Monday, November 10, 2008

Old Sets Kate Playgroud

let the fight die Morelos

Pedro Echeverria V.
November 5, 2008

What if we spent more than half a century in the left saying that our people are not willing to fight back and who have braking and struggles are negotiated us?

1. In 2006, left alone by the lefts "willing to die in the line," the struggle of the teachers and the APPO in Oaxaca. Outside of two or three commissions of "moral support" and some statements Press, co-Oaxaca had to fight alone against the mighty power of the murderer of the PRI governor (Ulises Ruiz), the chief union SNTE (Esther Gordillo) and the open support of the PAN governments of Fox and Calderon. Although this heroic struggle has consolidated a large force, after more than six months (May / December) should be recognized, which was almost wiped out by brutal repression. The ruling class is united and has served its purpose of defending their institutions, on the contrary, every group on the left remained concerned to defend their interests betraying Oaxaca.

2. Now, with the same characteristics as the battles Oaxacan for two and a half months (August 13) 90 percent of the 25,000 teachers of Morelos are unemployed and on guard in the historic center of Cuernavaca, the state capital. Have been supported in their marches by thousands of teachers in Oaxaca, Michoacan, Mexico City, Puebla, etc. (who did not receive support Oaxaca), but anyway it is hardly the face of threats of another government with fascist tendencies, such as PAN, has full support of the federal government. López Obrador has strength in Morelos, electricians, the UNT, the peasants in struggle, the Zapatistas of the EZLN and other leftist organizations have a presence in Morelos. What do you hope to give concrete support and militant? Do you expect perhaps the fascist government's suppress and in Oaxaca?

3. Do not you remember anything that 6, 7, 8 and 9 October the state and federal government used the full force of the state of Morelos to militarize with elements of Mexican Federal Army troops and federal police on the pretext of dislodging and reopen roads in Tres Marias, and Xoxocotla Amayuca and thus guarantee the free transit? But drawing is committed all sorts of abuses of power, grave violations of human rights, with a large number of wounded, arrested, burglary, assault women and children, the elderly and people in general, thus establishing a general repression which represents more than an act of justice and restoration of law and order a real act of revenge, as documented by Independent Human Rights Commission of Morelos and the Centro Digna Ochoa Human Rights with the participation of dozens of developers.

4. The battle of the teachers of Morelos is the same as that of the APPO, that of Michoacan, Guerrero or sections 9, 10 and 11 DF, but is also the same as that of López Obrador, electricians or Zapatistas. Today can be directed against the "Alliance for Quality Education (ACE) that seek to impose the union charro (sold) and the illegitimate government of Calderón and before were battles to defend public education, free, secular, democracy and independent trade union or fellowship, breakfast and free books for students. The struggle for education in Mexico is, with the battle for health services, a first among the left. So it is a little baffling that the left is missing and that students from UNAM, UAM, CCH, Bachelors are not "throwing all the meat to hoe" for Morelos.

5. Federal and state governments PAN have your finger on the trigger and are willing to give the order to crack down on teachers who are now at the forefront of the national struggle. However, they must know that if they take that step may be "prairie fire" because in the past two years (between the struggles of Oaxaca and Morelos) things have changed because of the fact that army is in the streets and that people are being harassed acute contradictions. Will right-wing government ability to understand reality? Teachers are only demanding the suspension of the so-called ACE (such as the Oaxaca and Michoacan achieved because, as amply demonstrated, directly injure the interests of teachers and education) However, the stubbornness of the Government of Calderon and Esther Gordillo impose this project demonstrates that there are other ideas to present.

6. Do you think the Calderon government to repress the struggles of Morelos, including jailing its leaders, will calm all the discontent? If, after the brutal repression in Oaxaca during November and December 2006, Calderón, the PRI governor Ulises Ruiz and reconfirmed their strength, you can not expect the same in Morelos. What if I break out other armed movements and strengthen the existing ones? The struggle of teachers, who obviously has the support of the people of Morelos (as we saw in the demonstrations of February and 24 October) you can expect more unexpected things. Do you forget that this state was the birthplace of Emiliano Zapata and gave shelter to their struggles that could only defeated by Carranza by treachery? Do not know anything the government that the community roots and peasant solidarity had fertile ground in this heroic status?

7. López Obrador, along with neozapatismo clustered in the EZLN, the electrical workers and the UNT have the opportunity for a joint fight and decisively defeat the fascist government of Morelos. The lawsuits would be the same: education and health to serve the people, fighting famine and privatization and immediate release of prisoners of Atenco. How many days are no roads, no electricity, no phones and no banks will hold the state and government of Calderon? Sometimes I think that obedience of government (executive, legislative and judicial) depends on the attitude taken by the people. Not a single sentence that "the government obey the people" but that can be realized when the people want it organized. Can the 90 percent of 25 000 teachers, supported by parents and other sectors of the population in a state to require the resignation of its governor?

8. What if we spent more than half a century in the left saying that our people are not willing to fight back (not to be prepared for it) and who have slowed the struggles, we have negotiated for cowards who are in a had time some influence on them? What if the left and center were actually committed, to be decided and accompany the righteous indignation of the people and almost never done? And what if our many readings instead of making us more aware and wrestlers have contributed to domesticate us, to paralyze and to be very respectful of the established world? We may have to do a thorough review of our political theories, but in the meantime stop thinking much and let the workers, or as Marx accompany raised in 1871 in Paris, taking with all the passion the sky.


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