Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sticky Cm 3 Days Before Period Pregnant?

KDD Agual

Agualada KDD 2011, this, to be in the afternoon (16:00 hours) we get the Cheo and me.

The route begins with stretches of roads and paths, which in principle gives to think, what we have left!, But from approximately 12 km, things change for the better, start a route where there are fun parts of trails and stretches where you need to get your feet wet, crossing several rivers. Luckily it was not cold jejjeje !!!!!.

the end, the march was extended for 37 kilometers, which have to deduct at least 4, since there were several times we spent there were the marks and to backtrack. Nothing serious.

After the shower for the corresponding steak in the company of bikers who made the route.

We thank Carlos de Agualada the effort you made, so that everything went well, since for a single person, has much merit the organizing of a KDD this type.

so people without fail, for the good of the Mountain bike.

I leave the link to the profile and the pictures we took.



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Monday, April 25, 2011

Mysurumallige Homemeadevedio

What is the nut of India?

NATURAL SLIMMING - NUT OF INDIA (Aleurites molucana)

is a natural seed that helps reduce weight and obesity through the elimination of body fat, controlling constipation, craving for eating and smoking, decreases visiblemnte cellulite and cholesterol. clean the intestines and lowers uric acid is an excellent diuretic and cleanser of the body in general, the bloom returns to the cutis and tones the skin and muscles.

The bottle contains 12 seeds sale

fourth seed daily before bedtime with enough water, (part of each seed with a knife in four similar parts).

If swallowed, it is advisable not to ingest alcohol that night and wait to the next. No need to diet and specific exercises, however, avoid fried and fatty foods, drink about two liters of water and eat a banana a day., (The banana is not required, but it is advisable to balance the eventual loss of potassium).



The treatment package of 12 seeds should last at least 52 days, at that time people can cut between 5 and 10 kilos, or more, depending on the constitution of each person. First
notice a substantial reduction of body measurements and then is accompanied by weight loss.

Once it has reached the ideal weight reduces the dose to an eighth seed daily (half a quart).

during treatment if you notice an excessive looseness of the stomach (colitis), reduce the dose to one-eighth of nuts a day or take a room every other day, because the intensity of this effect varies with each individual seed . CONTRAINDICATIONS


No should take this product:

- People who suffer from ulcers.
- People who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- People over 65 and under 14
- People allergic to antibiotics. (This is relative because we have many cases where it has not affected them in no treatment).

Like any treatment, be some intolerance to the product should suspend it immediately.


- Frequent evacuations in the event that too much and affect their activities, reduce the dose to an eighth seed or a quarter every other day.
- Upset stomach, gas and flatulence the first days of treatment.
- muscle aches and slight decline due to the elimination of accumulated fat.
- In some cases they will notice some pellets in his body (in women especially under the breasts), this is normal as are accumulations of fat that meet before being eliminated. It is beneficial to be massaged to help eliminate those fat deposits.



Payment by PayPal only accepted in Euros, immediate shipment. (Request payment
Payment by bank transfer, sent within 48 hrs. (Please specify the USERNAME in the comment field.) Payment by Cash, shipping in 72 hrs. (Against reimbursed only available for Spain).

thanks x purchase (:
take this seed?

Take fourth seed daily at bedtime, boil 3 minutes, or put in a cup of boiling water and let stand a couple of minutes, (formerly part of each seed with a knife in four the like). If you have ingested alcohol or foods rich in sugar is advisable not to ingest that night.

Tips To Make A Big Nose Seem Smaller Guy

Food and irritable colon

If you are a hard working, stressed and just entering his thirties, is likely to get colon irritable. This syndrome is a chronic disorder of the bowels of the cause is unknown. When appears , colon muscles do not function normally and may spasm and diarrhea .

the colon or large intestine becomes more sensitive and react adversely to food and medicine. In addition, they usually add food allergies and infection by bacteria helicobacter pilorii type, responsible for ulcers. It is very often that after a gastroenteritis.

