the South of us and them North. We of them down and powerful. Those who defend all our resources, one of which is oil-on projects like the Plan Puebla-Panama, and those who want what is ours.
[1] The SUMA Project is a US-rigging plan and Mexico to "synergize" operations of PEMEX. The National Union of Workers of Petroleum Industry Trust, BC, says lead to lay off workers and reduce a company PEMEX to simply administer contracts and investment portfolios in the Mexican oil industry. Also eliminate the Corporate Office of Engineering and Project Development PEMEX, ostensibly to hand over control of engineering and project development to the private sector. The union estimates that between 30,000 and 60,000 workers would be dismissed as this project.
[2] When the Mexican government privatized the national telephone company, Telmex, the monopoly was sold to Carlos Slim, who, thanks to the benefits received from privatization, became the richest man in the world.
[3] Costa Rica also has a state oil company Coll.
[4] The electricity is also nationalized in Mexico under the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
[5] In 2002 and 2003, while working as an assistant to then-Energy Secretary Felipe Calderon, Mouriño signed by at least three energy contracts as a representative of the Mexican transport company from his father Ivance Specialized Transport. The contracts were for services provided to PEMEX. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who presented the contract to the media, said: "He got contracts for millions of dollars given directly to benefit the family business."
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Best Driving Simulation

November 13, 2008
1. The "Mutts", New Left (NI) or the real Social Democrats (SD) for at least a year and a half, delegates have the necessary structure to control the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD). The reality is that they worked hard, especially among politicians PRI in the states of the Republic to consolidate its social democratic party idea. No But they were not very difficult because the PRD Cardenas was born, that is, expressly to compete in elections. Were some areas a little radical, perhaps deluded, those who believed that the PRD could be at the service of social struggles. However, with the exception of the old parties prior to the seventies, born to and the social struggle and had flags in their socialist revolution, all others were born of the elections and the elections.
2. If "the only way to ascend to the government and power," as López Obrador has said, "It is only through elections, then maybe the Social chosen by" Mutts " is the correct way. But that road has been traveled in Sweden, Italy, France, Spain, Chile, Canada, etc. and all you have achieved through social reforms, is to renew the forms of capitalist exploitation, the alternation of the same political class in power and , as the old capitalist countries, continue to retain their privileges. In fact, the PRI in Mexico were agrarian reform, Social Security, public school, pension and retirement law similar to those of social democracy, but the operation intensified, but with reforms that served as a mattress. At best, the new PRD chuchista may serve to slow down a little to the right, but not to change the country.
3. With the consolidation of chuchismo in the PRD and its official recognition can also open the final step to tripartism always expected in Mexico: PAN right, center / right PRI and center / left PRD, the other home match will have to adjust with one or another. The budget money flowing and privileges will be increased, especially now that the agreements between parties, ie between the political class can reach higher levels. Here you can enter if you agree disciplined López Obrador the game, if it does will be completely marginalized and silenced, except to continue their struggles in the streets, make alliances with the social movement and now it "sends the devil to the institutions." But now the fight must be seriously expecting any repression or slaughter led by the bourgeoisie and its government.
4. The history of the PRD is a common history, it has nothing interesting because it is equal to that of almost all political parties in Mexico and the world. In Mexico, the history of all parties (call them what they are called) and the world, and on other occasions I have written, just check on what became the so-called socialist and communist parties in Italy, France, Spain and others. As one friend: "parties are free condoms" are dedicated to capture unwary or those who want the same thing to use to their advantage. Why have served, but to speak on behalf of the people and squander subsidies, and then use their votes (and even non-voting) as leverage to climb and good government charges income? That is why anarchists have always been enemies of the parties and all kind of centralized organization, with hierarchies and permanent leadership.
5. Who can forget the little Mexican PRI Fouche, Jesus Reyes Heroles (working father of two above), when in 1977 (before the crisis tremendous turnout) launched the so-called political reform laws and regulations, providing millions in subsidies, radio and TV as well as giving legislators or minority party? In the sixties and seventies the youth had rebelled, the union had made hundreds of strikes, turnout plummeted and did the same presidential candidate, López Portillo, had jurisdiction, on the other hand, independent social movement (especially during the dirty war) grew out of control. So the prince's advisor and at the same time, official-moles all in 1977 gave the center the opportunity to be part of government and budget to live comfortably and all comfortable.
6. So I wrote a few weeks ago López Obrador (AMLO), but remains in the PRD, will not be the presidential candidate of that party. The new leaders of the PRD, in fact, are the creators of the so-called New Left, which is nothing but a social power that seeks power (through Parliament) through negotiations and agreements with the PRI and PAN governments. The "Mutts", although lip service respect to Lopez Obrador say, the reality is that condemn their forms of struggle to the forward movement, as well as statements of confrontation with the illegitimate government of Felipe Calderón. If a year ago called "mainstream Daniel Ortega" was not most, now represents much more than half of delegates themselves and allies. And the trend is growing with more forces and careerists PRI.
7. A social democratic party is an electoral party that respects the state and its government as well as all the established laws. Chuchos not wait for the illegitimate president Calderon invited to talk but they, being consistent with its political line, they will seek to formalize the recognition. Jesus Ortega, appreciation not only negotiated with the Electoral Court is also committed to building a party civilized, decent, modern, respectful of law and institutions. That is the party that called Octavio Paz and have continued to demand Enrique Krauze, business, media and the same PAN. Encinas and AMLO you accept the general secretariat for Pooches will continue putting your finger in the mouth with the large majority voting delegates?
8. Then said a few days ago that López Obrador's behavior against the New Left leaders and has been compared to Cardenas, the APPO, Marcos, the EPR and other left currents, has always been respectful. Despite the criticism he has received no state support, nor has it responded to criticism. But he also said that despite AMLO has publicly stated that "the only way the government is the election "has not ceased to hold demonstrations without doubt, before the closure, corruption and rising unemployment and poverty could lead to the radicalization of the people. The only thing that should be required is that these mobilizations class content to give them more to avoid that at some time be curbed. That is the great value of López Obrador: the hope that these concentrations become enormous power of the masses.
