the colon or large intestine becomes more sensitive and react adversely to food and medicine. In addition, they usually add food allergies and infection by bacteria helicobacter pilorii type, responsible for ulcers. It is very often that after a gastroenteritis.
Most people who have it can spend years undergoing all sorts of tests to rule out diseases of the digestive tract. Unfortunately there is no cure or preventive strategy to prevent its occurrence. Also no specific treatment has proven effective.
However, it is one of the disorders that respond to a balanced diet and a
care diet. It is also very important to control stress, which is usually behind many of these syndromes.
It is best to keep a diary of foods eaten, scoring as our body responds to them. If you find that any food causes diarrhea or more gases from the usual or any pain, chances are you've developed an allergy to that food or any of its components.
In these cases, the ideal is to change the food involved for another and see if it changes our response. Of course, it is best to avoid foods that have been produced before us and problems.
When you see some reaction to food, it is best to rotate meals. This is to eat a different food type each day for four days. For example, a day meat, other fish, other vegetables and the last dairy and cereals. The cycle is repeated twice.
Thus, preventing the body's defense reaction to consolidate. Most allergies develop very slowly, but if the deceased did not eat more than on separate days, it is unlikely that this will finally be fully developed.
In general, we recommend a balanced diet Mediterranean style but avoiding spicy foods and high fat content. Likewise, the milk, onions, cabbage and other foods that tend to produce flatulence.
Apart from this, you have to try eating fruits and vegetables that reduce the likelihood of having intestinal spasms. It is important to eat whole grains, high in fiber, but not greatly increase their amount, as that could generate more gas.
The best way to avoid the symptoms associated when eating is done slowly and in small quantities. If necessary, recommends an increase to six the number of daily meals.
is very important not to swallow air while eating to prevent abdominal distension and reaction in the form of cramps and diarrhea. In the same vein, avoid constipation is important, what you get if you drink enough water. At least two to five pints a day.
Managing stress properly often ends with episodes of symptoms. To this end, the first thing is to recognize that we who we become stressed and we can change our way of responding to situations of life.
To facilitate, moderate exercise, breaks in daily work and learn some form of active relaxation are our main allies. IBS is actually a reflection of the hurried lifestyle and no time to get perspective. Adopt a rate slower is the guarantee for our welfare. He eats, lives and loves, but slow.
• Eliminate the use of snuff, alcohol and refined sugars or bakery products.
• Drink a minimum of two to three liters of fluid a day.
• Exercise regularly and moderately. With half an hour a day running or going by bike is enough
• Practice relaxation exercises with visualization for better control of your stress. Live
Source: Healthy Cooking Natural and Pedro L.
Gonzales, preventive medicine physician and journalist.
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