Saturday, March 26, 2011

Busroute From Gemini To Velachery


Alpedrete, besides being a people who many believe there is a quarry abyssal minds and andergrauns elucubrantes flowing in their pastures in the wild. Such is the case of Victor Losa a foolish man who so radically from its domestic and minority, found in the Internet the perfect way to extend his madness. His vision of life in campechanía then gelled in youtube puberty until a legion of fans spectacular.

The first time Victor Losa and I worked (see here the second ) was a craze called A website full of content such useless (more or less like this blog, come on), which eventually became resultón, but at the expense of many hosts. We served everyone, however, to plunge into the adventure of the virtual collective. A waste time on the internal , contributed to the excess of information overload that fills the network. So, separately, all began to hang around our follies. Jack Victor Cid could finally focus on your group Distryto 13 (which the land Petan Saxon, hear), Santi "Tati", Efrain Parrilla and I continued with "Gurises guiris" (which some will know more than enough, tired of waiting to update something) and Victor Losa continued with his humor and established home-experimental Lamb TV, web highly cacósmico content that appears on the left bank announced this address.

Since then, unlike us, has not stopped Losa: "The World of Gorni" (which had first been a 100% zinesters comic without staples or anything) and "Fermín and Jeremiah" (acquired in 2007 by Antena 3 Neox ) are series of amination, Losa these thugs where you did the voices of all the toys while I drew and animated. The "Under Construction" of the 2, he proposed the creation of what would "Car Life" ... and so NOPAR endless until, made capital and partners, Losa creates its own advertising and marketing agency Feroche Factory.

But what he did petarla was undoubtedly "Tube-Adventures" . The first interactive adventure youtube in English, in June 2008, is the media jumping on this young man. In just two days, gets about 200,000 visits. The national blogosphere echo are special and that release same year, Cordero TV and Pinofas (the pseudonym of Victor internautero) first appear in newspapers like El País and magazines such as Hobby Consolas or Computer Today. Without much delay, in November 2008, Miguel returned to Losa and gnashing their roles Aghh and Eusebius, in a second installment, "Tube-Adventures 2" . Again great flood of visits and appraisals ng Youtube Division Spain: "the best example worldwide of all the possibilities and pontencial that offers its portal" and the U.S. magazine PC Gamer concerns Tube- Adventures as "mother" fashion interactive games youtube. Well, enough, this looks like a pack of these to ask for subsidy.

The fact is that now, just released ... "Tube-Adventures 3. The Kingdom of the Sword of William Wallace!" that have taken more time to get him out because they also have been Curran. Why talk in plural? because I mean Losa and his cronies (Amparo, Alcibi, Miguel ...) who are their colleagues throughout the life of Alpedrete. I have not played, but I will have as well (you know that I do many things, but then do not sell a fucking broom). To you I leave the trailer at the foot of this post, which, if set However, you can see a server by farce and pantomime. I went to visit one day recording Losa met a lot of figuration in "Bajos de Argüelles" (those who are of my generation will remember with nostalgia dipsomaniac). To my surprise when I found that these extras were fans, coming from different parts of Spain to meet in person Losa and Miguel, the protagonists y. .. damn, were famous. They did not stop being praised and nervous laughter, posing for photos hugging kids ... Well, I roll it up, the most important thing right now from can play, just click HERE and let go.

Incredible bundling of the slab.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Heads In A Suitcase Imdb

Pantry Nutrition Clinic

Is it true that when mixed lentils with rice, the body assimilates iron better?

Lentils are rich in iron, but the mix with cereals such as rice, not necessarily improve iron absorption, but amino acids. A dish of lentils (beans) and rice (cereals) such as one chickpea noodles, or dried beans served with some bread, soy milk or crackers, we provide sufficient amino acids to have an adequate protein intake, comparable to the consumption of meat or fish. The basis for human consumption has not been until recently supported in the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, milk 0, but 0 stews cooked in a vegetable that mixed with cereals in the same meal. Amino acids that are missing a food, the other has, and the two are jointly consumed more usable by the body.