9. What will happen when New Left do pass with their majorities an interview with Calderon and at the same time, Lopez Obrador to continue calling him a usurper government publicly? Should AMLO Save a tactical silence? The convening power of AMLO cause alarm and fear among the political class and business. They know that and brings together dozens or hundreds of thousands at the Monument to the Revolution in the Chamber to Juarez, on the main floor or in front of Televisa, and those same forces can also seek alliances between other sectors of workers and blocking roads, avenues , banks and government and embassies. What if the country's problems are compounded further detriment of the population, if the struggles of teachers, peasants and workers take to the streets and the PRD, along with the PAN and the PRI, calls for order and repression? What will be the AMLO's position?
10. Apparently, Lopez Obrador, as previously published, we have two paths:
1. Call the formation of a new national party,
2. Negotiate with the PT for it (in your program proclaims the struggle for socialism) is transformed into a party amlista.
In any case AMLO would have many difficulties because 1) has toured the country three times and not assemblies and would lack signatures for the registration of a new party and 2) the PT to achieve a huge leap that would put it above PRD (NI) Social. AMLO / PT could be one game left and NI would be more Chuchos identified with the PRI, so it would not have much reason to be separated. Governors, legislators and bureaucrats remain in the PRD, but the opposition would be with AMLO. Obviously also the "intellectuals" would respond to their own interests.
11. Not how they are able and capable leadership of a new party to unite the left with the struggles of workers, electricians, teachers, oil, mining, telephone and peasant and popular organizations, but if they act having clear goals and they manage to identify fully with the interests of the people, will be a party of "new type" that is unlike any pro-business party, bourgeois right. But this is the leftist party that want to build social López Obrador and his friends with their demonstrations or just about an organization rather than compete with the political class of positions within the same operating system? Anyway, the next steps of López Obrador will see if things can change radically or everything will be more of the same where it sees a return of the PRI to the national government.
12. We are in 2008 and soon will be the bicentennial of two great revolutions. Does anyone have guessed that in a bloody 11-year battle that began in 1810 with a "Grito de Dolores" were expelled from Mexico, the conquistadors after 300 years of cruel colonialism? Did you think someone (in the midst of waste and corruption Diaz and festivities "patriotic") that the Mexican people are up in arms in 1910 and achieved annihilate the army murderer who supported the dictatorship? No one, no person in his time thought that the people are organized and fighting could end centuries or decades of domination. Today, in 2008, it appears that the bourgeoisie has begun to lose the ability to dominate and the Mexican people are already desperate and tired of being dominated. Are they given the objective and subjective conditions in the Mexican people for a new revolution? Were given in 1810 and 1910?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When Pratham Rapes Gauri In Kutumb
Martin Moreno
November 11, 2008
"It investigating whether the crash was sabotage or attack, "according to English newspaper El Pais
On Tuesday November 4th 18:40 hours on collapsed on the Source of Oil in the private plane carrying the spurious Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mouriño the former head of the SIEDO, Santiago Vasconcelos and several other officials. There are 14 dead, and there were about 40 wounded people out of work at that time or accidentally passing by. The slaughter could have been greater, shunned by some power lines which stopped and prevented from reaching the Learjet Paseo de la Reforma.
Mouriño had left at 17:30 of San Luis Potosi after signing the Agreement State for Justice and Peace, with the PAN governor Marcelo de los Rios. From there a chain of strange events are occurring. The Committee addressed the Learjet 45 aircraft, a new model with the most advanced, was launched four years ago and not ten as reported by the illegitimate government's official spokesman, Luis Téllez. Address is seen visually by the controller in the tower of San Luis Potosi, a "plaza sold to the Zetas," reports Julio Hernández López. It was during the visit in a hangar between the PFP and SCT. Here we recall the recent dismissal of a senior leader of the PFP and control of airports in the country are drug cartels, who since 2005 had free access to the International Airport of Mexico City (AICM) as demonstrated by the famous "suitcase "Where were nominated retired military officers, agents SIEDO, AFI and PFP and even had infiltrated the U.S. Marshall's office at the U.S. embassy. The airport of San Luis Potosi is "free zone" of the Zetas. For that reason after fallen military jet immediately surrounding the airport and take the PGR takes control of air traffic services Service Mexican Air Space Navigation (SENEAM).
Vasconcelos, the other "illustrious traveler" had escaped at least five attacks, both the Zetas and the Beltran Leyva. I was in the crosshairs of three cartels, except the El Chapo Guzman, a favorite of the last two presidential terms, as the Arellano Felix had been in Salinas, which protected from the time that the PAN, on Fox, is the power of business in Los Pinos and hide El Chapo night that he could not return to his cell because the U.S. and made a record SEDENA Puente Grande, now known as "Puerta Grande".
is curious that at the time of boarding the military did not guard the runway and the aircraft. And the Estado Mayor Presidencial (EMP) breaks a basic protocol security anywhere in the world: traveling together two such high-level officials so clearly threatened. But in that plane also should have found the Public Safety Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna, who did not attend the appointment "scheduling problems". If they were going to be breaking their own three security protocols could not be for another reason to celebrate a very important security conclave in the air, to approve tougher measures on a new Security Act. Might think that in the air, like Bush after the 11-S where dispatched on Air Force One protected by a squadron of fighter jets, would be safer than on land. Even the bodyguards assigned to Mouriño EMP, except the captain, who was his chief of bodyguards, traveled back to Mexico City not in the private jet but at the same address Mexicana flight Cecilia Romero, Commissioner of the National Migration Institute. Who himself was in that way flight but did not address the return tour was the coordinator of Mouriño, Jorge Alberto Muro Ortiz, who had been working in the Interior and is described as "very professional" and inexplicably "lost" the return flight in St. Louis while "distracted "talking with Cecilia Romero, who was invited by Mouriño to board the flight but he apologized saying that he had tickets for a commercial flight back. In 1994, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon was the tour coordinator candidate Colosio. On March that killed Colosio in the plot of Lomas Taurinas, Zedillo was not the act with the candidate, was absent with an excuse. Then would be the next Mexico's president to replace Colosio. He was the man who not only knew but the travel schedule that organized. It smells too, as in 1994, a betrayal from the first circle Mouriño Calderon at Los Pinos, or OS. And the CISEN, which should be your civil guard? Well, thanks.
Earlier, Vasconcelos had been taken out of the SIEDO, not only because of threats and attacks, but by the complicity of his men with a cartel, and protected by U.S., the Ministry of Defence and Calderon creándole a post of "adviser" with a lower profile. The same is intended to do with Mouriño, out of the SG and send it to a governorship, and managed to cool to make it a part of the plan transexenal Calderon.