Most people who have it can spend years undergoing all sorts of tests to rule out diseases of the digestive tract. Unfortunately there is no cure or preventive strategy to prevent its occurrence. Also no specific treatment has proven effective.

However, it is one of the disorders that respond to a balanced diet and a
care diet. It is also very important to control stress, which is usually behind many of these syndromes.

It is best to keep a diary of foods eaten, scoring as our body responds to them. If you find that any food causes diarrhea or more gases from the usual or any pain, chances are you've developed an allergy to that food or any of its components.

In these cases, the ideal is to change the food involved for another and see if it changes our response. Of course, it is best to avoid foods that have been produced before us and problems.

When you see some reaction to food, it is best to rotate meals. This is to eat a different food type each day for four days. For example, a day meat, other fish, other vegetables and the last dairy and cereals. The cycle is repeated twice.

Thus, preventing the body's defense reaction to consolidate. Most allergies develop very slowly, but if the deceased did not eat more than on separate days, it is unlikely that this will finally be fully developed.


In general, we recommend a balanced diet Mediterranean style but avoiding spicy foods and high fat content. Likewise, the milk, onions, cabbage and other foods that tend to produce flatulence.

Apart from this, you have to try eating fruits and vegetables that reduce the likelihood of having intestinal spasms. It is important to eat whole grains, high in fiber, but not greatly increase their amount, as that could generate more gas.

The best way to avoid the symptoms associated when eating is done slowly and in small quantities. If necessary, recommends an increase to six the number of daily meals.

is very important not to swallow air while eating to prevent abdominal distension and reaction in the form of cramps and diarrhea. In the same vein, avoid constipation is important, what you get if you drink enough water. At least two to five pints a day.

Managing stress properly often ends with episodes of symptoms. To this end, the first thing is to recognize that we who we become stressed and we can change our way of responding to situations of life.

To facilitate, moderate exercise, breaks in daily work and learn some form of active relaxation are our main allies. IBS is actually a reflection of the hurried lifestyle and no time to get perspective. Adopt a rate slower is the guarantee for our welfare. He eats, lives and loves, but slow.


• Eliminate the use of snuff, alcohol and refined sugars or bakery products.

• Drink a minimum of two to three liters of fluid a day.

• Exercise regularly and moderately. With half an hour a day running or going by bike is enough

• Practice relaxation exercises with visualization for better control of your stress. Live


Source: Healthy Cooking Natural and Pedro L.
Gonzales, preventive medicine physician and journalist.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Mount And Blade Version 1.003 Trainer

The importance of vitamins

Vitamins are organic substances found in food and are essential in the metabolic processes that take place in nutrition of living beings.

Contrary to popular belief, vitamins do not provide any energy to our body, but without them the human body can not get energy items supplied appliances for food. Vitamins should be given by a food and that most can not make the human body. Still, there are several exceptions to this rule, as the case of vitamin D that can occur in the skin with sun exposure and vitamin K, B1, B12 and folic acid, which is manufactured in small quantities in the intestine through bacterial flora.


Follow a healthy balanced diet is essential to not show signs of lack of vitamins, or its opposite effect , which is the hypervitaminosis. For this reason, as a general rule, should not be necessary additional contributions. Yet, in special states in increasing the intake of vitamins, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy or old age may be recommended extra amounts of vitamins, but you always have to do it by prescription.

As for its beneficial effects, in recent years there have been numerous studies suggest that vitamins A, E and C may play a fundamental role in the prevention against diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and macular degeneration of the center of the retina that affects sight, especially for seniors.

Please note

Two large groups

There are two main groups vitamins, which are classified according to food in which
found and the ability to dissolve them.

Iiposolubles The vitamins A, D, E and K, are those that dissolve fats and oils. They are stored in the liver and adipose tissue. If consumed in excess (ie more than 10 times the recommended daily amount) may be toxic. Hence the special importance of avoiding vitamin supplements without a prescription.

On the other hand, soluble vitamins, C, H and B complex are those that dissolve in water. For this reason, many foods rich in these vitamins do not give us the same amount contained initially after cooking.

