MR Duties posts by Aliesha .
Ingredients: 2 people - 10pp/ración
Rice "satiety" ................ ............................ 7pp
Pineapple natural
1 onion 1
bits of bacon packaging Argal (80g) 1 onion ..... 2pp
1 dash of champagne or white wine failing
2 cts oil ............................................... 2pp ............. 2
light cheeses ............................. .........................
1pp 14g grated Parmesan cheese ................ 1pp .............
Grate the onion and fry with the bacon with a little salt in the oil, add cava, reduce. Add rice, saute and add hot water, two and a half measures of rice.
Cut pineapple into small cubes, when the rice is almost cooked, add the pineapple, cheese, finish cooking and remove from heat. Serve hot.
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