The flight proceeded as normal: towards good weather, communications with both radio frequency Atizapán, as with the AICM to crash the pilots did not report any mechanical failure or problems of any kind, never issued a May Day requesting assistance, the fuel tank is full, in fact, in San Luis replenished about 1.500 liters, or went with full tank, a secondary data not if we consider that is a short trip and safety is not indicated travel with a full tank in anticipation of accidents, emergency landings or explosions. The excess fuel sought that the attack was successful, charring the bodies, no one came out alive and the greatest possible effect of media terrorism. This also indicates an element of complicity no accident, the plane had passed a thorough review in the U.S., never saw the engine failure, and could fly and land with the other, there were no problems in the landing gear . The mathematical possibility of mechanical failure in a Learjet 45 is 0.0001%. He was not near the wake of a Boeing 767 that was ahead on course for landing, but 4 or 5 miles apart, as seen in radar images. Everything was normal up to a minute and a half before crashing in lost communication with the tower. What caused this sudden and abrupt change for the aircraft, which was already in the air corridor targeted for a landing on runway 5 of AICM veer, is put in reverse in a split second and fall in 20 or 30 seconds chopped, not auger (spiral), over 500 km per hour when he was descending in altitude in preparation for landing?
In "First News" Televisa was presented on video recorded with a cell phone by a witness of the aircraft falling in flames, which would be about 150 meters and crashed into the ground, which shows that it was explosion Prior to that he being already on the ground.
In the Open Forum of the newspaper El Universal, a witness said he saw at 18:15 hours, 40 minutes before the plane crash a Nitro truck with two men outside, one of whom watched with binoculars towards the sky . This information is so important that immediately circulated an Internet mail reporting that Raymundo Rivapalacio, editor of the newspaper, a pen that has been reported to be in the pay of Mexican civil intelligence services, CISEN, had been removed from office by order Calderón direct. The coverage of cell phone service in the area of \u200b\u200bLas Lomas, for a long time not worked. There cutters often than "blind" radio spectrum, such as those intended to be used in prisons to prevent extortion calls coming out of these centers. What is much more complex is to cancel the frequency of aircraft, since air in the hallway a plane before and after the jet, and put a single frequency of control, as if it were the control of a plane scale model aircraft, to manage, guide or cancel a remote control. Then, two logical questions arise: 1) Who may possess such sophisticated technology, advanced, enabling it to play with the plane like a model airplane model? 2) Who may operate a next-generation technology of this type, used in "war games"? In this case, the answer can only be one: the CIA and the Pentagon. It is the modus operandi of drug dealers with no further complications higher. It was easier for them to have killed him on the ground, whether it was as Mouriño Vasconcelos.
The plane has two black boxes, which have been found. Both AICM radar image, which has been made public, and audio communication with the tower does not show anything strange. Without more, communication is cut abruptly one minute before the crash. If there had been a mechanical failure was near the Campo Marte for an emergency landing. Another important fact is that the jet, the fall was 1.5 kilometers from Los Pinos, on the area of \u200b\u200bMolino del Rey. We can not forget the narcobanners that appeared weeks before the entire country with a clear threat message to Calderon. This is the realization of these threats. Calderón knows, has the information. The concealment seeks to put fear, uncertainty as a factor. E prevent disclosing that certainly could kill his Interior Minister.
The perpetrators claimed that the plane fell into Los Pinos, or as close as possible. The message is clear. It is also the ambassador's response USA Tony Garza said "or surrender or die" in a message to the drug, which had thrown grenades at the consulate in Monterrey gringo and forced to stop the activity of the embassy.
What is the motive? Who benefits?
Although verbally the false government speaks of a "war on drugs" still protecting Chapo Cartel, which has been the one who has suffered fewer attacks, arrests and harassment. All others: the Zetas, the Beltran Leyva, La Familia, Millennium Cartel ... orders have been hit by the U.S. and the DEA. Many of these cartels have connections PRI sectors are partners, starting with the one led by Don Beltrones . The arrests of the "King" Zambada, brother El Mayo, Eduardo Arellano Felix, the Doctor, that is, two founding members of powerful cartels, and the financial apparatus of the Beltran Leyva, that of Mocha, and discovery of the "suitcase" of money that had bought from members of the SIEDO, AFI, PFP and military retirees, near the Colombian arrested in the Desierto de los Leones, are mobile enough to require the death of both, and better if they killed two birds with one stone. This is a mobile. The other, of course, is the sharing of a delicious cake: oil.
necessarily the authors had access to the travel schedule of the bogus Secretary of the Interior, which again speaks of complicity at the highest levels of government illegitimate. When we speak of a poster or other or fight cartels, we discuss the sordid war between two political factions in power. To this we must add that the Anvil did not look kindly on Mouriño, a newcomer to them. "It was a blow, as the Minister of Interior has been a collaborator and friend of Spain," said President Zapatero at the news. He might have added that it was a blow to Repsol-YPF.
has been a blow to the center Calderón's heart, because they have eliminated its operator, his right hand, the dolphin, the second most important man in the power structure, a vice president, actually. This changes the history of Mexico, like the bombing that killed Admiral Carrero Blanco, in Spain in 1973, changed the history of that country or in our country the candidate Colosio. Years later - in the English case - then it was known that the CIA was aware of "Operation Ogre" and let them do because it served their interests. It is also a blow to U.S. imperialism, at least for a sector, which had in Vasconcelos, and also a team Jorge Tello Peon more "loyal" to their interests to control the uncontrollable cartels that narcosecretario team of the Public Security Genaro Garcia Luna, or irrelevant to their interests responsible for the PGR, Eduardo Medina Mora, and also for Spain, which Mouriño had a piece of lead in the competition with the transnational gringas for lucrative contracts and the allocation of oil blocks or lots to be privatized with the counter approved.
As icing on the cake, by an irony of fate the ship in the jargon of civil aviation was known for her tuition XC-VMC, as "Extra Charles March Coca-Victor." It also draws attention to the fact that two secretaries, the Government and temporary replacement, Abraham Gonzalez, and Ana Teresa Aranda, Religious Affairs were outside the country. Someone in the same circle at the highest level and filtered learned Mouriño agenda.