For Moreover, water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, unlike fat-soluble, so its contribution must be almost daily. EI excess water soluble vitamins excreted in urine as has no toxic effect on high their intake.

Food essential to receive a proper supply of vitamins

Besides adequate supply of protein, carbohydrates and other essential elements for the functioning of our body, the foods we consume every day should contain the necessary vitamins so you do not need additional input from them. In large groups, these foods are:

• Grains and legumes : They provide both soluble and water soluble vitamins and should be one of the key pillars of power healthy and balanced.

• Fruit: Varied and unpeeled. It is rich mainly in water-soluble vitamins.

• Vegetable : Provides mainly water-soluble vitamins, especially if consumed raw, since cooking reduces substantially the amount of water soluble vitamins provided, which are dissolved in water to prepare. Some vegetables are also a good source of soluble vitamins.

Eggs; dairy products, provides generous amounts of vitamins, especially fat-soluble, being a critical input for proper calcium metabolism in our body. Fundamental to a balanced diet and vegetarian diets can be deficient in vitamins and in special periods such as childhood, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

oils and nuts: These are the main source. soluble vitamins, but we must consume them in moderation because of their high caloric content.

Bluefish : Rich in soluble vitamins and water-soluble, it is a healthy source of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

• Red meat and offal : Contains lots of vitamins mainly soluble but must consume them in moderation because they are high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

The most important vitamins

Vitamin A is especially present in organ meats, carrots, spinach, parsley, butter, potatoes, soybean oil, tuna, cheese and eggs. Its main function is to protect the skin and the proper functioning participa.en della retina and in the development of enzymes, sex and adrenal hormones. Its deficiency causes night blindness, dry eyes and skin and mucosal disease.

Vitamin D is found in oily fish, fatty cheeses, margarine, mushrooms, eggs and dairy products. Forms in the skin after sun exposure, so in sunny countries do not need the food intake of the vitamin. Its deficit may cause softening of the bones, dental caries and rickets.

Vitamin E plays an essential role as an antioxidant and the reproduction of some animals. Its deficit may cause anemia, muscle wasting and impaired reproduction. Is present in olive oil, soybean, sunflower, corn, nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts and nuts, fruits like coconut, wheat germ and corn or soybean sprouts.

Vitamin K ensures the functioning of blood clotting. It is synthesized in part by the intestinal flora, so that prolonged administration of antibiotics can lead to a relative deficiency of this vitamin by destroying the bacterial flora, and its deficiency may cause nosebleeds and digestive tract.

The Vitamin C ensures the transport of oxygen and absorption of iron and folic acid, among others. It also has a role in liver detoxification. Foods rich in vitamin C are fruits such as kiwi, guava, black currant, persimmon, lemon, strawberry or orange vegetables such as red pepper, parsley, spinach, cabbage and Brucella cauliflower.

Vitamin H involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, and fat to make glucose. Partly caused by the intestinal flora and is also present in nuts, fruits, milk and yeast, so its deficiency is extremely rare in our environment.

These vitamins are essential for the development of the metabolic functions of our body. The most important of all B vitamins are:

B1, present in cereals and grains, which is involved in metabolism carbohydrates for obtain glucose, which is the main food of the cells.

B2, which is involved in the processes of cellular respiration, liver detoxification and maintenance of the myelin that covers nerves, among others. Found in organ meats, brewer's yeast, fatty cheeses, coconut, mushrooms, eggs and lentils, among others.

B3, present in the egg yolk and whole grains, which is involved in cellular metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

B5, which participates in the same functions as the previous one and can be found in the viscera, egg yolk, brewer's yeast and whole grains.

B6, essential in the metabolism of proteins and present in most plant and animal foods, especially oily fish, lentils, chickpeas, chicken, beef and bananas.

B12, which is involved in tissue repair, the
growth and body development and the formation of red blood cells. It is found in foods animal and can be stored in the liver, so it does not necessarily need a daily intake, although in special states such as pregnancy and lactation may increase your requirements.

Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural
Dr. Marta Diaz, physician specializing in cardiology


Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Can I Make My Kundli Online Free

Prepare and maintain tasty sauces and other foods can be very simple if you know some tricks. So you maintain the flavor, color and texture of all of them for longer.

good digestion

broccoli broccoli
If you find it indigestible, can follow a few tips to stop being so. One of the most popular is add a few drops of white vinegar for cooking.

Cauliflower odorless

Cook colitlor a cabbage or a home is often synonymous with a bad smell. One way to prevent it from spreading throughout the house is partially cover the pot in which it is prepared and placed on top of the lid a crumb of bread soaked in vinegar

thick cream

When sauces and creams that accompany the recipes are more liquid than recommended, can be thickened with potatoes. To do this, you have to cook them, blend them before adding. You can also use cornstarch.

over white rice

To make white rice is even whiter, some alternatives are to add a few drops of lemon 0 vinegar for cooking. Not noticeable in the taste, but sl on color.

most desirable Artichokes

By including dishes and recipes artichokes tend to oxidize and lose their original color. If you're help , just have to boil them in water a little flour, salt and a splash of lemon juice, keep the tone light green and were more apetecib them .

Onions do not mourn

One of the most common situations when you peel and onions, especially if fresh, is to cry my eyes. To avoid simply leave them in the refrigerator several hours before use.

A stiff

The best way to beat the whites until stiff is to have eggs removed fridge for a while before they are at room temperature. Once separated the white from the yolk, you just have to beat to climb.

Salsa Vinaigrette This classic dressing is
quickly prepared with salt, pepper and vinegar to taste. Then oil is added to the mixture (three times that of vinegar) and moves until it thickens Iigeramente.

Ketchup longer

tomato sauce over after a dish is kept in perfect condition when poured into a glass jar and add above and below a drizzle of olive oil. EI oil is left on the surface, without mixing with the sauce, and creates a protective layer that prevents the bad place.

black olives Store

this type of olives taste better if stored in an appropriate way : we must put them in a glass jar and the only thing needed is to add a few garlic cloves and a sprig of thyme. Then covered with olive oil and let stand until ready to eat.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pink Panties On My Brother

30/04/2011 17/04/2011

Brion March 2011, we can use an expression which sure we all agree, "have bordao."

Leaving Arteixo Coruña early, in order to arrive on time and not go with a last minute rush. In this march we went 9 Bikers, Cheo, Taibo, Ramon, Angel Fdez, Luis, Hugo, Richi, Pakinho and server (Bao), and the truth that the most and the least we went with the idea of \u200b\u200ba stiff ride But in the end is quite bearable for everyone.

travel, it is noteworthy for my taste, how well designed it is. Road starts downhill and flat, wide area, so that people can be positioned where most convenient (you will see in the pictures it appears that only four of Arteixo going), some of Arteixo gave it everything and at the start and not I saw to the line goal. jejejjejeje. Then a section of approximately 4 km bordering the river in single file, and then begin the climb to the upper part of the route. Until that point I remember three provisioning. And from there, the last few miles are a constant up and down, with a super fun trialeras, which had to leave some distance from the front, because with the dust that rose, there were no ruts. The last 5 kilometers is incredibly fast, down by narrow path where he had fine-tuned, to not have a straight.

food At the end of fraternization and draw a lot of gifts, which came out Cheo fortunate, since the two Panaracer touched him he was going to buy next week. Occurred in the nail jajjajajjaaa

I said, congratulations to the people of Brion, who today have made us enjoy a day like few others.

again next year, and hopefully will bring a trophy, which this year had to carry us barely.

Bao (The track is missing the first 13 kilometers)

distance: 13 + 28.96 miles ... ... ... 41.96 KM
Height min: 68 meters, max: 461 meters
Cumulative Difference. Up: 668 meters, lowering : 856 meters
Degree of difficulty:
Moderate Time: 3 hours 26 minutes
Date: April 17, 2011
ends at the point of line (loop): No
Coordinates: 1853



MARCHA BRION 17-04-2011

of 109435372996957538902

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chelsea Charm With Maxi Mounds

Cooking Tricks Lychees: to discover an exquisite fruit

This exotic fruit is a great unknown in our country. Just venture to try to find a true culinary delight.

