Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home Depot L Shaped Window Curtain Rods

tortilla sandwich with bacon and cheese flavors

Life is full of small, simple pleasures, not if it's because I am a person of simple tastes, or because I'm content with little, and proof is that before a tortilla sandwich, for a moment, I enjoy a religious experience .. hehe

Ingredients: 7pp

50g bread ....................... 3pp
a huevo ................................... 2pp
1 tranchete ...... ........................ 1pp
pizcas 15g bacon Argali
1ct oil ...... ........................... 1pp
1 / 2 ripe tomato


Beat the egg with cheese and bacon. Make an omelet with the ct of oil in a small nonstick skillet. Spread the bread with tomato and bacadillo make the tortilla.


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