"Sabotage or attack?
bourgeois The English daily El Pais summarizes well what is the majority view, the voice of the street: "investigate whether the accident was due to sabotage or attack ." This is the point, this is the whole point. Many people think it's a conspiracy openly. Calderon in his address to the nation never named the word "accident." Instead he spoke of "reaching the final in the investigation" has all the information "... The tone and content were more typical of an attack than an unfortunate accident.
Witnesses say they saw Ural Mountains fall on a "fireball", others describe it as "a light that fell." Was suddenly, something sudden. And this is the key. As in the 11-S in the U.S. when a plane explodes, disappears in a split second radar screen. And it is safe because it blew a column of fire rose from about 40 meters, since the fuel tank was full. After several cars exploded in a sequence Dante.
"exploded in the air or on landing the catch? Or there were two explosions? When a car is attacked with a Molotov cocktail happens first bomb blast itself, which sets fire to the car and spend a few minutes until the car explodes in a second and final big bang. If there has been a tamper with a device to "turn off" all flight crews of both aircraft and the pilots had lost control, can not understand how no effect on the two flights that were front and rear (the Boeing 767 and The Fokker 100), until now entered the category of impossible, could not be so selective. Again, we are necessarily to the same question: What kind of technology could block selectively cancel the frequency and instrumental flights of a jet? If present, it should be stressed, would be a last generation of secret electronic warfare weapons and could only be used by the CIA and the Pentagon. In 1938, the archives of the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, deposited at the International Institute of Social Studies in Amsterdam, were stolen using the NKVD (forerunner of the KGB Russian) technology previously unknown in the West: a blowtorch. A reader of the column Astillero Julio Hernández, the newspaper La Jornada , David Garcia, recalled that after the 11-S emerged transnational theory that gringa The Carlyle Group, the holding company linked to the Bush family, the CIA and the FBI with interests in armamamento, energy, finance and technology, "which the" voice of the accident "Luis Téllez was its chairman Mexico for years would theoretically developed a system (home run) by which it could handle a plane by remote control, which include to "lock" their devices ring in flight.
There is another possibility. In recent times have been strange events that had never before in the country: the pump with plastic explosive C-4 military use in the Glorieta de Insurgentes in Mexico DF, and the two grenades exploded on September 15 in Morelia, Michoacan. The plane's nosedive indicates loss of control of the apparatus by demolition, light or heat which falls on impact of an explosive device, inside or outside. Or a plastic explosive bomb activated by a cellphone call or the impact of a land portable personal air missile. In all cases it would be a conspiracy. If it were a missile launched from the top of a building, leaving no traces and no one would think that initial opportunity. The sound of airplane engines themselves more sound, since it is declining, would plug the noise of the missile, that no wake, would be perceived only as a whistle. Some witnesses reported that before the explosion heard "a whistle." If the plane had been moved 100 meters from the first impact would have produced by the friction with the ground a noise louder, deafening. What the witnesses "heard" is the big bang, the second, when the device is grounded, which causes the rising column of fire and that stains the glass mid-rise building that is in Monte Pelvoux. Experts are now investigating at floor level. The impact of an incendiary rocket apparatus, he would turn the momentum of the crash, the drivers would lose control and plummet into a tailspin, wrapped in fire to spread and further hit cause land technically the "big bang" that releases the energy supplied by the fuel tank full to lift a 40-meter column of fire and smoke.
If the big bang had happened in the air would be more scattered debris and witnesses would be the pillar of fire from the top down and in their testimony somebody would notice and have not been reported in press releases as well. In this case indicates the presence of military or former military professionals. And both the Zetas as El Mayo Zambada or Beltran Leyva, or even a temporary alliance between some of them could do it always with the advice and even execution by active or retired military. War are military techniques used in Colombia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not forgetting that in that area there are no cameras in the City government and private buildings cameras pointing towards the ground, never to roofs or upper floors. Could intervene on radio frequency or a scanner signal the control tower to locate the exact location of the aircraft and execute the action when he was on the point that they had decided, almost in Los Pinos and the military side, Campo Marte. In addition, necessarily had to make eye contact. It was like throwing Mouriño head to the door of Calderon's official residence. It was a political murder with too much art, many messages and diverse audiences. Done in primetime, the best time, with worldwide media coverage for the U.S. elections and the decisive role of the Hispanic vote, mostly Mexican, to give victory to Obama.
was not chosen by chance neither time nor space. It was a historic day in the U.S., with Obama's expected victory, the first black president and beyond, to control the White House for the Texan right-wing fundamentalist lobby, with its succulent oil business in Mexico. If that wing Republican, with its connections to the CIA, knew of the attack, let him do it. Obama eclipsed abroad and inside, as millions of Mexicans who voted for Obama, would further news from Mexico. There was, ironically, the source of oil and where it was to build the Bicentennial Tower. There was a lot of planning, nothing was left to chance. In this regard should be investigated. In both cases, it is an attack. And the implications are even deeper than the attack on Colosio in 1994. Even the author or one of the masterminds may be the same. The mastermind of all recent state crimes (Posadas, Colosio and Massieu) has Name: Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Has links with U.S. multinationals, with the narco and dreams of the return of PRI to Los Pinos in 2012 to complete his plan transexenal to rule until 2025 as stated in the 90's. A turn of the hand of the operator, Manlio Fabio Beltrones and having already placed on Homeland Security to "pawn", Jorge Tello Peon, director of CISEN during his tenure.
