Alpedrete, besides being a people who many believe there is a quarry abyssal minds and andergrauns elucubrantes flowing in their pastures in the wild. Such is the case of Victor Losa a foolish man who so radically from its domestic and minority, found in the Internet the perfect way to extend his madness. His vision of life in campechanía then gelled in youtube puberty until a legion of fans spectacular.

The first time Victor Losa and I worked (see here the second ) was a craze called A website full of content such useless (more or less like this blog, come on), which eventually became resultón, but at the expense of many hosts. We served everyone, however, to plunge into the adventure of the virtual collective. A waste time on the internal , contributed to the excess of information overload that fills the network. So, separately, all began to hang around our follies. Jack Victor Cid could finally focus on your group Distryto 13 (which the land Petan Saxon, hear), Santi "Tati", Efrain Parrilla and I continued with "Gurises guiris" (which some will know more than enough, tired of waiting to update something) and Victor Losa continued with his humor and established home-experimental Lamb TV, web highly cacósmico content that appears on the left bank announced this address.
Since then, unlike us, has not stopped Losa: "The World of Gorni" (which had first been a 100% zinesters comic without staples or anything) and "Fermín and Jeremiah" (acquired in 2007 by Antena 3 Neox ) are series of amination, Losa these thugs where you did the voices of all the toys while I drew and animated. The "Under Construction" of the 2, he proposed the creation of what would "Car Life" ... and so NOPAR endless until, made capital and partners, Losa creates its own advertising and marketing agency Feroche Factory.
But what he did petarla was undoubtedly "Tube-Adventures" . The first interactive adventure youtube in English, in June 2008, is the media jumping on this young man. In just two days, gets about 200,000 visits. The national blogosphere echo are special and that release same year, Cordero TV and Pinofas (the pseudonym of Victor internautero) first appear in newspapers like El País and magazines such as Hobby Consolas or Computer Today. Without much delay, in November 2008, Miguel returned to Losa and gnashing their roles Aghh and Eusebius, in a second installment, "Tube-Adventures 2" . Again great flood of visits and appraisals

The fact is that now, just released ... "Tube-Adventures 3. The Kingdom of the Sword of William Wallace!" that have taken more time to get him out because they also have been Curran. Why talk in plural? because I mean Losa and his cronies (Amparo, Alcibi, Miguel ...) who are their colleagues throughout the life of Alpedrete. I have not played, but I will have as well (you know that I do many things, but then do not sell a fucking broom). To you I leave the trailer at the foot of this post, which, if set However, you can see a server by farce and pantomime. I went to visit one day recording Losa met a lot of figuration in "Bajos de Argüelles" (those who are of my generation will remember with nostalgia dipsomaniac). To my surprise when I found that these extras were fans, coming from different parts of Spain to meet in person Losa and Miguel, the protagonists y. .. damn, were famous. They did not stop being praised and nervous laughter, posing for photos hugging kids ... Well, I roll it up, the most important thing right now from can play, just click HERE and let go.
Incredible bundling of the slab.