Are natural foods that combat constipation?

The problem may be occasional constipation, caused by some medications, travel, or diet changes, among other reasons. In these cases, behavior modification, the situation is easily solved. If constipation is permanent, something very common in women and elderly people, and not due to any organic cause have to apply different measures to retrain the bowel habit. These measures include daily drinking at least two liters of fluid, taken every morning fasting two glasses of warm water or orange juice to power be conserved part of the flesh, drinking especially during meals in which they ingested cellulose, trying to regulate the time of going to the toilet, recommended after breakfast, did not postpone the urge to defecate if it desires, thinking that at that time in a hurry or anger, and later, physical exercise, eating more fiber, such as leafy vegetables and, last but not least, avoid situations such as stress and anxiety, which may affect the normal intestinal rhythm. If followed correctly these measures rarely need medication.

Are there foods that help prevent muscle soreness created by the sport?

Laces occur for several reasons: to make exercise more than usual without prior training, excessive sweating and produced by moderate dehydration or poor nutrition after exercise. In principle, depends on the amount of exercise you do, but I recommend that you take fruit or fruit juice before and during exercise, or any fruit juice or sports drink. On the other hand, one of the best foods for athletes who are many miles is the pasta because it provides energy in quantity and lasts over time (a good choice would for example, eating spaghetti with tomato). The bread is still better than the pasta. Excessive stiffness can mean that perhaps it is too hard.

Source: Healthy Cooking and natural

Dr. José Luis Berdonces specialist in natural medicine clinic

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Long For A Tick Bite To Heal

varied the best ally

The variety of foods and products on the market, regardless of the time year, makes it possible for our pantry always display the most complete and desirable

curd: a creamy pleasure
This dairy product is obtained based on pasteurized milk clotting, either cow, goat or mixed. To do so, add a yeast called rennet and then allowed to cool until it reaches a temperature of 35 degrees. Tradition dictates that it must develop by introducing a glowing stone to heat the milk, which also gave it a distinctive smoky taste. Currently, it can be done with a clean kitchen iron to get that flavor.

consumed in Spain and is made throughout of geography, although the Basque region and Navarra which have a higher recognition. It is delicious with sugar, honey or nuts, among others.

Cupcakes: sweet pleasure
At breakfast, snack or dessert, the cupcakes are always delicious. They are of different types, sizes and flavors, and its main charm lies in its spongy mass and juicy, perfectly accompanying a cup of coffee or a glass of milk.

Depending on the type, can bring about nutrients: carbohydrates, calories, cholesterol or fiber. Of course, also varies depending on whether you buy in a supermarket or, if produced on a home, if they are filled with cream, chocolate or other dairy products.

Onions: Bulb
star ingredient known and admired since ancient times Sumer, onion is a vegetable to which many attributed medicinal uses and even has become part of the religious symbols of certain cultures like the druid or the Egyptian. Its applications are as varied as covering imagination and can be eaten both raw and cooked (fried, baked, roasted, etc). In terms of their properties, is made up mostly of water, but also provides carbohydrates and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur.

There are many varieties, such as red onion, shallot, fresh chives or French onion. Spain ranks fifth as a producer of onions, behind countries like the U.S. and the UK.

Leeks: natural medicine
The delicious, slightly spicy flavor is the best card presentation for this herbaceous plant which is already on record since the days of ancient Egypt. Its properties beneficial to the body are almost endless, mainly related to the digestive and respiratory systems.

contain potassium and fiber and provide minimal calories, which are indicated for constipation problems, fluid retention, bladder diseases and kidney and ailments such as gout or rheumatism. They can be eaten raw or prepared in various forms, either as the star of a dish or as the perfect companion.

Morcilla: una salchicha muy española
A priori puede suscitar rechazo y pasión por igual. Sin embargo, la morcilla en España constituye un alimento tan habitual como variado. Ya sea como complemento de otros platos, en bocadillo o como aperitivo, se ha convertido en una alternativa perfecta dado su precio asequible y sus posibilidades.