Not knowing introduces more the element of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, seeks halt the terror and maintains, in the future and at any time, the sword of Damocles of the surprise factor, anything can happen and can happen to anyone. Increases continue playing the state of fear. Calderón will unleash a witch hunt. come more social repression and an excuse to criminalize social movements more opponents on the left. And the need for more U.S. intervention on Mexican soil, more military "advisers" rather Merida Initiative or Plan Mexico, more intervention, more control with the "loan" of 30 billion dollars to Mexico, like Brazil, and Korea. The imperial policy of carrot and stick. It studied psychological warfare. U.S.
going to stop giving them to know who are the authors. The dream team of U.S. experts team from the NTSB is to "make" the scene of the plane crash and give the EU more convenient version. Will be the same the drainer, Luis Téllez, we read all Mexicans and the international press in one or two weeks. A plane crash is suitable for many men of power, which removes from among Repsol agent in Mexico. If Mouriño was the negotiator of the counter and was an agent of English interests in Mexico, it is logical to think he would play the best and most of the cake. Not a bad news for U.S. oil multinationals seeking to corner the maximum number of "blocks" oil, on the contrary. U.S. is not invited, at least initially, Spain and Zapatero to the top of "rich" plus Brazil and India, among others, that will decide the next global policy against recession. Moreover, if workers and public opinion realize the weakness and lack of false government could provoke a crisis and to drop prematurely Calderón, 2012. For the strategy of imperialism undermine Calderon's good but not fall. would burn early PAN cartridge, they will try to extend Mouriño turning into a "martyr." There is a minor detail that Vasconcelos's wake was in the Ministry of Defence, the first time ever given to a civilian funeral, and you could see both the attachment of the DEA as the representative of the Department of Homeland Security U.S. . Although like in the movies gangster watch out who placed the ultimate gift for clues to the authorship of the assassination.
A Mouriño ground could have killed him a shot. If it did so was because they sought to create the greatest fear and terror as possible. A Calderon left the message should ally itself with what mafia or the next on the list could be himself. Mexico not only overshadowed in media attention Obama's victory but there is also a message for Obama, if deepens the struggle against some cartels as spurious kill the secretary of the Interior in Mexico, and launched grenades at the consulate in Monterrey, tomorrow we can kill you, Barack Obama. "
Pandora opened her box and now I know how close it. The ruling class is not only weakened and divided it between her killing and killing innocent poor occasionally found in "scenes of death." More than ever we see in Mexico as capitalism means endless horror. Without overthrow this rotten capitalist system and decrepit future that awaits us is more hunger, poverty, crisis, political assassinations, violence, exploitation. Only workers' democracy that can conquer in the fight to end this nightmare that seems to be bottomless.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Trish Stratus Remove Her Bra

November 10, 2008
1. While discussing whether the plane crash was accidental or was shot down, Calderon named his new interior secretary. It is necessary for the new staff, but also for all cabinet members, know if they should take care of aviation accidents or people who are dedicated to pull planes with bombs or bullets. Calderon's government not interested in recognizing that the aircraft crashed because then they would declare that in Mexico there is total insecurity and lawlessness, on the contrary if we recognize that it was an accident then no problem. But the important thing is that people no longer believe in anything that comes of power: he knows that government, business and media have always sought to deceive. Even if they want to hide what really happened, very soon we will know because things can be repeated.
2. Illegitimate President Felipe Calderon has just appointed Fernando Gomez Mont as interior minister to replace the recently deceased Camilo Mouriño. Gomez Mont, as should be expected of all lawyers working PAN, has belonged to powerful law firms, in this case the circle of Fernandez de Cevallos, Lozano Gracia and other old urban trafficking advocates, public embezzlers as the Salinas brothers and speculators as Carlos Ahumada. Is a right character, friend of big business and enemy of workers' struggles. But in the ideology (whether right, center or left) all seem cut from the same cloth because generally think and act rather limited objectives, in the case of PAN.
3. No matter if he runs as governor is a fool Ramirez Acuña, a foreign oil as Mouriño, a handsome political and Creel, a businessman Abascal or as an advocate for entrepreneurs and Gómez Mont. Everyone will have to act according to right-wing ideology, and neoliberal PAN. One thing is to smile, that is easy to use word and the media to be liked and everybody else are particular interests and serve. If Gomez Mont off center would be years in the PRI and if left or center-left would be in the PRD. But no, he's in the PAN, thinks and acts with the PAN and can not do otherwise. All his life he has defended employers against workers, entrepreneurs against the government of the PRI or the PRD.
4. Apparently the masses, lacking for political office tend to see people and not in political ideologies. It is hopeful, or are deluding themselves with people without seeing that everyone (from children) are forming an ideology, ie a way of seeing or thinking about things. Who never delude themselves are entrepreneurs, owners of the media and the leaders of the church. Although Lopez Obrador and leftists often say they respect the business, the media and the priests, the reality is that they do not believe them, they can never deceive those leftists and business tycoons of the capital. They know that Fox, Calderón, the PAN, they are reliable because they grew in their the church, between business and were educated in private schools as the Escuela Libre de Derecho).
5. Also, we write to be read with interest, tend to talk about people, officials, senior leaders, as they were the ones who chose the paths by which a country walk. Do not know if that happens because religions teach that there is only one god or because people think, with eyes closed in a miraculous saint. But we should think on the idea that people individually only product of its time, perhaps the most appropriate or significant for each time. Neither are the best or the most honest, nor the most intelligent are simply those that have best adapted to the circumstances when it requires someone or searching the most useful, even in appearance. They are like lotteries playing political pressures, friendships, submissions, luck, coincidences.
6. The new interior minister is not just a friend of Calderon, it is also representative of a political-business within the PAN. While in the PRD are open expressions and cause divisions in the PAN (as in U.S. policy) is a duel of economic interests that operate behind the scenes. No current in the PAN (Calderon is the Creel, Fernández de Cevallos, Fox and Corral) can be near the workers because the primary purpose of PAN has been historic struggle against the state, against public for the benefit of privacy. Just review what happened in politics in 1938/39, when the PAN was founded, to understand the causes and the key objectives of the party which was against the oil expropriation, land reform and education "socialist" Cardenas.
7. The new Secretary of the Interior, as published, it belonged to law firms and Gomez Mont Esponda Zinser. In 1995 he resigned his seat on the Executive Committee of the National Action Party, to open a consulting firm. He was an advisor in the administration President Zedillo, working with Luis Tellez, chief adviser of the President, on reforms to the judiciary, the Attorney General's Office, Antonio Lozano Gracia, in various legal matters, including crimes of Luis Donaldo Colosio and Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu. Among other cases is the defense of Carlos and Raul Salinas, and the alleged fraudster IMSS, Thomas Peñaloza. Gómez Mont represented Rogelio Montemayor, former director of Pemex, in an investigation that it was performed in 2006 by fraud Pemexgate.
8. From the ideological side Gomez Mont is a pro-business lawyer, militant right-wing PAN has by inheritance of his father. It has a great legal experience, but does not seem to have a political view because it has never worked in this field. However, as always happens, some people advise him politically to be able to play in the post. The PAN, businessmen and media (perhaps for a few days with the exception of TV Azteca) have continued to applaud the appointment that will undoubtedly benefit them. But the majority population has nothing to do with her and less able to maintain hope. This experience demonstrates that the political affairs of government is not a problem for people. Died so hated by the left, up another that is more of the same. For changes real structural changes are required.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Old Sets Kate Playgroud
Pedro Echeverria V.
