November 13, 2008
1. The "Mutts", New Left (NI) or the real Social Democrats (SD) for at least a year and a half, delegates have the necessary structure to control the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD). The reality is that they worked hard, especially among politicians PRI in the states of the Republic to consolidate its social democratic party idea. No But they were not very difficult because the PRD Cardenas was born, that is, expressly to compete in elections. Were some areas a little radical, perhaps deluded, those who believed that the PRD could be at the service of social struggles. However, with the exception of the old parties prior to the seventies, born to and the social struggle and had flags in their socialist revolution, all others were born of the elections and the elections.
2. If "the only way to ascend to the government and power," as López Obrador has said, "It is only through elections, then maybe the Social chosen by" Mutts " is the correct way. But that road has been traveled in Sweden, Italy, France, Spain, Chile, Canada, etc. and all you have achieved through social reforms, is to renew the forms of capitalist exploitation, the alternation of the same political class in power and , as the old capitalist countries, continue to retain their privileges. In fact, the PRI in Mexico were agrarian reform, Social Security, public school, pension and retirement law similar to those of social democracy, but the operation intensified, but with reforms that served as a mattress. At best, the new PRD chuchista may serve to slow down a little to the right, but not to change the country.
3. With the consolidation of chuchismo in the PRD and its official recognition can also open the final step to tripartism always expected in Mexico: PAN right, center / right PRI and center / left PRD, the other home match will have to adjust with one or another. The budget money flowing and privileges will be increased, especially now that the agreements between parties, ie between the political class can reach higher levels. Here you can enter if you agree disciplined López Obrador the game, if it does will be completely marginalized and silenced, except to continue their struggles in the streets, make alliances with the social movement and now it "sends the devil to the institutions." But now the fight must be seriously expecting any repression or slaughter led by the bourgeoisie and its government.
4. The history of the PRD is a common history, it has nothing interesting because it is equal to that of almost all political parties in Mexico and the world. In Mexico, the history of all parties (call them what they are called) and the world, and on other occasions I have written, just check on what became the so-called socialist and communist parties in Italy, France, Spain and others. As one friend: "parties are free condoms" are dedicated to capture unwary or those who want the same thing to use to their advantage. Why have served, but to speak on behalf of the people and squander subsidies, and then use their votes (and even non-voting) as leverage to climb and good government charges income? That is why anarchists have always been enemies of the parties and all kind of centralized organization, with hierarchies and permanent leadership.
5. Who can forget the little Mexican PRI Fouche, Jesus Reyes Heroles (working father of two above), when in 1977 (before the crisis tremendous turnout) launched the so-called political reform laws and regulations, providing millions in subsidies, radio and TV as well as giving legislators or minority party? In the sixties and seventies the youth had rebelled, the union had made hundreds of strikes, turnout plummeted and did the same presidential candidate, López Portillo, had jurisdiction, on the other hand, independent social movement (especially during the dirty war) grew out of control. So the prince's advisor and at the same time, official-moles all in 1977 gave the center the opportunity to be part of government and budget to live comfortably and all comfortable.
6. So I wrote a few weeks ago López Obrador (AMLO), but remains in the PRD, will not be the presidential candidate of that party. The new leaders of the PRD, in fact, are the creators of the so-called New Left, which is nothing but a social power that seeks power (through Parliament) through negotiations and agreements with the PRI and PAN governments. The "Mutts", although lip service respect to Lopez Obrador say, the reality is that condemn their forms of struggle to the forward movement, as well as statements of confrontation with the illegitimate government of Felipe Calderón. If a year ago called "mainstream Daniel Ortega" was not most, now represents much more than half of delegates themselves and allies. And the trend is growing with more forces and careerists PRI.
7. A social democratic party is an electoral party that respects the state and its government as well as all the established laws. Chuchos not wait for the illegitimate president Calderon invited to talk but they, being consistent with its political line, they will seek to formalize the recognition. Jesus Ortega, appreciation not only negotiated with the Electoral Court is also committed to building a party civilized, decent, modern, respectful of law and institutions. That is the party that called Octavio Paz and have continued to demand Enrique Krauze, business, media and the same PAN. Encinas and AMLO you accept the general secretariat for Pooches will continue putting your finger in the mouth with the large majority voting delegates?
8. Then said a few days ago that López Obrador's behavior against the New Left leaders and has been compared to Cardenas, the APPO, Marcos, the EPR and other left currents, has always been respectful. Despite the criticism he has received no state support, nor has it responded to criticism. But he also said that despite AMLO has publicly stated that "the only way the government is the election "has not ceased to hold demonstrations without doubt, before the closure, corruption and rising unemployment and poverty could lead to the radicalization of the people. The only thing that should be required is that these mobilizations class content to give them more to avoid that at some time be curbed. That is the great value of López Obrador: the hope that these concentrations become enormous power of the masses.
9. What will happen when New Left do pass with their majorities an interview with Calderon and at the same time, Lopez Obrador to continue calling him a usurper government publicly? Should AMLO Save a tactical silence? The convening power of AMLO cause alarm and fear among the political class and business. They know that and brings together dozens or hundreds of thousands at the Monument to the Revolution in the Chamber to Juarez, on the main floor or in front of Televisa, and those same forces can also seek alliances between other sectors of workers and blocking roads, avenues , banks and government and embassies. What if the country's problems are compounded further detriment of the population, if the struggles of teachers, peasants and workers take to the streets and the PRD, along with the PAN and the PRI, calls for order and repression? What will be the AMLO's position?
10. Apparently, Lopez Obrador, as previously published, we have two paths:
1. Call the formation of a new national party,
2. Negotiate with the PT for it (in your program proclaims the struggle for socialism) is transformed into a party amlista.
In any case AMLO would have many difficulties because 1) has toured the country three times and not assemblies and would lack signatures for the registration of a new party and 2) the PT to achieve a huge leap that would put it above PRD (NI) Social. AMLO / PT could be one game left and NI would be more Chuchos identified with the PRI, so it would not have much reason to be separated. Governors, legislators and bureaucrats remain in the PRD, but the opposition would be with AMLO. Obviously also the "intellectuals" would respond to their own interests.
11. Not how they are able and capable leadership of a new party to unite the left with the struggles of workers, electricians, teachers, oil, mining, telephone and peasant and popular organizations, but if they act having clear goals and they manage to identify fully with the interests of the people, will be a party of "new type" that is unlike any pro-business party, bourgeois right. But this is the leftist party that want to build social López Obrador and his friends with their demonstrations or just about an organization rather than compete with the political class of positions within the same operating system? Anyway, the next steps of López Obrador will see if things can change radically or everything will be more of the same where it sees a return of the PRI to the national government.
12. We are in 2008 and soon will be the bicentennial of two great revolutions. Does anyone have guessed that in a bloody 11-year battle that began in 1810 with a "Grito de Dolores" were expelled from Mexico, the conquistadors after 300 years of cruel colonialism? Did you think someone (in the midst of waste and corruption Diaz and festivities "patriotic") that the Mexican people are up in arms in 1910 and achieved annihilate the army murderer who supported the dictatorship? No one, no person in his time thought that the people are organized and fighting could end centuries or decades of domination. Today, in 2008, it appears that the bourgeoisie has begun to lose the ability to dominate and the Mexican people are already desperate and tired of being dominated. Are they given the objective and subjective conditions in the Mexican people for a new revolution? Were given in 1810 and 1910?
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