La morcilla se elabora a base de sangre, manteca de cerdo, arroz, cebolla y otros condimentos. Una de las más afamadas es la de Burgos, aunque tampoco hay que olvidar las variedades de Leon, Palencia o Valladolid. Mención aparte merecen, también, las morcillas secas de Murcia,la patatera, la manchega o la morcilla dulce de Canarias. But with care, its consumption should be more than moderate

Cereal bars: energy all day
Created initially as products for athletes because of their nutritional composition, is This is a perfect alternative for snacking with fruit, for example. They are rich in carbohydrates that provide a large amount of energy, and also contain vitamins and iron.

are exempt from virtually fat and cholesterol, which makes them a perfect snack for kids and adults at any time of day

True or false: Yogurt

This ancient food whose origins some place in Turkey while others place it in the Balkans, Bulgaria and Central Asia, is now in our society a product of wide acceptance and consumption, and in recent years has become one of the most common food of the daily diet of people of all ages . The great virtues attributed to yogurt is based on that, to the known nutritional own milk, biological or bacteriological brings benefits as a result of the presence of microorganisms in their composition.

False All
fermented milk products are yogurt

According to English Quality Standard for Yoghurt accepted as the only starter culture microorganisms for the production of yogurt are Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. It also says that there should be about 10 million pair specific lactic bacteria per gram of yogurt. Milk can be fermented with many other microorganisms. Then we speak also of fermented milk but not yogurt.

False limits on the consumption of yogurt are very strict

The recommended amount of daily yogurt to take may depend on many factors, including consumption of other dairy foods, such needs food, other dietary sources of calcium, the presence or absence of contra ... making it difficult to establish a general pattern. But in a general way, we can say that booking a room for two yogurts per day may be a good step in the planning of many healthy diets. False

"yoghurt" soy is healthier

Soy is a special vegetable nutritional value. It obtained many derivatives, one of the most popular soy beverage ("milk" of soybeans). From here and with the addition of enzymes to obtain the so-called "yogurt" soy. But what ferments? Manufacturers not specified and therefore can not know the types and their effects. It is true, moreover, that the absence of animal fats and cholesterol, and lactose, are hallmarks of this type of product.

Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural

Francesc Fossa dietitian


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can I Get Plan B At Walmart

Thai Rice cava with bacon and pineapple

MR Duties posts by Aliesha .

Ingredients: 2 people - 10pp/ración

Rice "satiety" ................ ............................ 7pp
1 onion 1
bits of bacon packaging Argal (80g) 1 onion ..... 2pp
1 dash of champagne or white wine failing
2 cts oil ............................................... 2pp ............. 2
light cheeses ............................. .........................
1pp 14g grated Parmesan cheese ................ 1pp .............


Grate the onion and fry with the bacon with a little salt in the oil, add cava, reduce. Add rice, saute and add hot water, two and a half measures of rice.

Cut pineapple into small cubes, when the rice is almost cooked, add the pineapple, cheese, finish cooking and remove from heat. Serve hot.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tennis Mit Nadine Jansen

Food and inflammation of the gums

inflammation of the gums is a problem that occurs with unusual frequency. Over 80% of the population suffers at some point and about 40% suffer chronically.

is a disorder that not only requires good dental hygiene, personal and
practiced by a professional, but also need to carry a proper diet to prevent and minimize the effects of gum inflammation .

Many times there is less natural defense capabilities through the body's immune system, reinforcing the need to follow a healthy diet and active lifestyle, strengthen the immune system. Avoid excessive alcohol also contributes to it.

addition, during the acute phase will be important to relaxation-visualization techniques that help to strengthen the capacity of defense. Can

inflammation often due to external aggression, caused for example by snuff smoke constituents.

The main effect of chronic inflammation of the gums is the loss of teeth over time. However, the most important consequence may come in the form of oral infections and in remote areas, as the pericardium, the tissue that surrounds the heart.

The best cure, prevention

To prevent periodontitis is important to maintain proper dental work. So, you should eat raw fruit and vegetables, which help strengthen the tissue around the teeth. For example, eating an apple with its skin. To this effect also contributes a diet rich in fiber.

addition, daily hygiene and professional cleaning every six months or a year as people, are the basic elements to prevent inflammation of the gums.