November 5, 2008
What if we spent more than half a century in the left saying that our people are not willing to fight back and who have braking and struggles are negotiated us?
1. In 2006, left alone by the lefts "willing to die in the line," the struggle of the teachers and the APPO in Oaxaca. Outside of two or three commissions of "moral support" and some statements Press, co-Oaxaca had to fight alone against the mighty power of the murderer of the PRI governor (Ulises Ruiz), the chief union SNTE (Esther Gordillo) and the open support of the PAN governments of Fox and Calderon. Although this heroic struggle has consolidated a large force, after more than six months (May / December) should be recognized, which was almost wiped out by brutal repression. The ruling class is united and has served its purpose of defending their institutions, on the contrary, every group on the left remained concerned to defend their interests betraying Oaxaca.
2. Now, with the same characteristics as the battles Oaxacan for two and a half months (August 13) 90 percent of the 25,000 teachers of Morelos are unemployed and on guard in the historic center of Cuernavaca, the state capital. Have been supported in their marches by thousands of teachers in Oaxaca, Michoacan, Mexico City, Puebla, etc. (who did not receive support Oaxaca), but anyway it is hardly the face of threats of another government with fascist tendencies, such as PAN, has full support of the federal government. López Obrador has strength in Morelos, electricians, the UNT, the peasants in struggle, the Zapatistas of the EZLN and other leftist organizations have a presence in Morelos. What do you hope to give concrete support and militant? Do you expect perhaps the fascist government's suppress and in Oaxaca?
3. Do not you remember anything that 6, 7, 8 and 9 October the state and federal government used the full force of the state of Morelos to militarize with elements of Mexican Federal Army troops and federal police on the pretext of dislodging and reopen roads in Tres Marias, and Xoxocotla Amayuca and thus guarantee the free transit? But drawing is committed all sorts of abuses of power, grave violations of human rights, with a large number of wounded, arrested, burglary, assault women and children, the elderly and people in general, thus establishing a general repression which represents more than an act of justice and restoration of law and order a real act of revenge, as documented by Independent Human Rights Commission of Morelos and the Centro Digna Ochoa Human Rights with the participation of dozens of developers.
4. The battle of the teachers of Morelos is the same as that of the APPO, that of Michoacan, Guerrero or sections 9, 10 and 11 DF, but is also the same as that of López Obrador, electricians or Zapatistas. Today can be directed against the "Alliance for Quality Education (ACE) that seek to impose the union charro (sold) and the illegitimate government of Calderón and before were battles to defend public education, free, secular, democracy and independent trade union or fellowship, breakfast and free books for students. The struggle for education in Mexico is, with the battle for health services, a first among the left. So it is a little baffling that the left is missing and that students from UNAM, UAM, CCH, Bachelors are not "throwing all the meat to hoe" for Morelos.
5. Federal and state governments PAN have your finger on the trigger and are willing to give the order to crack down on teachers who are now at the forefront of the national struggle. However, they must know that if they take that step may be "prairie fire" because in the past two years (between the struggles of Oaxaca and Morelos) things have changed because of the fact that army is in the streets and that people are being harassed acute contradictions. Will right-wing government ability to understand reality? Teachers are only demanding the suspension of the so-called ACE (such as the Oaxaca and Michoacan achieved because, as amply demonstrated, directly injure the interests of teachers and education) However, the stubbornness of the Government of Calderon and Esther Gordillo impose this project demonstrates that there are other ideas to present.
6. Do you think the Calderon government to repress the struggles of Morelos, including jailing its leaders, will calm all the discontent? If, after the brutal repression in Oaxaca during November and December 2006, Calderón, the PRI governor Ulises Ruiz and reconfirmed their strength, you can not expect the same in Morelos. What if I break out other armed movements and strengthen the existing ones? The struggle of teachers, who obviously has the support of the people of Morelos (as we saw in the demonstrations of February and 24 October) you can expect more unexpected things. Do you forget that this state was the birthplace of Emiliano Zapata and gave shelter to their struggles that could only defeated by Carranza by treachery? Do not know anything the government that the community roots and peasant solidarity had fertile ground in this heroic status?
7. López Obrador, along with neozapatismo clustered in the EZLN, the electrical workers and the UNT have the opportunity for a joint fight and decisively defeat the fascist government of Morelos. The lawsuits would be the same: education and health to serve the people, fighting famine and privatization and immediate release of prisoners of Atenco. How many days are no roads, no electricity, no phones and no banks will hold the state and government of Calderon? Sometimes I think that obedience of government (executive, legislative and judicial) depends on the attitude taken by the people. Not a single sentence that "the government obey the people" but that can be realized when the people want it organized. Can the 90 percent of 25 000 teachers, supported by parents and other sectors of the population in a state to require the resignation of its governor?
8. What if we spent more than half a century in the left saying that our people are not willing to fight back (not to be prepared for it) and who have slowed the struggles, we have negotiated for cowards who are in a had time some influence on them? What if the left and center were actually committed, to be decided and accompany the righteous indignation of the people and almost never done? And what if our many readings instead of making us more aware and wrestlers have contributed to domesticate us, to paralyze and to be very respectful of the established world? We may have to do a thorough review of our political theories, but in the meantime stop thinking much and let the workers, or as Marx accompany raised in 1871 in Paris, taking with all the passion the sky.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Marriage Certificate Aurangabad Office
Alexander Cockburn
November 9, 2008
Original: CounterPunch
Translation: S. *
A climate of intolerance? "Bad vibrations in a McCain-Palin rally? Always alert to the threat of brownshirts , progressives read media reports from Ohio and Wisconsin with a slight chill. Where have been the last few months? Try you discuss in a typical progressive house and give an opinion against Obama and in favor of Nader. A couple of friends of a lifetime left of me whisper in their homes and workplaces have ceased to talk openly about Obama and only dare to do it, sotto voce, in public parks.
last few days I've been flipping through the press, trying to find even one positive reason to vote for Obama. I insist on positive, since the candidate himself has made this expression a matter of attraction. Why vote for Obama, as opposed to voting against the team that make Palin and Joe the Plumber?
