To collect the semen of all this (meaning "semen" and "origin"), I would say that the thing is a ranking of those who wrote server (by collecting spare time, he and years) for the former Now I'm dusting off because I'm ready to do nothing new, however, update this corner. The list goes this time of children who, in partnership, real adventures living as an adult. A review of the arthouse world, the High Literature and most exclusive television, we have these reckless gang to get a bit FETEN .
The "Little Rascals" giving in The Crystal Ball is sure to remember them. And remember, because in our country seasoned, everything arrives on time, in the year and ready to premiere. Come on, that the series was started in the 20's and bought here as "barbecue plump" in 80. Surely some of you remember too well to Spanky, a child with cholesterol Alfalfa, the strand of slime (which in real life, was shot dead at 31 by a gambling debt); Stymie , something like the nephew of Uncle Tom, the cabbage Darla, or the good of "Buckwheat" , speaking strange (and then people say I turned to Whooppi played Golberg, who was lie.)
Hal Roach, producer of some of the successes of Harold Lloyd, he began shooting short films (because, in ancient times, the shorts could be exploited commercially and amortization) of "The Gang" in 1922. At the time of its first operation, the films were from a series entitled "Our Gang" (Our Pandi), although was known as "Hal Roach's Little Rascals" and, of course, were pure Silent Film. Since 1929, he co begins to roll pieces with sound. The package was passed from distributor to distributor until, in 1938 the MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer) was bought, and it took until 1944 . At that time, he came to shoot up to 220 short films and a long, entitled "General Spanky, coming to have a template in total, forty-one child actors, this was because they were getting older and were changing not think of someone having a shoot with forty-one kids.
mid 50's, most of the Roach shorts were sold to television, to be exploited as a series. It was then as they removed the Saxon genitive and renamed simply "Little Rascals." Hal's name disappeared because he no longer had office, and MGM had the rights to the title "Our Gang".
The series was fresh and groundbreaking for several reasons. was the first time in film history (I've put in bold capital letters and if you read Gubern and angry, although I am sure if I want, then throw-) where the child characters were development so long with such screen presence, acting naturalized (almost a sort of actor's studio premature infant). He also had a kind of intention clearly social , all children were lower-class Americans (some with a foot in poverty and others directly be hungry) and was the first production where the protagonist group was composed of both boys as for girls, and by both blacks and whites. This now seems normal, but remember we are talking about the fucking 20's. As for the adventures , because this is about children action, was breathtaking. It was possible to see how the kids thwart thieves or preparing a play for college (as in any number of kids), but that, justifying it with children's dreams and imaginations, as you could see them facing giants, monsters and fantastic creatures varied. Adventure-adventure, come on.
There is another movie, a "new vision" of the characters (and this itself out Whoopi Goldberg, but mother) released in 1994 but set in a sort of timeless and imaginary time, where all " van as the 20", but in fact they be today (well, not today but in 1994 because ... well, it's a mess, damn). In color, of course with another deal, and all the trinkets that you would pose a comedy film sanctimonious yankee (such as "Beethoven, one in the family" or the thing that Simon Birch). There is an Eastern titled "Little Rascals of Kung-Fu" , but in that or we're going to entertain it sure has nothing to do. The present one is simply titled "The Little Rascals" (here called "Little Rascals" ) and tells a story of danger ligth "Where do the" Adventurers "disappears, and is, rather, a movie of" Gangs. "The roll is that kids have created an" Anti-Male Club Women "and the poor Alfalfa, which is a founding member is in love with Darla. Above have stolen a car from those of American children and walk puteados he races. appears antagonistic Alfalfa child, a posh with manners and education, which aims also at the heart of the girl and the trophy cabbage homemade car racing. With his antics and sympathies, recover their stolen car while vex and humiliate the "bad boy".
The movie may obviate the, if you want, but recovers serial (Or at least part), it is worth and, even today, is surprising.

His creations can be separated into three types: a) the stories of pure fantasy and hard, among which the books of Noddy, a man made of wood;

In this regard, we "The Club of Five" , which has nothing to do with John Hughes film . It is by far the most famous series of the author. Julian, Dick, George, Anne and Tim Dog (with pioneering, uh, PAKT Secret and others came later) form a team imbued always ready to solve all kinds of mysterious and complicated cases.
There was a TV series entitled "The Five" to dry (the image on the right, that seems the picture of a book of religion, it is for this production). 24 episodes of 25 minutes each, produced by Television Southstar, issued in 1979 and rehashed in Spain in 87, in La 2 de TVE The TV serial was missing not so now bizarre call : Smugglers, circus artists, strange islands, castles with hidden treasures, old houses with secret passages, teachers ... A little bit of everything, come on.
series "Mysteries of Barney R" (titled and because all the novels beginning with the letter "R") collects the adventures of two brothers adventurous children, Roger and Diana. They are accompanied in his wanderings his cousin "Chatin" (in English, I suppose) with his dog and the boy Cyclone pitchman called Nabe (which in the original Barnabas, will it be a English Gypsy?), With its cute Miranda. There it is.
