Thursday, November 20, 2008

Breast Feeding Ladies


The city rooted in Tijuana gringo Daniel Charles Thomas sent me this movie than just three minutes long, and with a very sharp sense of humor develops an ironic fantasy that puts the U.S. behind mirror other of that other we Mexicans to them ("the others all that we are," said Octavio Paz, and sorry for the reference culture).

It seems very appropriate to share the video with the readers of the blog in this sad anniversary of our revolution (ah, because we a). The film is titled in English The job, which translates to good Mexican The pull . Is a realization of Screaming Frog Productions written and directed by Jonathan Browning . He has received several awards. Enjoy it.

The job

Related Links:
Tijuana Gringo
Screaming Frog Productions
Website of the short
Website of Jonathan Browning


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