Lychees come from the lowland provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien, located in southern China. Its cultivation was extended during the passage of the years through neighboring areas of Southeast Asia and nearby islands. Currently, it is cultivated in northern India, Indochina, Thailand, Formosa, southern Japan northwestern Australia, East Africa, Hawaii, Brazil, Florida and other subtropical regions. They are also known as Chinese plums and are considered one of the most delicious fruits there for flavor and texture. Sweet and easy to eat (in China, for example, take dried), just split them in half and remove the central bone. In European countries is not well known and comes to market imported. In fact, in some cities is hard to find in the market, and can only be purchased in stores and Asian restaurants.

Nutritional properties

has a very high water content and is rich in carbohydrates, but because it is low in fat and protein, its caloric value is not very high. Highlights its contribution of vitamin C, a staple in the formation of collagen, bones, teeth, red blood cells, the absorption of iron from food, and resistance to infection. Also appear, although in smaller proportion, other water soluble B group vitamins, like folic acid. Regarding the group of minerals, provides potassium, responsible for transmission of nerve impulses and essential for water balance in the cell, and magnesium which is related to the functioning of the bowel, nerves and muscles, also forming part of the bones and teeth and improving immunity. Fiber contains insignificant amounts but enough to provide it, likewise, a mild laxative effect.


fresco can be found from November to February to find their flavor exotic sweet and reminiscent of the most scented roses. It is a very small fruit, oval and completely covers the pulp a large seed that is hard, smooth and brown inedible, has an outward appearance similar to that of the arbutus. Their size ranges between 3 and 4 cm in diameter and its weight is approximately 20 grams each. What else is there to highlight their appearance is their bright red skin that is covered with small warts, but at times this key turns yellow. Inside the flesh is very juicy and creamy.

As consume

litchi is to consume a piece of fruit more, because this way you can make much better use properties. You can also try them in salads, juices, smoothies and fruit salads. You can also discover its nuances when cooked with rice, meat and fish and even eat ice cream
or a delicious syrup. It is also possible to buy in syrup or dried (the concentration of nutrients is multiplied by three, but lost 20-50% of vitamin C).

Curiosity and advice

is highly prized in China honey obtained from litchi blossoms. This exotic fruit is used in traditional medicine of China to ease his throat problems analgesic and sedative. In Thailand, for example, produce seedless varieties, although the fruits are smaller and their culture is not too widespread. In Madagascar, this produces a fruit drink called "litchel" served as an appetizer. At the time of purchase, you have to dispose of them look wrinkled, as this is a sign that the pulp is turning black and lost flavor. At room temperature, your skin dries out and becomes dark, so you should keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks. However, freezing is the best method to preserve the fruit, allowing preserve for one year.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home Depot L Shaped Window Curtain Rods

tortilla sandwich with bacon and cheese flavors

Life is full of small, simple pleasures, not if it's because I am a person of simple tastes, or because I'm content with little, and proof is that before a tortilla sandwich, for a moment, I enjoy a religious experience .. hehe

Ingredients: 7pp

50g bread ....................... 3pp
a huevo ................................... 2pp
1 tranchete ...... ........................ 1pp
pizcas 15g bacon Argali
1ct oil ...... ........................... 1pp
1 / 2 ripe tomato


Beat the egg with cheese and bacon. Make an omelet with the ct of oil in a small nonstick skillet. Spread the bread with tomato and bacadillo make the tortilla.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Remove Screen Name Mac Messenger

OAS Brion START II KDD WHEEL ONLY (Outeiro de Rei)

If beautiful places in Galicia, no doubt where this KDD elapses Sentencing of Rhodes, are included.

Full path of 40 kilometers where there are stretches of mountain and valley sections in the latter with the rivers Miño and Ladra always present. There was also some Trialeras area, to the delight of all, since the most and the least was carried away.

