Gout is a disease caused by excessive intake of animal protein, which which causes production of excess uric acid, which accumulates in the blood and form crystals that if we perceive as "needle" in our extremities or joints .
just spent a time of abundant food in fat but rich in protein. Over a lunch or dinner has ended with an attack drop in the emergency clinic or hospital.
just spent a time of abundant food in fat but rich in protein. Over a lunch or dinner has ended with an attack drop in the emergency clinic or hospital.
What is clear is that there are few conditions that respond well to diet modification. So limit consumption of foods rich in protein, fat and refined sugars and eliminate alcohol to stem the production of uric acid. To speed it up, we eat at least 200 grams of cherries per day, which helps reduce much uric acid levels and prevent gout attacks.
As it is not surprising that gout attacks are accompanied by kidney stones, it is advisable to take dietary measures against these también. Para evitar la gota, hay que eliminar de la dieta los mariscos, la sardina, el atún, el hígado, el pavo, el consomé de carne, los embutidos, las vísceras y carnes rojas en general, así como la nata y la manteca.
As it is not surprising that gout attacks are accompanied by kidney stones, it is advisable to take dietary measures against these también. Para evitar la gota, hay que eliminar de la dieta los mariscos, la sardina, el atún, el hígado, el pavo, el consomé de carne, los embutidos, las vísceras y carnes rojas en general, así como la nata y la manteca.
La eliminación rápida del ácido úrico requiere que la orina se haga alcalina, para lo que hay que tomar muchas frutas y hortalizas ricas en acido cítrico: naranjas, kiwi o brócoli. Por otra parte, es bueno aumentar el consumo de frutos que ayudan a diluir los uratos en la orina como las cerezas, las moras y las zarzamoras. Además, el consumo de vitaminas, especialmente la A C y E es muy recomendable, mas aun si se hace ejercicio, bring it favors the oxidation process debuggers.
Among the vegetables, avoid asparagus, tomato, spinach, mushrooms and cauliflower. If it is milk, custard, curd and whole milk. As for sauces, mayonnaise and aioli. It is also good moderate poultry, white fish and vegetables.
varied diet, although selecctiva

may seem a very restrictive diet, the truth is that you can eat foods from all groups, although selectively ignoring some of them. The only constant is to eliminate the most red meat and take at least 2 pints of water to three days.
Among the vegetables, preferably should I eat carrots, beets, celery, onion, garlic, cucumber, especially in the form of raw celery salad. Freedom can be taken with meals, pasta, rice, preferably integral for its rich in fiber.
Dairy products, skim milk and vegetables, how much once a week. The same frequency for chicken, white meat or white fish. As for fruits, better to choose the banana, grapes, persimmons, figs, dried figs, orange, grapefruit, mandarin, lemon, watermelon and cantaloupe.
The eating pattern that promotes the formation of stones is typical of a sedentary person. Therefore, moderate exercise helps to maintain the chemical environment favorable for dilute urine without crystallization. Ideally, spend half hour a day of running, cycling or just walking briskly.
Obesity further increases the production of uric acid, so it is important to maintain weight control. For this, the combination of varied diet and exercise are the best recipe. Only then can we escape the image of wealthy obese, in a fit of sorrow for the heavy Christmas dinner, typical of many jokes at this time.
Food especially recommended

GREEN VEGETABLES All kinds of vegetables, preferably raw lettuce , asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, carrots. Tomatoes and peppers are the most vitamin C contribute etc.

Pasta, whole grain flakes, to be rich in bran. Bread, graham crackers. Choose preferably sugar-free.

Whitefish (hake, sea bass, monkfish) 0 Blue (salmon, sardines, mackerel). Vegetables such as peas, lentils, alibi, especially if they join the rice or vegetable items.

Eliminate red meat to the fullest. If it is not possible, it is best to eat turkey or chicken, but in small proportions.
banana, grapes, persimmons, figs, dried figs, orange, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, watermelon or melon . Help debugging. Cherries and blackberries, at least 200 grams a day.
• Eliminate alcohol, coffee, snuff and refined sugar and bakery products.
• Drink a minimum of two to three liters of fluid a day.
• Exercise regularly and moderately. With half an hour a day running or going by bike is enough.
Source: Cooking Healthy and Natural
Peter L. Gonzales doctor who specializes in preventive medicine and journalism.
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