After a time when heavy meals have taken center stage in our diet, many people begin to worry about how they sit or bikini swimsuit when summer comes in a few months and rely on subsistence called "miracle" to achieve a figure pretty quickly. But they are not aware of is the double standards of these diets.
Each year, after the Christmas season, are broadcast on television or through fashion magazines and feeding dozens of "miracle diets" that promote rapid weight loss without effort, view of the arrival of warmer weather and summer when everyone wants to go to the beach wearing a bikini figure or swimsuit. It is classically called "Operation Bikini". But actually, these diets are generally not supervised by specialists in nutrition, lead to a severe restriction of energy intake and lead to vitamin and mineral deficiency and metabolic disorders.
Given the decreased intake of essential nutrients, the body responds by destroying proteins as an alternative source of energy. The bulk of the weight lost on these diets initially corresponds to muscle mass and water it contains. Sometimes these diets are associated the use of diuretics to remove more liquid.
Moreover, this type of regimes are characterized by a rebound effect "or" yo "so quickly recovered the lost weight. This mechanism occurs when the yield increase body metabolism, with increased energy savings and increased appetite, which is raised as a defense mechanism against the decrease of food intake. This process leads to rapid weight regain in turns to eat regularly.
The recovered weight is mainly due to formation of fatty tissue, so that the end result to be obtained result exactly opposite to what we were looking for when we decided to start making diet.
Main types of diet miracle

can distinguish three types of diets miracles: first are the unbalanced calorie diets, which often very restrictive in terms of energy intake, monotonous and major nutrient deficiency, especially if prolonged in time. Particularly favor the rebound with a rapid increase in weight and body fat mass and loss diets muscular.Entre best known of this type are the Mayo Clinic diet, diet "take half", the Gourmet diet, diet or zero of the artichoke.
Other diets are dissociative , based on the theory that weight gain produced by the food does not occur by themselves but when combined with each other. This theory has no scientific basis .. Among the best known diets of this type are: dissociated diet Hay, Shelton diet, or diet Montignac diet of Hollywood.
Finally, we find exclusive diets, based on eliminating from the diet a particular nutrient. They can be very harmful to health, causing severe alterations in metabolism. For more information about potentially harmful dietary health
consult the website of the Ministry of Health, www.aesan.msc.es
Things to consider

When dieting there are some things to be taken into account to ensure you get the result that was sought and that, in turn, help them cope better the ever-tedious task of giving up some small pleasures:
• To lose weight is not enough lead a healthy and balanced diet. You must also perform exercise, especially aerobic mind, which increases the intake of fat, strengthens bones and muscles and improve cardiovascular health.
• Serves small and medium-sized servings of each dish, especially those that provide more calories and can increase the amount if it is fruit or vegetable.
• Do not chop between meals, and that you will achieve the opposite effect you're looking for will not be hungry at mealtime. • Performs well
5 meals a day, without skipping any even if you're really hungry. This prevents overeating at the next meal or tempted to snack between meals.
• Drink plenty of water. It is a healthy habit and increases satiety, so you avoid having the feeling that you are starving because of the diet.
Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural
Dr. Marta Diaz doctor who specializes in cardiology.
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