Obama invokes change. But never before has a reformist candidate has been so caught by the neck by the dead hand of the past. Is it possible to confront America's problems without talking about the military budget, already out of control? The Pentagon is spending more today than at any other time since the end of World War II. In constant dollars, the 635,000 million allocated in fiscal year 2007 are 5% higher than the previous highest figure in 1952. Depending on how you do the counting, the Empire has between 700 and 1,000 bases overseas, Obama wants to expand the number of military personnel by 90,000 units, is committed to increasing the U.S. war in Afghanistan, also attacking the sovereign territory of Pakistan if this country obstructs any unilateral U.S. mission to kill Osama bin Laden, is also committed to bringing the war against terror in a hundred countries, by creating a new international repressive infrastructure designed to attack terrorist networks. A Fresh Start? What is the difference with Bush's pledge to Congress on September 20, 2001, to conduct a "war on terror" against "every terrorist group of global reach" and against "any nation that continues hosting or supporting terrorism?
Obama advocates progressive conform to the idea that had this to say to get elected . After eight years of Bush, Americans are receptive to a reassessment of their country's imperial role, but Obama has missed this opportunity. If elected (1) is a prisoner of his promise that during his watch Afghanistan will not be lost, or will cease to white man's burden .
Whatever drawdown of troops in Iraq after Obama's victory will be only a short interval between the fanfare and noise of its offerings. Should Obama win, the most immediate consequence will most likely be brusque imperial reassertion. And Joe Biden the model faded poster of Israeli intransigence and Cold War hysteria, is stridently announcing the courage the new government will be tested in its first six months by the Russians and their acolytes.
After eight years of relentless attacks on constitutional liberties by Bush and Cheney, public and judicial enthusiasm for tyranny has waned. But Obama has chosen to be the part of Bush and Cheney. In February, for the sake of a progressive profile in the primaries, Obama spoke out against eavesdropping. Its support for the freedoms went beyond the second quarter, and finished him with a vote for such eavesdropping. The man who voted to confirm the Patriot Act declared that "the ability to pursue and reach people willing to attack the United States is a vital tool of counterterrorism."
Every politician, good or bad, is an opportunist ambitious. But beneath this first level, those who go to make their mark in history constructive have a background of consistency and fidelity to any central idea. For Obama, this idea is the ultimate distillation of identity politics: the idea of \u200b\u200bhis blackness. Those who claim that if he were white would be the easy road to the White House do not understand without their most prominent physical characteristic Obama would be considered a simple second-tier senator with no credentials to impress anybody. As a political organizer of their own advancement, Obama is a wonder. But I have not managed to find a single high intention which was true if it meant some risk to his career. Reaching for my optimism is available, I guess we can say that has not had occasion to offend two important constituencies and adjust his attitude, still decent, immigration and labor law reform. "Public financing of his campaign? Commitment first adopted and then betrayed, as in the case of illegal wiretapping. His campaign treasury is now a huge boat, if it had been raised by a boisterous Republican campaign theme would be progressive.
In substantive terms, the Obama campaign has been the negation of almost every decent progressive principle, a denial that has not generated the least protest of any progressive who intend to hold you liable. The Michael Moores remain silent. Abroad, Obama means imperial revival, but has shown submission to the Israeli lobby has promoted more rooted in the Cold War reflexes. In the country, has bowed before the bankers and Wall Street, oil companies, the coal, the nuclear lobby and large agro-industrial combined. Has not felt any fear at the time of offending progressives, not rested at the time of appeasing the powerful.
So, no, we're at an exciting time or discharge of U.S. policies, as was possible after years of Bush. If you want a memory of something that can be considered exciting, I suggest you go to the website of the Nader-Gonzalez campaign and read its platform, especially with regard to participation and initiative. Or read excerpts from the Libertarian Bob Barr's platform on foreign policy and rights constitutional. At this time, Cynthia McKinney is doing wacky claims about 5,000 post-Katrina performances, otherwise the include too.
Do you want to really be on the same side as Alan Dershowitz, Colin Powell and Christopher Hitchens?
(1) This article was written in late October (N. of T.).
* S. Still belonged to the groups of Rebellion and Cubadebate. This article may be reprinted provided that they respect his integrity and mention the name of the author and the translator, and the source.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Mucus With Blood During Periods
Today humanity meets one of their major anniversaries. I would like to write with better words and leave them here for a day would recall a memory. But never the memory of something dead. Can not remember the word I need. Maybe memory what I seek, a living history memory, memory of a memorable moment in the opulent existence of the world that does not stop turning. L
lick "October" to the Bolshevik Revolution because, according to the Julian calendar in use in Russia, the prince of the twentieth century, it was October 25, 1917 when in Petrograd provisional capital of the bourgeois republic as he had been the rule, erupted commanded by Vladimir Lenin uprising against the capitalist government which replaced that of the czars, the date equivalent to November 7 the modern calendar.
L to music speaks better than I do the music, this music you will hear (they should do), this music you need is the national anthem of the Soviet Union.
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
I'll tell you as best I can the history of this hymn.
In 1815, the tsarist anthem music was (author unknown) of the British anthem God Save the Queen , with lyrics in Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky. Alexei Lvov devised a specific melody to the words of the poet. From 1833 to 1917 God Save the Tsar, Lvov and Zhukovsky, was the song of imperial Russia.
The fall of the Empire, Prince Lvov, Georgi Yevgénievich (no relation to the composer, just a namesake), took the head of state and government. It relieves the lawyer Aleksandr Kerensky. During the months of Democratic rule, was the national anthem La Marseillaise ! With lyrics in Russian, of course. Is not it strange that the nation of some of the greatest geniuses of music has been validated in many cases of foreign inspiration?