This II KDD Penalty Rhodes, we had quite lucky with the weather, as rain threatened all morning and we just fell four drops.

Del CC Arteixo-MB3 were Luis, Angel, Taibo, Cheo and I, where we share the day with fellow Riazor DC, DC-As Pontes Villalba, Peña LEBOREIRO and of course many of Lugo. After cycling, and the corresponding shower "hot" We had prepared a meal of fraternization, based on a fart and a baked desserts, of which all gave a good account, but especially Cheo, saying something like "for the remainder" ; jejejeje and inside, that if all washed with the corresponding tract, were of all colors.

https: / / #

Of course, next year can not be missed.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hairstyles For Toddler

Spring arrives with her sweet and different than advertised mild temperatures, colorful flowers and lush green vegetation. Meanwhile, the market dresses with green asparagus and beans.

Asparagus are young and tender stalks of asparagus, a herbaceous plant that reaches the underground and a half high. Own countries bordering the Mediterranean, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks and consumed. In addition, used as offerings to the gods. But during the Roman Empire when its intake is becoming popular because of their remarkable therapeutic properties. They also were the ones who introduced it in Spain, decreasing their consumption with the decline of the empire. In the eighteenth century, its use would emerge strongly, becoming one of the favorite foods of the bourgeoisie. Until the late nineteenth century that was consumed was green, but it began to enforce the land under cultivation, resulting in the appearance of the white variety, and do not receive sunlight do not develop chlorophyll.

health Buenos

Source are antioxidants like vitamins E, CYA that block the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. Thus, consumption helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as certain types of cancer and degenerative diseases. Especially recommended intake for pregnant women due to its high folate content, very important to ensure proper neural tube development of the fetus in early pregnancy. Its deficiency can lead to spina bifida or anencephaly. Tasting is encouraged also during childhood, and that folate requirements in children are also higher.

is the vegetable that has more nutrients. The broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A acid fó1ico and important antioxidants.

3 to 4 minutes
To cook, simply steam cook 3 to 4 minutes or immersing the same time in boiling water.

The plums can be classified by skin color: yellow with acid taste and a lot of juice, red, sweeter, black, blue skin and perfect for baking.

Dust mate
To get the best, you have to take those to be firm and present a slight dust mate.

Although they are in the market throughout the year, the best time to eat green beans is the spring and summer.

should crack
At the time of purchase, should be bright and offer a bright color, and present a smooth surface. We must also take note that their seeds out little notice.

small-sized fish, the anchovy blue fish is very healthy for being rich in fatty acids Omega-3, which help lower cholesterol.

With its abundance of fish in the Mediterranean this price is cheap and popular consumption.

The cod is a white fish, so it is low in fat. Its flesh is rich in proteins of high biological value.

croquettes or fritters
As a fish with a strong and pleasant taste usually like the smaller house

aniseed flavor
of thick stem and striatum, the celery is a food regulatory agency because of its water, minerals and vitamins.

Crisp and firm
To buy fresh should look shiny stalks with compact, firm and crisp.

Eastern in origin, the Japanese loquat was introduced in Spain for two thousand years. After water, the substance that has a greater amount is fructose.

Ripe but firm
must be in good health and present a uniform skin color. You have to choose ripe for greens are indigestible.

anise should Eastern Europe, which grows wild fields. Since ancient times has been used for medicinal purposes as well as being a spice and a food. In fact, in ancient Rome had bread made from flour and anise that was taken at the end of the meal to aid digestion. But also used it to treat nervousness, epilepsy other conditions. It was so important that was, possibly subject to currency.

Today aerofagia used to combat because their seeds contain anethole which eliminates the gas accumulated in the digestive tract. To do this, tea is best taken in before and after meals. Its consumption is also very good for gastritis and stomach acidity and its intake is also recommended for people suffering from anorexia because stimulate digestion makes you work up an appetite. Likewise, the bacteriostatic properties have the potential to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