Then we "The Seven Secrets , which is the name of a private club formed / founded by seven children and seven suns: Peter , something like the boss, her sister Janet , and compis school, Jack, Barbara, Pamela, George and Collin. Sometimes Sussie also plays the sister of Jack, which is something like "bad", a girl who fucks who do not support the club and dedicated time to play balls. also have dog (Scamper) and will be made mola detectives. "The Triumph of the Seven Secrets," "Go ahead, Secret Seven", "Three Cheers for the Seven Secrets ... novels were pure conservative optimism. Frankly, more of the same.
Collection "Secret" well, period, is rather unusual, fascinating and innovative. Well ... no, it's a lie, is the same as the others. Trepidancias tells the children about now call Nora, Peggy, Mike and Jack. With a little more supportive message (though Christian solidarity, eh, not that of Zeistgeist) and with a little humor, but like the other (and equally dispensable.)
Finally to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe craziness of this lady, one should also mention the call "Adventure Series" , where four children live with their parrot Kiki adventures (like a parrot that She was in real life) to help a police inspector Bill Cunningham entrullar sausages. In the end, the tree house with the boy's widowed mother prota. Another "Mystery Series" , which goes something of the same, also with dog, this time helping the nephew of a detective and where the kids call themselves "The Five Inquirers and The Dog." All an amalgam of ideas reused in a spiral of fried. There is another collection of books directly entitled "The Adventures of Enid Blyton" that directly I do not dare to discover what is, but I like to venture to assume that is a kind of meta-fiction adventure, with his own playing Enid the cops. Anyway ...
For this No. 1 ranking, presentation, presentation is said, not necessary. Everyone told too well known film, continue to be released at Christmas, and have seen kids and kids of all generations after its release. There is so much information and useless frikerío on this movie, and winks and references to it in other works.
is one of those Spielberg productions of the 80 . The film premiered in 1985 with overwhelming success. The project idea was Spielberg himself, and the script of the essential (as it relates to childhood adventures) Chris Columbus (which I have always asked me ... that is not "Christopher Columbus" in English?) . The enmarronado to lead the project was Richard Donner, who does not need much introduction. The children were removed from a casting of such as God commands that make the Americans. Some were children of actors, such as where the main character, Sean Astin , son of actors John Astin (Gomez in the series "The Addams Family") and Patty Duke (veteran pro from Russ Meyers Arthur Penn with his own show on TV); Josh Brolin (son of James Brolin, the "Hotel") and Martha Plimpton (the unfortunate former River Phoenix, the daughter of Keith Carradine and Shelley Plimpton). Others came from families not Farandulera, but already had experience, as Jonathan Ke Quan (who had already filmed "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and signed two films as Ke Huy Quan ) or anyone had to his credit a considerable filmography, as the imperative of this ranking ( already The third time he goes ) Corey Feldman, who had been out on TV and doing commercials since he was three. Jeff Cohen (Chunk) and Kerri Green (Andy the Entertainer, who directed a movie indie in 1999 and all) debuted at the show with this movie. From the beginning, Donner, worked with kids from total freedom to improvise and AtoZ metieran morcilleo and expressions of youth, what they call "limited vocabulary" so say many bad words. In place (which who knows if it's true, I never believe anything) that tries at all times that the shooting was as chronological as possible in order to facilitate the kids that predisposition to freshness, and that reaction of children to see the pirate ship is quite real because they were seeing for the first time. Of course, when money left over ...
And that children who do not believe me that the rest of the cast goes to waste. They are out there Joe Pantoliano and Robert Davi , making the Fratelli brothers (is that redundant?), With Anne Ramsey perfidious mother, Mary Ellen Trainor , middle class, making good mother of protos; Lupe Ontiveros in the role of Hispanic maid, who in the Italian dub is Castilian, or Michael Paul Chan, because no other could be the father of Data . Above is cameos of unquestionable interest, such as the Donner own, making police without sentence and Newt Arnold (director of "Bloodsport"), trying to shower in a sequence and not let him. Even Curtis Hanson out, but not the director "8 Mile", is another who is an actor. And enough with the imdb links to that I'm throwing too much nose.
The case is that it was a movie-movie, the kind where you do not notice melt material costs and without mercy. Pop groups of the time did songs for the film and the soundtrack album was among the best sellers of the moment. Among them were "classics" like the Bangles , and even invented a group ex-teachers named Goon Squad. Cindy Lauper, who was then ... not known, the following, recorded two songs for the project. Release The same year brought the single "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" , which included the song "What a Thrill", which also appears in the film. The video for the song Lauper other costs aside, another cock of cathedral proportions (which, above, was very tacky). For a start it was very long, therefore I had 1 and Part 2. The first part premiered on MTV, before the premiere of the film, and the second part later. Amid Spielberg saying crap out in a sort of sketch . Cindy's own mother appears in the piece (by the mother of Cindy and another paper, as of fat-gamma or so), the adorable disappeared Lou Albano father again and appeared to make a scatter of wrestlers wrestling (probably co-Albanian) such as Andre "The Giant" or Roddy Piper "The Piper", apart from making their own pirate Bangles (very beautiful) and some spontaneous. A fucking crazy, and I tell them.
