Pedalada Ártabra 2011, today's impressive road which, although theoretically we have roads that but there is always some variant shot, which never ceases to amaze, and not pleasantly. We congratulate the CC Riazor for the organization, marking the route and of course, by the performance they had with the many injured. I do not remember a route with many falls, from mine that it was not until of the Cheo (the most concern), who from here I send a lot of courage, but with almost all the comrades who chat at the end of the road, had a mishap. So I think this year we will remember most from falls sustained, that travel and spectacular day we had.
The total distance was 36 km approximately, and the most significant difference with respect to previous editions were the last 7 km, in which there was a drop in the ass to lay back, but was lowered and down, that if the wheels almost locked, the inertia to the rest.
At the end of the route, the shower for warm ¿??, Food and fellowship as not, collect more numerous club trophy.
Indeed, we already have two trophies jejjeje.
Chairman is worth considering buying a display case, rather large, it will not be the last.
As a picture is worth a thousand words, I leave the following.
ARTABROS 27/02/2011
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