Vitamin C is the main nutrient of the mucosal protective gum. Thus, a diet rich in fruits is the main measure to take. Are advised to take 3 to 4 pieces a day at least, oranges, kiwis.

When inflammation is recurrent and severe, we recommend eating foods high in vitamin E. This is found in all foods rich in fiber also employ teeth. This group includes wheat bran, whole grains, 0 the paddy rice.

Folic acid has also been shown to reduce gum inflammation. In situations such as pregnancy and while taking certain medications for epilepsy or quimitoterápicos, there is a deficiency of folic acid that partly explains the tendency to bleeding of the gums in these situations.

One better. Natural sources of folic acid is meat, but especially during pregnancy, you should take supplements of any herbal preparation, thus avoiding excess fats that occur in making the necessary meat. To also avoid foods high in sugar such as honey or sweets in general and, of course, everything related to industrial bakery or convenience foods.

Beta carotene from carrots, beets, spinach and tomatoes are also protective against inflammation. Likewise, zinc involved in many immune and inflammatory reactions, must be part of the diet of those with periodontitis. There is an abundant mineral and is found mainly in seeds such as sunflower or watermelon.

To strengthen the natural defense system, nothing better than a combination of active life, with moderate exercise at least 30 minutes a day, with relaxation techniques and meditation aimed at achieving self-control over stress. Stress reduces the ability of immune system defense and if sustained over time, can be the source of chronic inflammation of the gums.

gum problems are a common problem and difficult to resolve when it establishes a chronic, to participate in its genesis many factors. For this reason, it is a great excuse to take a proactive stance with our health and adopt a lifestyle more conducive to our wellbeing.

Nature has endowed us with the extraordinary power to change the conditions that have led to the disease or make us more difficult to recover. Do not leave your health in the hands of others.


• Eliminate the use of snuff, alcohol and refined sugars or bakery products.
• Drink a minimum of two to three liters of fluid a day.
• Exercise regularly and moderately. With half an hour a day running or cycling, is sufficient.
• Practice relaxation exercises with visualization for better control of stress and strengthening natural defenses.

Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural
Dr. Peter L. Gonzales doctor who specializes in preventive medicine and journalism.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top For Colorful Skirts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mount&blade Native Expention

rye Pizza Bolognese

Ingredients for base: 2 persons-10pp / serving

200g 100% rye flour "to satiety .... .......... 7PP
65ml of water (more or less) 10g of honey
.............................................. 1pp ........................ 1 ct

salt 1 / 2 cube fresh yeast

Undo yeast in warm water.
In a large bowl, pour the sifted flour, salt, yeast and water with honey, work it until it is off the container, form a ball and let rise in a warm place about 40 minutes.

Ingredients Filling:

tomato 1 carrot 1 small onion

pepper oregano
1 / 2 chicken broth
minced (I used Mercadona a burger) 1 tray .... mushrooms 2pp

1 ct oil ............................... 1pp ....
1 clove garlic 40g
light Mazzarella ................... 2pp


Once a mass weighed , stretch and bake a few minutes.
Make the sauce with tomatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, broth and spices, cooked when crushing.

Chop the meat and brown in a satin oil. Chop the mushrooms and attach them to the meat, simmer a few minutes and add the sauce, cook a little more and put on top of the dough. Sprinkle

com mozzarella and oregano, bake until cheese is melted .. Print

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Make Choclate Cigarellos

chocolate and orange cake

many recipes for biscuits and chocolate will be orange? I dare say that many, like this, do not believe, eh? what's the pecualiridad to make this special? that is not made with flour as the vast majority of the cakes, but with chickpeas, yes, you read that right, chick .. !

is a recipe for cannelloni, a great cook with creativity striking good, if you know not even your page, you can not stop to take a look, I fall in love with your recipes,
Recipe canecositas , the idea of \u200b\u200btuning this cake had it estavezsi, it was a great idea, I was really curious about the taste and I have been pleasantly surprised, I assure you he does not know anything chickpeas, it's pure chocolate black with banana, orange aroma and an exotic touch of cardamom.