The video had very few planes (too few), was filmed on sets strange, however, had an argument. used in the the animatronic octopus giant, thanks to the Lord, d eshecharon in the film (on the DVD is the sequence deleted from the movie, and here a dissertation on the subject) and is, seen over time, one thing marcianísima and in key North American farce (as I like to refer to the slapstick I do not know if the farce can be yankee ). Here are video part 2 of by way of example, there is a small summary at the beginning and that for two whole sections have to throw many balls, and here If they want, when the movie where the song sounds (with a fakeclip La Lauper done to show the film.) During many interviews, the edge of Lauper reneged on this song, did not sing in any concert since 1986, explaining that it was not incorporated in any of his The Very Best of ... because, literally, "I hate that song." Until 2006, at a concert in Baltimore , interpreted live and chapel. The crowd freaked out so much that even fell to stream mouth (not as with other themes of the concert) and was then tested for their reception, the Cindy began to shove in collections. Dave Grusin handled what they call music score, ie the music of the movie and Nick McLean , photography. Both seasoned cinema workers who later developed his career mainly in television. To "cut and paste", Steven Spielberg took Michael Kahn, its editor usual, if it is true that the Jewish hat also put his hand to his Moviola for its own account (yes, so uncredited) . I guess so, the movie would have a bit of "tone Spielberg."
The argument need not develop much, because you all have seen. A gang of adventurous children because a rich guy goes fucking going to buy their houses Astorga (Astorga, USA; not Astorga, Castilla y León) and will deshalojar for golf courses. Then find the pirate treasure map that shows where Guille "The Eye", pirate plundering English (in the dubbed version, like the maid, will be changed nationality and Willie renamed "The Eye") has hidden their loot. The boys will have to find the treasure, while the wicked robbers fleeing Fratelli and colleagues are of teratomorfo Sloth (which is the character that cries so much and it seems the Hunchback of Nottr Damme, who everyone calls "The One loj'Gunis" or directly "The gunis"), deformed son of 'Ma' Fratelli, battered and disfigured by (mean) multiple drops.
This same argument was the video game for NES "The Goonies" released for sale in the same 1985. A second part "The Goonies II" also Nintendo, 1987, included a new argument by way of continuation, where the Goonies have been kidnapped and we must rescue. Server property was in this sequel and recalls with nostalgia the electronic version of Temon 8 bits of Lauper, while Mickey killing bad guys with a yo-yo. Besides killing Fratelli brothers, who were not two, but a hundred thousand, you will face snakes, skeletons of angel (seriously) and other sharp graphics perfidy.
Sequel also intended to be comics. A project launched in 2007, written and edited by Donner himself (who was a publisher and all) and drawn by Matt Haley . The miniseries, which extends for several numbers, is called "Goonies: The Search for Sloth" (The Search for Sloth) and features the adventures of the lads looking for the monster, which has gone the same day that The Fratellis released from prison. Amid all this, will see the origin of Sloth (is it a hoax at the falls of childhood and 'Ma' Fratelli it rode with his brother?) Everything happens now, not in 85, but the characters do not have grown and aged, are exactly the same (this happens a lot in the world of comics), only a little more cache, but for years have diverged and are now coming together again. Cover of the first issue, we anticipate Chunk is unrecognizable Data that has been done with Marichalar Technology and the drawing is calcadito Plimpton it, do not you think?
This comic has course, finally, the final format in which they have continued the vicissitudes of Mickey, Big Mouth, Data, Chunk and others. The feature film "Goonies 2" was long cherished and concocted. That they do in Hollywood to write and rewrite, to go round and round on the same subject and then happen. Never initiated the preproduction of the film as, words of Richard Donner, "did not show any script that would convince all concerned" . He even tried a series of animation. Cartoon Network and Donner's Society worked on a cartoon version for television, which would collect the adventures of the kids over there where the movie ends. Thought even include the first film footage thrown during the writing process. The project was cut short as well, differences between Cartoon Network and the rights of image / voice actors, I guess, would like more pasta.
And a little more to tell. The rest of curiosities and friquerío I guess they checked it down pat. Two personal assessments, though: the Plimpton was a myth erotic for me for years. His plane, the first appearance by removing the head of a drum semiandrógina Water Street, is sexual unbearably (yes, I know that the girl was younger, but when that, I was more so.) The other assessment is about (against) one of the inventions of Data, which I thought and I still think bullshit too large, the jaw joke whose bite can bite into the hard rock and support the weight of several kids who have already left the infant age.
And this is the end, nothing more. I commend to see previous releases to digest it all gang action in a more compact. Even better, do not read it all, that they can fill your head with shit and then you do not work for ordinary life.
instrúyanles have many children and the adventure. Molara.
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