On November 8, 1917, Lenin was elected Premier of the Soviet Union. As the anthem of the Federation, in 1918 the Soviet republics adopt The International, another French theme, the emblem of the fighting communists and anarchists from the nineteenth century.
vocation is internationalist socialism: the authentic liberation of human beings should not be subject to the pettiness of nationalism, however, during the Second World War Soviet leaders have discovered the convenience -and more: the need - to instill in the troops a patriotic spirit, a just anger against imperialism of Hitler, the belief that the defense of socialism going to defend national independence. The soldiers who defended the land of his birth, his childhood and youth, he also defended as achievements of that time was the only workers' state of the planet. The International is dedicated to a global movement, communism, into a world war had to think of a song whose first scope out the Socialist fatherland a.
and was so l Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, held a contest for the USSR had a national anthem that was not a loan from the French. The winner was Alexander Alexandrov, who picked up a piece of his own, composed originally in 1936. This piece, Today life is better (listen to it here and here), became in 1939, once made several modifications, Bolshevik party anthem , with lyrics by Metro Alexandrian ( Pesnya or PartII) of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. Interestingly, Alexandrov has created three different jobs from the same sounds, this persistence reveals the confidence of the musician in that his basic idea would, sooner rather than later, to a great work. E
l Join the Red Army in 1939 made the following recording of the anthem of the Bolshevik party. Drive the same Alexandrov.
Песня о партии
On the pattern of Alexandrov, Gabriel El-Registan and Sergei Mikhalkov gave letter to the national anthem.
the first day of 1944 the Soviet radio broadcasts the new anthem, entitled Union of free republics unwavering, and was officially adopted national anthem on March 15 that year. The i NTERPRETATION we hear in the first video, which I prefer, was recorded in the 80's and is credited on the site Russian Anthems Museum the Alexandrov Ensemble of the Red Army. The referring page provides no more warnings, if the blog goes someone who has more data, will share with us, we appreciate from the soul - does exist, although the dialectical materialists deny.
l E blog Rojas Lyrics p resents the letter of the Soviet national anthem Russian Cyrillic and transliteration of these, plus a translation into the language that I take the liberty of copying very appropriate for our blog.
forged for eternity, by Great Rus.
Health work created by the will of the people,
the only, the mighty Soviet Union!
Glory to you, our country free,
firm stronghold of friendship between nations.
Lenin's party is the people's strength
lead us to the triumph of communism!
Through the sun shone storms freedom
and Lenin, the great, the way he said.
Raising the righteous people to action,
to work and he exploits inspired us!
Glory to you ...
The victory of the immortal ideas of Communism
see the future of our country.
And the red banner of the glorious motherland
firmly'll be forever loyal!
Glory to you ...
This version dates from 1977, the sentences are handed down in the first video. However, the letter of 1944 was somewhat different ...
forged for eternity, by Great Rus.
Health work created by the will of the people,
the only, the mighty Soviet Union!
Glory to you, our country free,
firm stronghold of friendship between nations.
Soviet Presidium, the bulwark of the people,
lead us to victory!
Through storms the sun shone freedom
and Lenin, the great, the way he said.
Thus Stalin has formed: faithful to the homeland,
for work and we prepared the deed!
Glory to you, our country free,
strong bastion of the happiness of nations.
Soviet Presidium, the bulwark of the people,
lead us to victory!
We forge our army in the fighting,
the harmful invasive road sweep
and in the field of battle will decide the fate of the generations,
turn our country to success!
Glory to you, our country free,
firm stronghold the wealth of nations.
Soviet Presidium, the bulwark of the people,
lead us to victory!
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
The first embodiment unwavering Union ... was bellicose ( " the harmful invaders road sweep " ) he could not otherwise occur: repeat that the very creation of the hymn served a purpose of national defense. And is not the case with all patriotic songs? Contribute to the cohesion of the social organism psychological .
The anthem of 1944, also praised Stalin. The 1977 version eliminated references to Stalin and is more an ode to the popular international solidarity that a warrior song. He passed the name of Stalin which in Agustín de Iturbide and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, whose explicit or implicit references are omitted in most interpretations of our national anthem. I like the lyrics of 1977 Union unwavering ... , but it's bothering the despicable attitude of the Russian leaders, after Stalin's death, petty grounds runs like getting rid of the heavy memory of Hitler's formidable winner. It's time to say: no twentieth-century political figure larger than Stalin. We should develop this statement later, but for now raised concerns that, without concealing injustice or error, the legacy of Stalin is fundamentally constructive and beneficial to humanity.
Stalin died in 1953 and Nikita Khrushchev comes to the presidency of the country. The envious Khrushchev, eager "desestalinizador " leaves without words to the national anthem, which was instrumental performances until 1977, when revising their own writing Mikhalkov and rebuilt, with the approval of Soviet leader that time, Leonid Brezhnev.
In the 90's, the years of Boris Yeltsin, a composition of Mikhail Glinka ( 1804-1857) , the patriotic song (as it was called in the Second World War) was used, without words, as the anthem of the former Soviet republic of Russia. Vladimir Putin quashed Yeltsin's decision and saved the precious work of Alexandrov. Once again, the old Mikhalkov (born 1913) was called to rewrite the letter, now to a capitalist state. We discarded the name of Lenin and references to communism and post-Soviet system was a light not feel like I lie more around here. Out of respect for El-Registan, who died in 1945, continues acreditándosele as an author, by Mikhalkov and Alexandrov.
In my opinion, no one managed to write an anthem for their country more beautiful. In unwavering Union ... hear one of the most poignant human being has occurred, one of the strongest and original, which avoids alike the languid pace and the military to varying points of which most national anthems. The Soviet anthem is stunning, and we must be careful never to use that word, majestic, because very few pieces than it deserve. Not cease to amaze us that this music full of fire, which resonates a spirit of optimism and tireless, is created in the midst of the most difficult stage of existence in the history of Russian people. It was created in the midst of hardship, in hunger, harassment by the Nazi predator, yet lively and even joy expressed - although it is a serious joy, because only know the value of the happiness of individuals and peoples who have suffered hurt and pain, and only the joy of them is profound.
is not the subject of the post, but I think the Mexican national anthem is also magnificent, my favorite post-Soviet. The United States do not like, as well as the Soviet digs deep into the human heart, the U.S. slows in the superficial, it sounds flabby, boring, like something out of a white church where I could just stupid delight Puritans.
Union unwavering ... fully fulfilled the purpose for which Stalin had commissioned its creation. Socialists no longer had as its goal the liberation of the world proletariat, but at the same time, nationalism in the young Soviet Union became so intense as any other country in old Europe. So great burst the patriotic fervor that the fire call between us " Second World War" is designated Russia " Great Patriotic War." However, I believe that even greater greatness that is that Alexander Alexandrov created not only a national anthem, but a global anthem, a hymn to human.