I would almost say that could pass for a rich brownie.

.................... 200g cooked chickpeas 6pp ..........
1 banana 150ml orange juice
orange zest
1 egg + 2 whites .................... 2pp .....................
48g unsweetened pure cocoa ..... brand value 4pp
1 Cd liquid sweetener suitable for cooking
............................................ 18g walnuts 3pp ..........
baking soda 1 ct
1 pinch ground cardamom


-Preheat oven to 180 º.
-Put all the ingredients except the walnuts in the bowl of a blender and blend.
-Add the nuts into large pieces, attach it to the batter and mix.
-Pour the mixture into a greased pan and bake cannelloni in your recipe says 40 minutes, depending on the oven, I had 1 hour.
-Let cool, unmold and decorate to taste ..

Note: The recipe had 30g of sugar, I retired because I have found that sugar is not necessary and savings 4pp

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Belkin Tunebase Change Fuse

Nephrolithiasis and renal colic

lithiasis or stone formation in the urinary system is a common and usually chronic. Its onset is usually between 30 and 60 years, more frequently in males.

cramps usually occur in the warmer months (June to September) and in people with sedentary occupational activities or exposed to heat. The calculations, however, can form when the urine contains a large number of substances, which may precipitate into small crystals that become stones later. The biggest risk factor for kidney stones is dehydration. By decreasing the amount of urine, decreasing the amount of water the same, but not of solute. The substances excreted in urine are the same, but there is less water to dissolve, being easier to crystal formation.

Kidney stones usually form at the kidney and then down through the urinary tract (ureters) to the urinary bladder. May not cause symptoms until they begin this fall, as it is the time when you can lock the passage of urine if the calculation is large enough. This causes swelling of the kidney or kidneys, causing severe pain.

The pain may begin at the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin or genitals, but sometimes the pain also radiates to your lower back. In most cases, is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. The urine may change color, being darker or have traces of blood. The days before the colic may be other milder symptoms such as feeling of persistent urination or burning with urination.


of various types

Some types of stones tend to run in families, although most cases are of undetermined origin. There are several types of stones according to their chemical composition. Among the most common are those of calcium , which are the most common and occur more often in men
and usually appear between 20 and 30 years of age. They tend to be recurrent. There are also cystine stones, which can form in people with cystinuria (pathological increase of cystine levels in urine). This is a disorder that runs in families and affects both men and women. For their part, struvite found mainly in women and often associated with urinary tract infections. These stones can grow very large and may obstruct the kidney, ureters, bladder 0. Finally, there are uric acid stones, which are more common in men than in women and may be associated with gout or chemotherapy treatments.

treatment calculations:

Despite medical treatment, medication and dietary differ depending on the type of stone (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, struvite, cystine, etc..) general measures are recommended:

• Increase fluid intake:
Drink two to three liters of fluid a day. At least half of the fluid intake should be water, but you can also make tea, juices, soups, etc..

• Do not abuse the salt:
is advisable to control sodium intake in all cases of urolithiasis, particularly those that present with hypercalciuria (high levels of calcium urine).

• Protein:
is known that a diet high in protein increases the risk of stone formation by increasing urinary levels of its constituents.

• limit rapidly absorbed sugars (table sugar, jam, honey, pastry and confectionery, sugary juices, etc.) As favoring the increase in the amount of calcium in the urine by decreasing its reabsorption impairment.

• Avoid alcohol:
Alcoholic beverages are generally rich in calcium, oxalate, and guanosine (which is metabolized to uric acid). Also are highly energetic. There is a linear relationship between alcohol consumption and elevation of uric acid in blood and urine. Alcohol also increases the levels of calcium, phosphate and magnesium in the urine.

• Weight control and physical exercise.

• Avoid excessive fluid loss:
physical exertion, extreme heat, etc.

Check some calculations ...

