Coahuila: Campaigns for deputies passed between Fines and bravado
My article this month for the newspaper kiosk .
Members Campaigns passed between Fines and bravado
Jesus Gerardo Monroy
is a jam that the consequences should have been planned in advance. During the propaganda campaign preceding the election day on Sunday 19 October, when the citizens of Coahuila we cast our votes to elect deputies, the National Action Party and Institutional Revolutionary exchanged, as usually in vain for decades-bullying and threats so tiresome and useless . The show of bravado riding in every election campaign both major parties in Coahuila is useless, first, because the voters these quarrels do not result in real competition to convey real benefits: social, economic, legal, political. It is useless, too, because not even work, pragmatically, to get people out to vote on behalf of either party, or a third party, but rather, the exchange of insults, keeping citizens away from the polls. On second thought, that's certainly the objective pursued by the PAN and the PRI with spittoons: boring to the public until, disappointed, leave even the minimum exercise vote for the policy-the life that is common to us all-is confirmed regularly (and with our permission!) as the exclusive province of a coterie of pretenders.
One day before the election on Saturday, October 18, Rogelio Carbajal Tejada-almost a newcomer to the secretary general of the PAN for the country to replace another torreonense, Guillermo Anaya Llamas, accused the governor of Coahuila Humberto Moreira Valdés (PRI) to prepare a State election in favor of the PRI. A few hours later, in the Sunday elections, the PRI state president, Ruben Moreira (brother of governor), interviewed after leading his vote to the polls, dismissed the allegations and countered Carbajal, if there was intervention, it was given by the National Executive, PAN, as we all know that publicly held "various events "(sic) and continued to promote its activities despite the explicit legal prohibition. Ruben Moreira recalled that the transmission of spots of PAN was not suspended in time and federal agencies as Infonavit (National Housing Fund for Workers) and SAGARPA (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food ) bought spaces advertising in local newspapers, an action that in a display of irony, the brother of "teacher Beto" called "neglect" by the federal government.
PAN President, denounced for violating the Constitution
The PRI, in fact, complained to the Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation (IEPC) PAN President Felipe Calderon for violating the Constitution of the United Mexican States in article 41, base III, Section C, paragraph 2, which states: "During the time I understand the federal and local election campaigns until the conclusion of the respective election day, should dissemination suspended in media of all government propaganda, both federal and state powers, such as municipalities, government agencies of the Federal District, their delegations and any other public entity. The only exceptions to this will be the information campaign the electoral authorities, those relating to education and health services, or necessary for civil protection in emergencies. "
Less than a week before the election, Coahuila beneficiaries of federal social programs that Calderón received personal letters, with medium dissimulation de facto promoting candidates of his party in the follows: "I know that you are the beneficiary of the credit Fonacot, and I want to get to both for workers like you ..." Then the president summarized some of the benefits of IMSS and ISSSTE (This is your home program, etc., see note Hilda Fernandez Valverde "Calderon accuses PRI Coahuila violated the law" in the online version of El Universal, October 18). Ramon Verduzco, PRI representative to the General Council of the IEPC, considered the possibility of requiring impeachment Calderón.
The IFE wrong
Besides his complaint against the executive, the PRI appeared before the Civil Secretariat to report to various federal agencies-Ministry of Public Security, Housing Fund of the Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (FOVISSSTE) and SAGARPA-referred to advertise in election time, and the Secretariat gubernatorial tolerate this to happen. Finally, it sued the referee of the contest, the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), which referred to the broadcasters and television commercials as far apart as parties scrambled: for example, that promoted the candidates of District IX, based in Torreon, were transmitted in Ciudad Acuña, and the candidates of District XIV, for Frontera, ended in Saltillo. Almost comical chaos.
During the first weeks of campaigning, according to a dossier in the hands of the IEPC, the IFE failed to review the behavior of about 30 radio stations located in the municipalities of Acuña, Allende, Muzquiz, Nava, Nueva Rosita, Parras Sabinas and Zaragoza, covering the districts XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX. Such inefficiency is due to be installed IFE only four monitoring sites (Monclova, Piedras Negras, Saltillo and Torreon) statewide. With only the data from these sites, the IFE, far away from the capital, verified compliance the pattern. Any station that is heard in the testing center as well not exist. Is not monitored. As we can see, some officials continue to exercise the arrogance more or less typical of smaller or larger cities, outside of Torreon and Saltillo, everything is desert.
For the reader kiosk you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hard work fell on his back the IFE lonely, know that if you look only in the three games that give more voters to the entity-PRI, PAN and PRD-160 000 advertisements were broadcast. Now, not reduced to three, but was extended to nine the number of contestants parties in this election and along the entire broadcast process 425 831 of 127 ads through electronic channels, 91 radio stations and 36 television.
until 7 October, when the full House of Coahuila publicly claimed to rectify their performance IFE, the electoral body was found over 27 mistakes in the planning of advertising and political parties had filed seven complaints related to the problem . The head of the PRI caucus, Horacio Del Bosque Davila, deemed impossible for the cover alone IFE monitoring partisan advertising. "If the IFE-forward, can not the local elections in our state, unless able to monitoring in all 31 states "(El Universal on-line, October 7). However, since the electoral reforms of the IFE is the exclusive power to control spots. It is noteworthy that the Congress of Coahuila was the only to oppose reform today is the IFE stuck.
Media and fears
Amid the campaign, the leader of the PAN PRI Coahuila claimed to bring to the IFE a request for a review of the contents of the news and other radio and television programs where they talk the electoral process ("Ruben Moreira blanquiazul proposal warns," notes Raul Coronado the Millennium website, October 2). According to Moreira, the new electoral law discourages the discussion of political issues in the media, the intention of the NPA would pave the way for a challenge, foreseeing his defeat at the polls (which promptly took place).
proven true rantings Moreira, PAN strategy would appeal, once again, fear. Recall that Calderon would not be president today if his 2006 campaign has not excited the irrational response of the Mexican pounding all the time, in every way possible, with a devilish image and ridiculous "for his opponent, the PRD Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Today
PAN creates fear in the direction of a subject-object other, does not focus directly on the electorate, but on a vehicle that does reach the electorate. Monitoring is mishandled subtle threat of a heavy fine on radio channels and broadcasters, and a reduction of our already very limited freedom of expression. Fines
Three large companies in the radio were sanctioned by the IFE with heavy fines, apparently, the radio stations belonging to these companies failed to comply with the guidelines for the dissemination of spots political parties.
sanctioned companies were administering Archangel SA de CV, a subsidiary of Image and concessionaire Group xede-AM, "The Heat" (597,290 dollars fine); Impulsora Radial del Norte SA de CV, dealership XHSG-FM, " Romantic 99.9 "(715 644.72 dollars fine) and Radio Anahuac SA, concessionaire XHPSP-FM (625 558.05 dollars fine). The first stop on the list is heard in Saltillo, the other two in Piedras Negras.
As these fines are disproportional, according to columnist Mario Galvez, one of them exceeds more than three times the amount of annual sales punished station ("draconian sanctions" column Politicuentos in La Opinión - Goals, October 16).
For Industry Chamber of the Radio and Television (CIRT) there is no way to justify the penalties for the improper dissemination of -spots with the guilt that it is up to the dealers, was, as explained above, caused largely by the IFE, overworked and therefore unable to effectively perform the necessary monitoring.
addition, those who defend the accused argue that the authority did not allow representatives of the stations provide exculpatory evidence and did not take into account the financial situation companies.
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