November 10, 2008
1. While discussing whether the plane crash was accidental or was shot down, Calderon named his new interior secretary. It is necessary for the new staff, but also for all cabinet members, know if they should take care of aviation accidents or people who are dedicated to pull planes with bombs or bullets. Calderon's government not interested in recognizing that the aircraft crashed because then they would declare that in Mexico there is total insecurity and lawlessness, on the contrary if we recognize that it was an accident then no problem. But the important thing is that people no longer believe in anything that comes of power: he knows that government, business and media have always sought to deceive. Even if they want to hide what really happened, very soon we will know because things can be repeated.
2. Illegitimate President Felipe Calderon has just appointed Fernando Gomez Mont as interior minister to replace the recently deceased Camilo Mouriño. Gomez Mont, as should be expected of all lawyers working PAN, has belonged to powerful law firms, in this case the circle of Fernandez de Cevallos, Lozano Gracia and other old urban trafficking advocates, public embezzlers as the Salinas brothers and speculators as Carlos Ahumada. Is a right character, friend of big business and enemy of workers' struggles. But in the ideology (whether right, center or left) all seem cut from the same cloth because generally think and act rather limited objectives, in the case of PAN.
3. No matter if he runs as governor is a fool Ramirez Acuña, a foreign oil as Mouriño, a handsome political and Creel, a businessman Abascal or as an advocate for entrepreneurs and Gómez Mont. Everyone will have to act according to right-wing ideology, and neoliberal PAN. One thing is to smile, that is easy to use word and the media to be liked and everybody else are particular interests and serve. If Gomez Mont off center would be years in the PRI and if left or center-left would be in the PRD. But no, he's in the PAN, thinks and acts with the PAN and can not do otherwise. All his life he has defended employers against workers, entrepreneurs against the government of the PRI or the PRD.
4. Apparently the masses, lacking for political office tend to see people and not in political ideologies. It is hopeful, or are deluding themselves with people without seeing that everyone (from children) are forming an ideology, ie a way of seeing or thinking about things. Who never delude themselves are entrepreneurs, owners of the media and the leaders of the church. Although Lopez Obrador and leftists often say they respect the business, the media and the priests, the reality is that they do not believe them, they can never deceive those leftists and business tycoons of the capital. They know that Fox, Calderón, the PAN, they are reliable because they grew in their the church, between business and were educated in private schools as the Escuela Libre de Derecho).
5. Also, we write to be read with interest, tend to talk about people, officials, senior leaders, as they were the ones who chose the paths by which a country walk. Do not know if that happens because religions teach that there is only one god or because people think, with eyes closed in a miraculous saint. But we should think on the idea that people individually only product of its time, perhaps the most appropriate or significant for each time. Neither are the best or the most honest, nor the most intelligent are simply those that have best adapted to the circumstances when it requires someone or searching the most useful, even in appearance. They are like lotteries playing political pressures, friendships, submissions, luck, coincidences.
6. The new interior minister is not just a friend of Calderon, it is also representative of a political-business within the PAN. While in the PRD are open expressions and cause divisions in the PAN (as in U.S. policy) is a duel of economic interests that operate behind the scenes. No current in the PAN (Calderon is the Creel, Fernández de Cevallos, Fox and Corral) can be near the workers because the primary purpose of PAN has been historic struggle against the state, against public for the benefit of privacy. Just review what happened in politics in 1938/39, when the PAN was founded, to understand the causes and the key objectives of the party which was against the oil expropriation, land reform and education "socialist" Cardenas.
7. The new Secretary of the Interior, as published, it belonged to law firms and Gomez Mont Esponda Zinser. In 1995 he resigned his seat on the Executive Committee of the National Action Party, to open a consulting firm. He was an advisor in the administration President Zedillo, working with Luis Tellez, chief adviser of the President, on reforms to the judiciary, the Attorney General's Office, Antonio Lozano Gracia, in various legal matters, including crimes of Luis Donaldo Colosio and Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu. Among other cases is the defense of Carlos and Raul Salinas, and the alleged fraudster IMSS, Thomas Peñaloza. Gómez Mont represented Rogelio Montemayor, former director of Pemex, in an investigation that it was performed in 2006 by fraud Pemexgate.
8. From the ideological side Gomez Mont is a pro-business lawyer, militant right-wing PAN has by inheritance of his father. It has a great legal experience, but does not seem to have a political view because it has never worked in this field. However, as always happens, some people advise him politically to be able to play in the post. The PAN, businessmen and media (perhaps for a few days with the exception of TV Azteca) have continued to applaud the appointment that will undoubtedly benefit them. But the majority population has nothing to do with her and less able to maintain hope. This experience demonstrates that the political affairs of government is not a problem for people. Died so hated by the left, up another that is more of the same. For changes real structural changes are required.
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