Depending on the type of calculation is necessary to implement some recommendations or other treatment to help. In the case of calcium oxalate calculations general recommendations are:

• Drinking water 2.5 Iitros of day. • Take
citrus juices, as they prevent the formation of calcium oxalate salt. • Limit
milk to 2 cups per day. • Limit
coffee and tea to 2 cups per day as they increase the excretion of uric acid and oxalate.
Avoid sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages. • Keep
calcium in the diet (avoiding milk and derivatives), which increases the absorption
oxalate in the intestine, increases the risk of osteoporosis and also reduces the supply of phosphorus. • Restrict
the contribution of protein , especially limiting consumption of red meat. • Restrict
oxalate sources such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, beets, figs, organ meats, seafood and chocolate ...

Moreover, in the case of calcium phosphate stones, the recommendations are: • Drink

of Iíquido 2.5 liters per day. • Take
grape juice and apple . • Limit
coffee and tea to 2 cups a day. • Limit
milk to 2 cups a day.
Avoid citrus juices, sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages.
• Eat a varied diet , avoiding strict vegetarian diets. • Restrict
the contribution of protein , especially limiting consumption of red meat. • Restrict
phosphates if hyperphosphaturia (increased urine phosphate) present in cheese, vegetables, nuts, cocoa and liver.

All this, of course, always following the guidelines that we check the doctor, and can vary depending on other factors of personal health.

... and fend off other

Although in general, the treatment of different calculations have in common, each has its merits, as we have seen. In the case of uric acid stones , these recommendations are:

• Drink 2.5 liters of liquid day. • Take
diluted citrus juices, teas, soft you apple juice. • Avoid
sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages, especially beer
, including non-alcoholic beer. • Reduce
consumption of foods such as offal, meat, oily fish and seafood. • Limit
vegetables intake , who have a moderate in purines
• Limit consumption of spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, leeks and mushrooms, radishes.

Finally, those who suffer cystine stones should follow these guidelines, under medical supervision:

• Drink at least 3 liters fluid a day. • Eat
citrus juices and apple juice.
Avoid sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages.
• Limit consumption coffee and tea to 2 cups a day. • Restrict
protein diet, limiting the consumption of meat, fish, egg products, cheese, nuts and legumes. • Follow
a varied diet rich in fruits (especially citrus), vegetables, salads, cereals and potatoes
• Limit the amount of salt diet.

Source: Natural Kitchen

Sna and Dr. Marta Diaz eb specialized medical cardiology. Print

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Show The Parts Of Ship

Cooking Tricks

fruits That last point in time, keep certain foods in the freezer to develop your own balsamic vinegar is very easy following a series of simple steps.

Garlic with all the flavor
By adding garlic to the casserole, it is possible to stay soft to cook, and give all the flavor they should. If first browned in a skillet and add to the pot when are a few minutes so that the dish is ready the problem will be solved.

Easy Clean microwave Clean the inside with less effort is very useful to introduce a glass of water, a dash of vinegar and another lemon for about four minutes. The steam generated for easy cleaning. Then just pass a cloth.

Peel the beets
The best way is to grab the stem with both hands and divide them in half. Then, remove the fibrous skin from the outside and soaked in cold water to prevent oxidation.

Pears longer
there a way to make sure the pears take longer to go to put in a bowl: the most important thing is that they are positioned with the stem side up and not touching each other.

nutritious vegetables during cooking, some foods such as vegetables lose some of its elements nutritious. Avoiding it is as simple as putting them to boil when the water is already hot (about 100 degrees).

Lamb tastier
A trick to get the leg of lamb is more flavorful when cooked is injected with a syringe white wine or brandy in different areas.

Vinegar flavored
If you develop your own malt vinegar, thyme or any other variety, should be placed in a bottle of wine vinegar herbs. When spending a few days, have picked all the flavor and ready for use.

Odorless garlic
After peeling the garlic, the hands are impregnated with the smell and can be difficult to remove. The easiest thing to do is put your hands under running cold water for a while, without scrubbing. Disappear as if by magic.

Artichokes with good looks
Artichoke, like other foods, is usually black to stay a while in the water. To avoid this, you only have to take a squirt of lemon in the water.

Freeze To freeze beans or garbanzo beans and avoid losing, just keep them soaked overnight, rinsed thoroughly with clean water and leaving them to drain for half an hour . Then placed in airtight bags and put directly into the freezer.

Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pokemon Follow Sprites

This recipe is from my favorite Mexican, Hanako, the few ingredients you have and how rich you are .. there is some small change, but small lol

Ingredients: 2 people - 9PP / serving

satiety Rice .....................
7PP .................. 1 / 2 can of crushed tomato 2 large carrots

90g peas ............... 1pp ............................ 1 Cd
olive oil ............... 3pp ....................
Salsa or other hot chili pepper (optional)

parsley salt


Peel and cut carrots. Place in a pot
tablespoon of oil, heat, add the tomato and parsley, season with salt and cook a few minutes. Add water, twice that of rice or a little more, and bring to boil, reduce heat and add the rice, carrots, peas and a little pepper if desired. Cover and cook until the rice is ready. Print

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dora Birthday Party Invitation Wordings

Mexican Rice Asparagus, for naturally care

This plant has been attributed over the centuries and even aphrodisiacs healing powers, but aside from all that popular tradition which is indisputable is that the studs are a source of health and flavor.

Asparagus comes from Mediterranean lands, and Egyptians and Greeks and incorporated into your diet. However, it was not until Roman times when its use became widespread because of its excellent therapeutic properties. In fact, the Romans themselves were responsible for introducing them into Spain, and the decline of their empire also influenced consumption of this plant decreased significantly. It was not until the year 1300 when his popularity began to grow because, a priori, its supposed medicinal qualities. In the seventeenth century, for example, became a favorite food of the bourgeoisie. In the nineteenth century appears the white variety.


asparagus come from the young and tender stalks of asparagus, a herbaceous plant of the Liliaceae family that reaches five feet in height . This family are also other vegetables such as onions and leeks, but far in flavor and properties. There are two varieties asparagus according to their color, white and green. The first grows underground and wears this shade because direct sunlight failure prevents the action of chlorophyll. Within this group, there are two varieties: the Argentevil and Darbonne. For his part, also called asparagus green asparagus black, bitter or triguero) develops in contact with sunlight and is prized for its taste. In the market it can be found between November and March. Another criteria used to classify the thickness: extra thick (between 14 and 19 mm) thick (11 to 14 mm) medium (9 to 11 mm) and thin, the latter with a smaller size than at 9 mm. It is also possible to distinguish different categories of asparagus on the basis of other parameters such as degree of uniformity or turbidity.

Nutritional properties

Fresh specimens consist mostly of water, and highlights the fact that they are one of the richest vegetable protein fiber. By contrast, the sugar and fat content is very low. Further source of folate and vitamins B, C, EYA, its taste gives the body with important antioxidants. As group minerals,
have significant amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus and iodine, calcium and magnesium as well, although to a lesser extent. Know that white asparagus contain fewer vitamins than green. They also have less esparragina, a substance that is part of the essential oil volatile and is responsible for its particular flavor. And a fact perhaps unknown to many: when eaten asparagus, urine acquires a distinctive odor as a result precisely of asparagine which are removed by the own urine.


When buying fresh asparagus have to select specimens with closed, compact tips, straight stem, firm, without discoloration. Should refuse to submit bruises, or marks. To retain the best way possible, they should be wrapped with a damp cloth in the refrigerator up to three weeks. If placed in a plastic bag, kept only two to three days. And as time passes they are becoming harder, it is more appropriate to consume as soon as possible. Asparagus also supported the freeze, but lose strength after thawing. It is also possible find preserved. The best season for this vegetable consumption takes place during the months of April and May, but thanks to greenhouse crops can buy them and enjoy them throughout the year.


Initially, asparagus was cultivated for its supposed medicinal qualities. In addition, during the Renaissance was thought to be a potent aphrodisiac, so long consumption was banned in the convents.

Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural
